选项“fabric-ca-server -d”的含义?

Meaning of option `fabric-ca-server -d`?

fabric-ca-server 的 fabric-samples 测试网络设置(在 fabric-samples/test-network/docker/docker-compose-ca.yaml 中找到)使用

command: sh -c 'fabric-ca-server start -b admin:adminpw -d'

选项 -b 的含义很明确 - 如 --helpthe online copy of that 的输出所示,它是用于引导配置文件的 user/password。但是,-d 标志完全没有记录。它有什么作用?

这是启用调试模式的标志;请参阅 Deploy Guide启动 TLS CA 服务器

Optional flags:

  • -d - If you want to run the server in DEBUG mode which facilitates problem diagnosis, you can include the -d flag on the start command. However, in general it is not recommended to run a server with debug enabled as this will cause the server to perform slower.
  • -p - If you want the server to run on a port different than what is specified in the configuration .yaml file, you can override the existing port.

选项已定义 here as a tag, and parsed here。由于未知原因,它被设置为对 fabric-ca-server --help.


(h/t @david_k)