与 SML 相比,Isabelle foldl 的行为

behaviour of Isabelle foldl compared to SML

作为 Isabelle 的初学者,我尝试根据标准 ML 实现从 rosettacode.org 100 doors 中转录一个简单的编程任务。

我检查了这个 online SML interpreter 中的 SML 代码,尤其是 foldl 的调用,它工作正常。

在应用 Isabelle 的 foldl 时,我收到函数 run 的 'Type unification failed' 错误,这是意外的,因为我试图非常仔细地转录 SML 原件。 有什么问题的提示吗?非常感谢!


theory "100_doors"
  imports Main

datatype Door = Closed | Opened
fun toggle :: "Door ⇒ Door" where
"    toggle Closed = Opened" |
"    toggle Opened = Closed"

fun runs :: "nat ⇒ nat list" where
 "runs n = upt 1 (n+1) "
value "(runs 3)"

(* functions using tuples *)
fun initial_doors :: "nat ⇒ (nat * Door) list" where
 "initial_doors m = map (λn. (n, Closed)) (runs m)"
value "(initial_doors 3)"

(* tuple of number_of_doors and a list of index_door tuples *)
fun pass :: "nat * ((nat * Door) list) ⇒ (nat * Door) list" where
" pass (step, doors) = 
   map (λ(index, door). (
    if (index mod step) = 0
    then (index, toggle door)
    else (index, door)
value "pass (2, (initial_doors 2))"

fun run :: "nat ⇒ (nat * Door) list" where
  "run number_of_doors = foldl pass
    ( initial_doors number_of_doors )
    ( runs number_of_doors )"


Type unification failed: Clash of types "_ list" and "_ ⇒ _"

Type error in application: incompatible operand type

Operator:  foldl ::
  (nat × (nat × Door) list ⇒ ??'a ⇒ nat × (nat × Door) list)
  ⇒ nat × (nat × Door) list ⇒ ??'a list ⇒ nat × (nat × Door) list
Operand:   pass :: nat × (nat × Door) list ⇒ (nat × Door) list


foldl_Nil:  "foldl f a [] = a" |
foldl_Cons: "foldl f a (x # xs) = foldl f (f a x) xs"

使用 SML:foldl f init [x1, x2, ..., xn] returns f(xn,...,f(x2, f(x1, init))...) 或 init 如果列表为空。

它们很接近,但请注意,在 SML 中,f 取一对。在 Isabelle 中,f 的参数是柯里化的。您需要相应地重新定义 pass