Uncaught Error: TypeError: 100: type 'JSInt' is not a subtype of type 'String'

Uncaught Error: TypeError: 100: type 'JSInt' is not a subtype of type 'String'

void main() {
 String num = "50";
  int quantity = 2;
  num = (int.parse(num) * quantity) as String;
  print("num is "+num);



// Assume the intial value of 
// item.quantity = 1, item.cost = 20


item.cost = (int.parse(item.cost) * item.quantity) as String;


expected result item.cost = 40 
generated result is 2020

通过使用 toString 您可以创建一个新的 String 值。通过转换 as T 你告诉编译器你想要一个未知值作为 T 值。

void main() {
 String numer = "50";
  int quantity = 2;
  numer = (num.parse(numer) * quantity).toString();
  print("sum is $numer"); // sum is 100

Note: avoid use names which is reserved by system to avoid conflict.