Python 以逗号和方括号分隔的数据透视列

Python pivot column with comma and bracket separated


ID Region Noun
1 North America [('Everything', 'NP'), ('the product','NP'), ('it','NP')]
2 North America [('beautiful product','NP')]

第三列包含名词短语,每个短语都有标签(两个大写字母)。 这些都是引号,然后加上括号,再放在方括号里,让我很难分开和旋转。

我只想旋转最后一列 ,因此最终输出将如下所示:

ID Region Noun Type
1 North America everything NP
1 North America the product NP
1 North America it NP
2 North America beautiful product NP

烦人的是有些行的括号比其他行多。 有什么方法可以在 Python 上实现吗?

我假设您在 Noun 列中有字符串。您可以对它们应用 ast.literal_eval 以将它们转换为 Python 列表:

from ast import literal_eval

# apply if Noun are strings, skip otherwise
df["Noun"] = df["Noun"].apply(literal_eval)

df = df.explode("Noun")
df[["Noun", "Type"]] = df["Noun"].apply(pd.Series)


   ID         Region               Noun Type
0   1  North America         Everything   NP
0   1  North America        the product   NP
0   1  North America                 it   NP
1   2  North America  beautiful product   NP


df2 = df.explode('Noun').reset_index(drop=True)
df2[['ID','Region']].join(pd.DataFrame(df2['Noun'].tolist(),columns = ['Noun','Type']))


   ID         Region               Noun Type
0   1  North America         Everything   NP
1   1  North America        the product   NP
2   1  North America                 it   NP
3   2  North America  beautiful product   NP