bootstrap 上的 3 列布局失去了形状
3 colum layout on bootstrap losing its shape
我有一个 3 列的设计,其中第一列的固定宽度为 630 像素,中间列应采用所有可用的 space,第三列的固定宽度为 200 像素。
我使用 bootstrap Flex 进行设置,在中间栏中使用 flex-fill。它看起来很漂亮,但是当我开始填充中间部分时,它会吃掉最后一个的 space。
//body css: height: 100%, oveflow: hidden
<div class="mainContainer d-flex flex-row w-100"> //css: height 100vh,
<div class="leftColumn d-flex">
//inner content ar boxes with fixed width leaning to the 600px
//this part looks perfect
<div class="MainArea flex-fill d-flex flex-column">
<div class="MainAreaUpperRowOfCards flex-fill d-flex flex-row flex-wrap">
// here I add cards with fixed size, they are lied down
// in a row, and they wrap nicelly.
// But when they wrap this section starts to grow eating the
// third colum's space
</div class="MainAreaLowerRow d-flex flex-row justify-content-center">
//css: height: 250px, margin-bottom: -60px
//here are some cards that only show the upper part, hence the -60px
<div class="RightColumn d-flex flex-column"> //css: width 220px; background and magins..
//here some cards with players information
//this is the column being eaten.
- 如何固定最右侧列的宽度? (图中绿色箭头)
- 如何去除卡片包装上的 space? (图中红色箭头)
- 将
width: 220px;
更改为 min-width: 220px;
- 没有现场演示很难帮到你。尝试一个一个地删除
类 并查看是否有任何 类 导致此 space.
我有一个 3 列的设计,其中第一列的固定宽度为 630 像素,中间列应采用所有可用的 space,第三列的固定宽度为 200 像素。
我使用 bootstrap Flex 进行设置,在中间栏中使用 flex-fill。它看起来很漂亮,但是当我开始填充中间部分时,它会吃掉最后一个的 space。 简化后的代码如下所示:
//body css: height: 100%, oveflow: hidden
<div class="mainContainer d-flex flex-row w-100"> //css: height 100vh,
<div class="leftColumn d-flex">
//inner content ar boxes with fixed width leaning to the 600px
//this part looks perfect
<div class="MainArea flex-fill d-flex flex-column">
<div class="MainAreaUpperRowOfCards flex-fill d-flex flex-row flex-wrap">
// here I add cards with fixed size, they are lied down
// in a row, and they wrap nicelly.
// But when they wrap this section starts to grow eating the
// third colum's space
</div class="MainAreaLowerRow d-flex flex-row justify-content-center">
//css: height: 250px, margin-bottom: -60px
//here are some cards that only show the upper part, hence the -60px
<div class="RightColumn d-flex flex-column"> //css: width 220px; background and magins..
//here some cards with players information
//this is the column being eaten.
- 如何固定最右侧列的宽度? (图中绿色箭头)
- 如何去除卡片包装上的 space? (图中红色箭头)
- 将
width: 220px;
更改为min-width: 220px;
。 - 没有现场演示很难帮到你。尝试一个一个地删除
类 并查看是否有任何 类 导致此 space.