如何对 Python 中的整个 Google Sheet 格式进行批量请求?

How can I make a batch request for an entire Google Sheet's formatting in Python?

使用 Python,我试图检查 Google Sheet 中的每个单元格是否有删除线,return 行没有删除线。我 运行 遇到的问题是达到当前分钟的配额限制,因为我正在检查 150 多行。另外,我需要检查 11 张纸,每张纸有 50-200 行。



def row_has_strikethrough(sheet, i):
    return 'strikethrough=True' in str(get_user_entered_format(sheet, 'A' + str(i)))

这在我的 while 循环中有效,但我再次达到配额:

last_row = int(sheet.acell('C1').value)  # 166
i = 3
while i <= last_row:
    if not row_has_strikethrough(sheet, i):
        records += get_record(sheet, MAPPING, i)
    i += 1



  • 关于 I'm trying to check each cell in a Google Sheet for a strikethrough and return the rows without a strikethrough.,从您 return 'strikethrough=True' in str(get_user_entered_format(sheet, 'A' + str(i))) 的脚本来看,我认为您可能想检查“A”列的单元格值是否有删除线。
  • 而且,从您的展示脚本来看,我认为您可能正在为 python 使用 gspread。
  • 您想降低脚本的处理成本。



spreadsheetId = '###' # Please set your Spreadsheet ID.
client = gspread.authorize(credentials) # Here, please use your credentials and client
sheetNames = ['Sheet1', 'Sheet2'] # Please set the sheet names you want to retrieve the values.

# 1. Retrieve textFormat from each sheet using one API call.
access_token = credentials.access_token
ranges = '&'.join(['ranges=' + e for e in sheetNames])
url = 'https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/' + spreadsheetId + '?fields=sheets(data(rowData(values(userEnteredFormat(textFormat(strikethrough))))))&' + ranges
res1 = requests.get(url, headers={'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token})
obj = res1.json()
rowNumbers = {}
for i, d in enumerate(obj['sheets']):
    sheet = []
    for j, r in enumerate(d['data'][0].get('rowData')):
        if 'values' not in r:
    rowNumbers[sheetNames[i]] = sheet

# 2. Retrieve values from each sheet using one API call.
spreadsheet = client.open_by_key(spreadsheetId)
res2 = spreadsheet.values_batch_get(sheetNames)['valueRanges']

# 3. Retrieve the rows from each sheet by checking the rows without the strikethrough at the column "A".
values = {}
for i, s in enumerate(res2):
    temp = []
    for j, r in enumerate(s['values']):
        sheet = sheetNames[i]
        if j in rowNumbers[sheet]:
    values[sheet] = temp

print(values) # Here, you can see the result value.

在此脚本中,使用了 2 API 次工作表 API 调用。


当此脚本用于示例 Spreadsheet 时,会得到以下结果。

  'Sheet1': [['a2', 'b2', 'c2'], ['a5', 'b5', 'c5'], ['a6', 'b6', 'c6']],
  'Sheet2': [['a3', 'b3', 'c3'], ['a5', 'b5', 'c5'], ['a6', 'b6', 'c6']]

此输出值具有每个 sheet 的行。这些行是在“A”列没有删除线的行。
