为 Dart 查找英语单词同义词的包

Package to find synonyms of english words for Dart

你知道为 Dart 语言查找英语单词同义词的软件包吗?

例如类似于 NLTK 的东西 python 就完美了。

希望有人能帮助我 谢谢:)

这些字是我随便写的 不然它不会让我 post我这些字是随便写的 不然它不会让我 post我这些字是随便写的 不然它会赢不要让我post我随便写这些字不然不会让我post



Lemmatizer for text in English. Inspired by Python's nltk.corpus.reader.wordnet.morphy



This package implements a stemming algorithm in Dart. Currently, it supports PorterStemmer and SnowballStemmer. It is a port of the exceptional Python NLTK library.

oxford_dictionary - 您需要 api 密钥,因此基于此我认为这是一项付费服务​​。

The Oxford Dictionaries API offers an easy way to access powerful lexical data (words, definitions, translations, audio pronunciations, synonyms, antonyms, parts of speech, and more) to use in your apps and websites.

如果您不着急的话:Chaquopy Flutter plugin 计划在未来支持 NLTK 库。正如描述中所说 - 它仅在 Android.


This is a chaquopy plugin to run python code on android. This is the simplest version, where you can write you code and run it.
