Python Django API 部署冲突
Conflict on Python Django API Deployment
拜托,我是 Python 和 Django 的新手,一位朋友(非开发人员)就在 digitalocean 上部署 Django 与我联系。我已经尝试解决我的一些问题,但不明白如何解决最新的问题:
The conflict is caused by:
The user requested Django==2.2.16
django-cors-headers 3.2.1 depends on Django>=1.11
django-filter 2.0.0 depends on Django>=1.11
django-phonenumber-field 4.0.0 depends on Django>=1.11.3
django-rest-knox 3.0.3 depends on django
django-rq 2.3.2 depends on django>=2.0
djangorestframework 3.11.1 depends on django>=1.11
drf-yasg 1.20.0 depends on Django>=2.2.16
django-rest-logger 1.0.4 depends on Django<=2.2 and >=1.11
To fix this you could try to:
1. loosen the range of package versions you've specified
2. remove package versions to allow pip attempt to solve the dependency conflict
ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit
ERROR: failed to build: exit status 1
The user requested Django==2.2.16
,但 django-rest-logger 1.0.4 depends on Django<=2.2 and >=1.11
。正如错误消息所建议的那样,您应该将 Django
版本从 2.2.16 放松到 2.2 或卸载 django-rest-logger
拜托,我是 Python 和 Django 的新手,一位朋友(非开发人员)就在 digitalocean 上部署 Django 与我联系。我已经尝试解决我的一些问题,但不明白如何解决最新的问题:
The conflict is caused by:
The user requested Django==2.2.16
django-cors-headers 3.2.1 depends on Django>=1.11
django-filter 2.0.0 depends on Django>=1.11
django-phonenumber-field 4.0.0 depends on Django>=1.11.3
django-rest-knox 3.0.3 depends on django
django-rq 2.3.2 depends on django>=2.0
djangorestframework 3.11.1 depends on django>=1.11
drf-yasg 1.20.0 depends on Django>=2.2.16
django-rest-logger 1.0.4 depends on Django<=2.2 and >=1.11
To fix this you could try to:
1. loosen the range of package versions you've specified
2. remove package versions to allow pip attempt to solve the dependency conflict
ERROR: ResolutionImpossible: for help visit
ERROR: failed to build: exit status 1
我已经尝试访问该地址,但不知道如何处理所提供的信息。 请帮帮我
The user requested Django==2.2.16
,但 django-rest-logger 1.0.4 depends on Django<=2.2 and >=1.11
。正如错误消息所建议的那样,您应该将 Django
版本从 2.2.16 放松到 2.2 或卸载 django-rest-logger