
Pointer to an array has it's elements freed once outside scope

我正在尝试从二进制文件中读取,然后将二进制信息从 char[] 指针转换为 int[] 指针。

我想知道,是否有类似于 static int var[] 的东西,但用于动态分配的数组?

我正在尝试找到一种方法告诉 C++ 在退出函数后不要释放内存。

imagein.open(loc, ios::binary);
//Creates a pointer to a list of chars with a length of 8, which is just enough for 2 ints
char* timechar = new char[8];

//Reads 8 bytes of data from the file
imagein.read(timechar, 8);

//Creates an int pointer with enough room for 2 vars
int* ints = new int[2];

//Tells C that everything within timechar is now an int, and copies the contents to the ints pointer
ints = (int*)timechar;

//gets the width, and height of the image from the 1st 2 bytes
width = ints[0];
height = ints[1];

//Creates the size var
size = width * height;

//sets the ammout of ints to read to the width * height
times = size;

//creates a pointer to a list of chars so that we can read the data from the file
char* chars = new char[times * 4];

//Reads the rest of the file into chars

//reinitilizes buffer to be the correct size to the compiler
int* temp= new int[size+2];

//shifts the pointer to the buffer over twice

//takes everything from chars and tells C that all the bits within the chars var are copied over as int's
temp = (int*)chars;

//Shifts the buffer pointer back to where it should be

//sets the 1st, and 2nd buffer vars to the width, and height of the given image
temp[0] = width;
temp[1] = height;

//increases size to the correct size of the array buffer
size += 2;

我想让 temp[] 的整数在退出函数后继续存在。

我是 C++ 的新手,我不确定是否有其他方法可以完成我想做的事情。

编辑: 这很可能不是 OP 需要的,但这是他们要求的,所以我会保留这个答案而不是删除它以防其他人降落在这里。

I am trying to find a way to tell C++ to not free up the memory after exiting the function.




这是使用 std::vector<> 的样子,你真的应该用它来代替原始数组指针。

void someFunction(std::size_t size) {
  static vector<int> temp;

  // ...
  if(temp.size() < size+2) {