尝试使用递归子项使哈希集动态化以从 Mudblazor 填充 Treeview

Trying to make a hashset dynamic with recursive children to populate a Treeview from Mudblazor

我在尝试从 Mudblazor 填充 Mudtree 时遇到问题。


protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
    Devices = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<Device>>("https://localhost:8443/api/device");
    DeviceGroups = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<List<DeviceGroup>>("https://localhost:8443/api/group");

    TreeItemData rootTreeItem = new TreeItemData("Root", Icons.Filled.Computer)
            IsExpanded = true

    rootTreeItem.TreeItems = new HashSet<TreeItemData>() { };
    foreach (var group in DeviceGroups)
        if (group.ChildGroups != null)
            foreach (DeviceGroup childgroup in group.ChildGroups)

                rootTreeItem.TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemData(group.Name, Icons.Filled.Computer)
                        IsExpanded = true,
                        TreeItems = new HashSet<TreeItemData>()
                        new TreeItemData(childgroup.Name, Icons.Filled.Computer)
                            IsExpanded = true,

        else if (group.ParentGroup != null)

            rootTreeItem.TreeItems.Add(new TreeItemData(group.Name, Icons.Filled.Computer));




Mudblazor Mudtree showing the items all being main groups

我必须使用哈希集,因为我将数据绑定到来自 Mudblazor 的 Treeview。期望的结果将是这样的:

Image showing the Treeview with recursive children


Image showing the database relations with the parent group IDs

我无法计算出你的 parent-first 从你的数据库(一个无组织的列表)构建你的树的策略。如果您不打算让数据库以合适的方式对您的数据进行排序(例如,每个 parent 在 children 之前遇到),您将需要处理“确保parent 存在于客户端的 child" 之前。将所有节点加载到可以查找它们的内存中可能是最简单的,然后 运行 再次在它们之上建立节点之间的连接。

var map = new Dictionary<Guid, TreeItemData>();

//make a root note (the data in the db doesn't contain it)
map[Guid.Empty] = new TreeItemData("Root", Icons.Filled.Computer){ IsExpanded = true, TreeItems = new() };

var nodes = get_nodes_from_db....

//create a map that knows about every node in the data and maps to a TreeItemData
foreach(var node in nodes)
    map[node.GroupId] = new TreeItemData(node.Name, Icons.Filled.Computer){ IsExpanded = true, TreeItems = new() };

//now we know about every node, we can link parents to children
foreach(var node in nodes)

第一个循环通过其 ID 创建每个节点。然后第二个循环可以确保任何给定的 ParentId 确实存在于地图中,因此它可以直接访问它,并将当前 TreeItem 添加为 child of that parent treeitem

本质上 map 是从 GroupId 到 TreeItemData 的索引,因此很容易说“查找此 parent X,然后将此 child Y 添加到 X 的 child仁
