在 C++ 中测试 deep/shallow 副本时析构函数无法解释的行为

destructor's unexplained behavior while testing deep/shallow copy in C++

class String
    char* ptr;
    String(const String& s1)
       int len = strlen(s1.ptr);
       ptr = new char[len+1];
    String(char* c)
      int len = strlen(c);
       ptr = new char[len+1];
      delete[] ptr;
    void display()

int main()
String s("Waqar"); String* s2  =&s;
String s1(s);
delete s2;

直到倒数第二行delete s2都没有问题。在调试时,它会抛出一个错误,导致未知信号的影响,并且永远不会执行 s1.display()。 作为菜鸟,我正在用 C++ 测试深拷贝和浅拷贝概念,因此写了这个垃圾。 我哪里错了?

s2 指向 s。它是一个指针,根本不是一个副本(浅表或其他)。 new 从未为其分配任何内存。因此,当您尝试删除 s2 时,您是在要求程序释放堆栈上不受 new/delete 管理的内存。在这种情况下不要 delete s2。这是一个错误。您的析构函数在这里没有错。

这是一个示例程序,详细说明了析构函数的执行方式和时间 调用了不同的点,只有 delete 分配给 new 的内存。

// declare `copy`, but do not initialise it just yet. We want to
// initialise it from `s` (which is not yet declared)
String* copy;
    // declare and initialise `s`, and copy "Wagner" into s.ptr
    String s("Wagner");
    // create a new String on the heap, initialised from `s`
    // this is a deep copy because of how you wrote String(String&)
    copy = new String(s);
    // `s` falls out of scope at the end of this block
    // this means that s.~String() is invoked
// `copy` is unaffected as it was declared in the outer scope, 
// and because it is a deep copy. Had it been a shallow copy
// then it would be broken as its `char* ptr` would not be valid
// any more.
// copy->~String() is invoked when copy is deleted
delete copy;