PostgreSQL - Select 个带有特定标签的项目,但在结果中保留所有标签
PostgreSQL - Select items with certain tags, but keep all tags in the result
我的标签搜索有问题,数据库正确 returns 包含标签的图像,但所有其他标签都被删除了。我将所有标签存储在单独的 table“标签映射”中。
这是我搜索“tag1”的结果(图片实际上有比 tag1 更多的标签):
[{"postID": 1, "images": {"imageID": 1, "tags": ["tag1"]}}]
[{"postID": 1, "images": {"imageID": 1, "tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]}}]
WITH image_tags AS (
SELECT images."post id", json_build_object (
'imageID', images."image id",
'tags', json_agg("tag map".tag)
) AS image,
FROM images
JOIN "tag map" ON images."image id" = "tag map"."image id"
WHERE "tag map".tag = ALL ()
GROUP BY images."post id", images."image id"
SELECT posts."post id" AS "postID", json_agg(image_tags.image) AS images
FROM posts
JOIN image_tags ON posts."post id" = image_tags."post id"
GROUP BY posts."post id"
答案是将其组合成一个子查询,然后使用 WHERE。我更改了 table 结构,因此查询与 OP 中的有所不同。
SELECT posts.*, json_agg(DISTINCT images.*) AS images, array_agg(DISTINCT "tag map".tag) AS tags
FROM posts
JOIN images ON posts."postID" = images."postID"
JOIN "tag map" ON posts."postID" = "tag map"."postID"
GROUP BY posts."postID"
) AS posts
WHERE tags @>
我的标签搜索有问题,数据库正确 returns 包含标签的图像,但所有其他标签都被删除了。我将所有标签存储在单独的 table“标签映射”中。
这是我搜索“tag1”的结果(图片实际上有比 tag1 更多的标签):
[{"postID": 1, "images": {"imageID": 1, "tags": ["tag1"]}}]
[{"postID": 1, "images": {"imageID": 1, "tags": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]}}]
WITH image_tags AS (
SELECT images."post id", json_build_object (
'imageID', images."image id",
'tags', json_agg("tag map".tag)
) AS image,
FROM images
JOIN "tag map" ON images."image id" = "tag map"."image id"
WHERE "tag map".tag = ALL ()
GROUP BY images."post id", images."image id"
SELECT posts."post id" AS "postID", json_agg(image_tags.image) AS images
FROM posts
JOIN image_tags ON posts."post id" = image_tags."post id"
GROUP BY posts."post id"
答案是将其组合成一个子查询,然后使用 WHERE。我更改了 table 结构,因此查询与 OP 中的有所不同。
SELECT posts.*, json_agg(DISTINCT images.*) AS images, array_agg(DISTINCT "tag map".tag) AS tags
FROM posts
JOIN images ON posts."postID" = images."postID"
JOIN "tag map" ON posts."postID" = "tag map"."postID"
GROUP BY posts."postID"
) AS posts
WHERE tags @>