The arithmetic operation can overflow 是否有可能导致算术溢出?

The arithmetic operation can overflow is it possible to cause an arithmetic overflow?

我想为以下合约函数提供一些可能溢出的建议。断言或要求输入吐回“ParserError: Expected ',' but got identifier assert (uint i = 0; i < _index + 1; i++) {"

我倾向于 require 实现,因为在合同开始时已经导入了安全的数学库。我见过许多具有相同实现的不同合同,但在确定正确方法时遇到了一些问题。非常感谢您的帮助。


可能会导致算术溢出。通过使用必需的 () 语句或用于整数算术运算的 OpenZeppelin SafeMath 库限制输入来防止溢出。参考为此问题生成的事务跟踪以重现溢出


[重现此漏洞的说明(测试用例 1)]

contract FreezableToken is StandardToken {
    // freezing chains
    mapping (bytes32 => uint64) internal chains;
    // freezing amounts for each chain
    mapping (bytes32 => uint) internal freezings;
    // total freezing balance per address
    mapping (address => uint) internal freezingBalance;

    event Freezed(address indexed to, uint64 release, uint amount);
    event Released(address indexed owner, uint amount);

     * @dev Gets the balance of the specified address include freezing tokens.
     * @param _owner The address to query the the balance of.
     * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address.
    function balanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) {
        return super.balanceOf(_owner) + freezingBalance[_owner];

     * @dev Gets the balance of the specified address without freezing tokens.
     * @param _owner The address to query the the balance of.
     * @return An uint256 representing the amount owned by the passed address.
    function actualBalanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) {
        return super.balanceOf(_owner);

    function freezingBalanceOf(address _owner) public view returns (uint256 balance) {
        return freezingBalance[_owner];

     * @dev gets freezing count
     * @param _addr Address of freeze tokens owner.
    function freezingCount(address _addr) public view returns (uint count) {
        uint64 release = chains[toKey(_addr, 0)];
        while (release != 0) {
            release = chains[toKey(_addr, release)];

     * @dev gets freezing end date and freezing balance for the freezing portion specified by index.
     * @param _addr Address of freeze tokens owner.
     * @param _index Freezing portion index. It ordered by release date descending.
    function getFreezing(address _addr, uint _index) public view returns (uint64 _release, uint _balance) {
        for (uint i = 0; i < _index + 1; i++) { **<- Error Here ``< _index + 1; i++)``**
            _release = chains[toKey(_addr, _release)];
            if (_release == 0) {
        _balance = freezings[toKey(_addr, _release)];

     * @dev freeze your tokens to the specified address.
     *      Be careful, gas usage is not deterministic,
     *      and depends on how many freezes _to address already has.
     * @param _to Address to which token will be freeze.
     * @param _amount Amount of token to freeze.
     * @param _until Release date, must be in future.
    function freezeTo(address _to, uint _amount, uint64 _until) public {
        require(_to != address(0));
        require(_amount <= balances[msg.sender]);

        balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_amount);

        bytes32 currentKey = toKey(_to, _until);
        freezings[currentKey] = freezings[currentKey].add(_amount);
        freezingBalance[_to] = freezingBalance[_to].add(_amount);

        freeze(_to, _until);
        emit Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _amount);
        emit Freezed(_to, _until, _amount);

     * @dev release first available freezing tokens.
    function releaseOnce() public {
        bytes32 headKey = toKey(msg.sender, 0);
        uint64 head = chains[headKey];
        require(head != 0);
        require(uint64(block.timestamp) > head);
        bytes32 currentKey = toKey(msg.sender, head);

        uint64 next = chains[currentKey];

        uint amount = freezings[currentKey];

        balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].add(amount);
        freezingBalance[msg.sender] = freezingBalance[msg.sender].sub(amount);

        if (next == 0) {
        } else {
            chains[headKey] = next;
        emit Released(msg.sender, amount);

     * @dev release all available for release freezing tokens. Gas usage is not deterministic!
     * @return how many tokens was released
    function releaseAll() public returns (uint tokens) {
        uint release;
        uint balance;
        (release, balance) = getFreezing(msg.sender, 0);
        while (release != 0 && block.timestamp > release) {
            tokens += balance;
            (release, balance) = getFreezing(msg.sender, 0);

    function toKey(address _addr, uint _release) internal pure returns (bytes32 result) {
        // WISH masc to increase entropy
        result = 0x5749534800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
        assembly {
         result := or(result, mul(_addr, 0x10000000000000000))
         result := or(result, and(_release, 0xffffffffffffffff))

    function freeze(address _to, uint64 _until) internal {
        require (_until > block.timestamp);
        bytes32 key = toKey(_to, _until);
        bytes32 parentKey = toKey(_to, uint64(0));
        uint64 next = chains[parentKey];

        if (next == 0) {
            chains[parentKey] = _until;

        bytes32 nextKey = toKey(_to, next);
        uint parent;

        while (next != 0 && _until > next) {
            parent = next;
            parentKey = nextKey;

            next = chains[nextKey];
            nextKey = toKey(_to, next);

        if (_until == next) {

        if (next != 0) {
            chains[key] = next;

        chains[parentKey] = _until;



假设您使用的是低于 0.8.0 的 Solidity 版本,for 循环定义在理论上容易受到整数溢出的影响。但前提是 _index 为 2^256,即 uint 的最大值。该值会使 _index + 1 表达式溢出。

仅导入 SafeMath 库是不够的。您还需要使用它的功能而不是原生算术运算来防止溢出。

contract FreezableToken is StandardToken {
    // allows to use functions of the library on `uint` type
    using SafeMath for uint;

    function getFreezing() public {
        // use the `add()` function of the library instead of the `+` operation
        for (uint i = 0; i < _index.add(1); i = i.add(1)) {

或者升级到 Solidity 版本 0.8+,检查语言级别的溢出,这样您就不必使用 SafeMath 库了。