React userSelector 第一次给出 undefined 值

React userSelector gives undefined value for the first time

我正在使用 axios 从 api 获取数据,在 api https:/...?vs_currency=${currency}&... 我试图使用 redux 将 currency 值分配给 api。问题是 useSelector 第一次给出了 undefined 值,而我无法从此 api 获取数据。但是 useSelector 工作正常。错误显示为https:/...?vs_currency=undefined&...

这是 redux 代码

import { createSlice } from "@reduxjs/toolkit";

export const currencySlice = createSlice({
  name: "currency",
  initialState: {
    currency: "usd", // first i have currency: null. but then i change it to avoid undefined value, but same result
  reducers: {
    selectCurrencyAndSymbol: (state, action) => {
      state.currency = action.payload;

export const { selectCurrencyAndSymbol } = currencySlice.actions;
export const selectcurrency = (state) => state.currency.currency;
export default currencySlice.reducer;


importing stuff ...

function Carousel() {
  const classes = useStyles();
  const [trending, setTrending] = useState("");
  const currencySelector = useSelector(selectcurrency);

  const fetchTrendingCoins = async () => {
    const data = await axios.get(TrendingCoins(currencySelector?.currency));

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [currencySelector.currency]);


    var currencyValue;
   useEffect(() => {
      currencyValue = !currencySelector.currency
       ? currencyValue === "pkr"
       : currencyValue === "usd";

    currencyValue = currencySelector?.currency;
    }, [currencyValue]);


importing stuff ...

function Header() {
  const [currency, setCurrency] = useState("usd");
  const [symbol, setsymbol] = useState("$");

  const dispatch = useDispatch();

  useEffect(() => {
    if (currency === "pkr") setsymbol("Rs");
    else if (currency === "usd") setsymbol("$");

    dispatch(selectCurrencyAndSymbol({ currency, symbol }));
  }, [currency]);


您是否使用 redux 开发工具或控制台日志检查了 redux 存储。你能看到货币价值吗?

如果货币可能为空或未定义。你不能在 useEffect 的 fetchTrendingCoins 函数之前放一个 if 语句吗?如果没有货币,则不获取。

//Here you can see that your sending in an 
object {
currency: "usd", 
symbol: "$"
selectCurrencyAndSymbol({currency, symbol})

然后在你的 useEffect 中你会遇到你使用 setState 的方式的问题

 useEffect(() => {
    if (currency === "pkr") setsymbol("Rs");
   //else if (currency === "usd") setsymbol("$");
   //here symbol will be $ as the state wouldnt have updated yet by the 
   //time the dispatch is envoked
    dispatch(selectCurrencyAndSymbol({ currency, symbol }));
  }, [currency]);

您的第一个解决方案是将符号添加到您的依赖数组,这将导致 useEffect 在符号更新时为 运行


useEffect(() => {
 let symbol = "";
    if (currency === "pkr") symbol = "Rs";
     else if (currency === "usd") symbol = "$"
    dispatch(selectCurrencyAndSymbol({ currency, symbol }));
  }, [currency]);


initialState: {
//NOTE: This is not an object at first
    currency: "usd",
reducers: {
selectCurrencyAndSymbol: (state, action) => {
//Here for example the action payload is {currency: "usd", symbol: "$"} 
  state.currency = action.payload;


initialState: {
        currency: { currency: "usd", symbol: "$" };
    reducers: {
    selectCurrencyAndSymbol: (state, action) => {
      state.currency = action.payload;
      state.currency.currency = action.payload.currency
      state.currency.symbol = action.payload.symbol

initialState: {
             currency: "usd", 
             symbol: "$"
 reducers: {
        selectCurrencyAndSymbol: (state, action) => {
          state.currency = action.payload.currency
          state.symbol = action.payload.currency


initialState: {
        currency: "usd"
//Then just send through the currency in your func like this 

请注意,当您使用选择器获取状态时,您访问数据的方式取决于数据的定义方式,例如 //还有一个提醒,最好的做法是在这里使用 cam case selectcurrency 应该是 selectCurrency

export const selectCurrency = (state) => state.currency.currency;

我们如何获取数据可以是 const data = useSelector(selectCurrency) data.currency 如果我们遵循对象方法,则仅数据将起作用
