如何使用 LLVM 中的新通道管理器 运行 别名分析 (AAManager)

How to run alias analysis (AAManager) with the new pass manager in LLVM

我正在尝试在为 LLVM 中的新传递管理器编写的传递中使用别名分析。

  PreservedAnalyses run(Module &m, ModuleAnalysisManager &mam) {
    auto &aa = mam.getResult<AAManager>(m);

    analysis(aa, m);

    return PreservedAnalyses::all();


Assertion `AnalysisPasses.count(PassT::ID()) && "This analysis pass was not registered prior to being queried"' failed.

我找不到有关如何执行此操作的任何文档。我最接近解决方案的是邮件列表中的 this question,但回复并不是很有帮助。



来自 LLVM 的新 pass 管理器页面:

The analysis manager only provides analysis results for the same IR type as what the pass runs on. For example, a function pass receives an analysis manager that only provides function-level analyses.


  PreservedAnalyses run(Module &m, ModuleAnalysisManager &mam) {
    // Get the functional analysis manager from the module analysis manager
    // which has access to the function level analyses
    FunctionAnalysisManager &fam =

    assert(not fam.empty());

    // Iterate over each function and get the Alias Analysis for that 
    // particular function
    for (auto fi = m.begin(); fi != m.end(); ++fi) {
      auto demangledName = demangleSym(fi->getName().str());
      auto &aam = fam.getResult<AAManager>(*fi);
      analyseFunc(aam, *fi);