PureScript - 实例声明中出现的所有类型必须采用 T a_1 .. a_n 形式

PureScript - All types appearing in instance declarations must be of the form T a_1 .. a_n

考虑以下 PureScript 代码块,它定义了一个 showCustomer 类型 class。

module Main where

import Prelude
import Effect 
import Effect.Console 

class Show a where
  show :: a -> String

type Customer = {
  name :: String

customer :: Customer
customer = {
  name : "Daniel Stern"

instance showCustomer :: Show Customer where
  show a = "A customer"


Type class instance head is invalid due to use of type
    ( name :: String
All types appearing in instance declarations must be of the form T a_1 .. a_n, where each type a_i is of the same form, unless the type is fully determined by other type class arguments via functional dependencies.


  1. 如果传递给 show 的值是 Customer 类型,如何创建记录“客户”的 showCustomer 方法?

  2. 错误是什么意思?

type 只是一个类型同义词(就像 c 中的 typedef)。所以在编译过程中,

 customer :: Customer 


customer ::  {name :: String}



newtype Customer = MkCustomer {
  name :: String

customer :: Customer
customer = MkCustomer { name : "Daniel Stern"}

instance showCustomer :: Show Customer where
  show (MkCustomer customer) = customer.name


错误的字面意思是它所说的:实例头必须看起来像 T x y z,而你的看起来像 { name :: String }

根本原因是 PureScript 不支持记录实例。对不起,运气不好。没办法。

如果您希望您的类型具有实例,它们必须是 newtypedata,例如:

newtype Customer = Customer { name :: String }

但这有其自身的缺点:Customer 不再是记录,这意味着您不能再通过点访问其字段。你必须先打开类型才能得到包裹在里面的记录,然后你才能访问它的字段:

c = Customer { name: "John" }

doesntWork = c.name

works = let (Customer x) = c in x.name

-- also works:
getName :: Customer -> String
getName (Customer x) = x.name

还有一种(稍微)更短的方法可以使用 Newtype class:

import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap)

newtype Customer = Customer { name :: String }
derive instance Newtype Customer _

c :: Customer
c = Customer { name: "John" }

john :: String
john = (unwrap c).name