我的 VS Code SCM 装订线指示器上突然有一个奇怪的图案
My VS Code SCM gutter indicator has a bizarre pattern on it suddenly
我在 VS Code 中的装订线指示器(看似随机)从纯色(蓝色)切换为图案化(蓝色和重复的黑色对角线),a la:
In order to make the source control decorators more visible for
accessibility, we've added a new pattern for modified lines and
increased the contrast for all decorators.
我认为你还不能回到纯色(直到 v1.67 版本 - 看下面感谢@Phil),你只能用 [= 改变“条纹”的颜色10=]:"editorGutter.modifiedBackground": "#ff0000",
[或回到 v1.65 直到问题得到解决]
据@Phil 报道,Insiders Build 中已经有一个选项:
SCM: Diff Decorations Gutter Pattern
取消选择Use pattern for the diff decorations in gutter for modified lines. (modified)
我在 VS Code 中的装订线指示器(看似随机)从纯色(蓝色)切换为图案化(蓝色和重复的黑色对角线),a la:
In order to make the source control decorators more visible for accessibility, we've added a new pattern for modified lines and increased the contrast for all decorators.
我认为你还不能回到纯色(直到 v1.67 版本 - 看下面感谢@Phil),你只能用 [= 改变“条纹”的颜色10=]:"editorGutter.modifiedBackground": "#ff0000",
[或回到 v1.65 直到问题得到解决]
据@Phil 报道,Insiders Build 中已经有一个选项:
SCM: Diff Decorations Gutter Pattern
取消选择Use pattern for the diff decorations in gutter for modified lines. (modified)