缺少 Microsoft 的 Azure 权限。Web/sites/host/properties/read

Azure permission missing Microsoft.Web/sites/host/properties/read

由于我在日志中看到错误,我正在尝试向 Azure 角色添加以下权限 - Microsoft.Web/sites/host/properties/read。但是,我在编辑角色定义时找不到要应用的权限。有什么想法吗?

很高兴 JakeUT 您使用 */read 权限解决了问题。

根据此 Microsoft Documentation),未找到帽子权限 _Microsoft.web/sites/host/properties/read_。在 _Microsoft.web/sites/host/_ - listkeys/actionsync/actionlistsyncstatus/actionfunctionkeys/writefunctionkeys/deletesystemkeys/writesystemkeys/delete 之后可用.

而据此GitHub Article,据说:

If the resource type is dynamic and the required permission is standard across all supported resource types (e.g. read, write), you can use relative permissions by replacing the resource type with "." or "{resourceType}". For instance, if checking read access on a website, you can check for "./read", which will be evaluated as "Microsoft.Web/sites/read". For a website deployment slot, this would be evaluated as "Microsoft.Web/sites/slots/read".