HTML 从值中输入集合类型
HTML input set type from value
即如果输入默认值设置为 true 或 false 输入类型应该是复选框并且对于日期和所有其他类型都相同
这是我要检测字段值的代码(有date props和bool props,但它们都呈现为type text input)
Object.keys(user).map(key => <h4>{key} : <input type="auto-detect" value={user[key]} /></h4>)
这是我从 api
得到的 user
id: 18273009, // input type="number"
firstName: "admin", // input type="text"
lastName: "user", // input type="text"
email: "", // input type="email"
phone: "9178888888", // input type="tel"
address: "123 abc Dr", // input type="text"
isLogged: "b2e74b00-e1a6-44bd-833f-7dba2e98c10e", // input type="text"
loginTime: "2022-04-12T17:20:00.2176106", // input type="datetime"
dateJoined: "2022-03-30T14:12:13.1303726", // input type="datetime"
isMember: false, // input type="checkbox"
isAdmin: false, // input type="checkbox"
isSysAdmin: false, // input type="checkbox"
planType: "Free", // input type="text"
streamsToday: 194, // input type="number"
listIpAddress: [], // don't render, or render <select>
仅根据值来确定类型是不可行的。恰当的例子 - 考虑 firstName
和 email
都具有值 admin
function autoDetectInputType ( { key, value } ) {
// a switch statement would be fine as well if you like
if ( key === 'email' ) return 'email';
if ( /(?:time|date)/.test( key ) ) return 'datetime';
if ( 'number' === typeof ( value ) ) return 'number';
// and so on and so forth...
来自对象文字 Key/Value 对
对象中的一些值无效(您至少应该为 email
提供一个电子邮件地址,为 phone
提供 10 位数字)。所以我已经更正并修改了 user
已弃用,请使用 type="datetime-local"
下例中有 7 个函数:
Date values must be formatted before being set to a type="datetime-local"
typeFilter(k, v)
Determines what type of form control should be used according to value.
formControl(k, v, t)
Generates an object for each key/value. Each object has a value of a htmlString of a form control
Processes returns from typeFilter()
and formControl()
and will return a single object that contains all of the htmlSrings.
parseHTML(h, n, p=)
Parses htmlString into real HTML.
makeLabel(n, p=)
Creates a <label>
setID(n, a=)
Set's/changes attributes of an element
const user = {
idn: 18273009, // input type="number"
first: 'Zer0', // input type="text"
last: '0ne', // input type="text"
email: '', // input type="email"
phone: 14085551234, // input type="tel"
address: '1234 Main St. Springfield, IL 62777', // textarea
logHash: 'b2e74b00-e1a6-44bd-833f-7dba2e98c10e', // textarea
timeLogin: '2022-04-12T17:20:00.2176106', // input type="datetime-local"
dateJoined: '2022-03-30T14:12:13.1303726', // input type="datetime-local"
isMember: true, // input type="checkbox"
isAdmin: false, // input type="checkbox"
isSysAdmin: false, // input type="checkbox"
servicePlan: 'Free', // input type="text"
currentStreams: 194, // input type="number"
listIpAddress: ['', '', ''], // select
* timeLogin and dateJoined values must be formatted in
* in order to be assigned as a value of an
* <input type="datetime-local">
* LINE 90
const formatDate = (dateTime) => {
const d = new Date(dateTime);
d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() - d.getTimezoneOffset());
return d.toISOString().slice(0, 16);
* A <key/value> pair is passed and a <key/value/tag> trine is
* returned. It checks values to determine which type of
* form control is needed. A string selector of a tagName or
* a string value of the type property is the <tag> of a
* return.
* Line 122
const typeFilter = (key, val) => {
return Array.isArray(val)
? [key, val, 'select']
: Number.isInteger(val) &&
val.toString().length === 11 &&
val.toString().charAt(0) === '1'
? [key, val, 'tel']
: val.valueOf() === true || val.valueOf() === false
? [key, val, 'checkbox']
: val.toString().includes('@')
? [key, val, 'email']
: Number.isInteger(val)
? [key, val, 'number']
: Date.parse(val)
? [key, val, 'datetime-local']
: typeof val === 'string' && val.length >= 20
? [key, val, 'textarea']
: [key, val, 'text'];
* Passes <key/value/tag> trine and returns an array of objects
* -- each object contains a key and htmlString value. Each
* htmlString represents a form control:
* ex. <input name="<key>" type="<tag>" value="<value>">
* LINE 134
const formControl = (key, value, tag) => {
const html = {};
let htmlStr;
switch (tag) {
case 'select':
htmlStr = `<select name="${key}"><option selected>Select an option</option>`;
value.forEach((val) => (htmlStr += `<option>${val}</option>`));
html[key] = htmlStr + `</select>`;
case 'tel':
let val = '' + value;
let hyphenated = val
.map((n, i) =>
i === 1
? '-' + n
: i === 4
? '-' + n
: i === 7
? '-' + n
: n
htmlStr = `<input name='${key}' type='tel' value='${hyphenated}'>`;
html[key] = htmlStr;
case 'checkbox':
let end = value === true ? ` checked>` : ` >`;
htmlStr = `<input name='${key}' type='checkbox'` + end;
html[key] = htmlStr;
case 'email':
htmlStr = `<input name='${key}' type='email' value='${value}'>`;
html[key] = htmlStr;
case 'number':
htmlStr = `<input name='${key}' type='number' value='${value}'>`;
html[key] = htmlStr;
case 'datetime-local':
let dateTime = formatDate(value);
htmlStr = `<input name='${key}' type='datetime-local' value='${dateTime}'>`;
html[key] = htmlStr;
case 'textarea':
htmlStr = `<textarea name='${key}' rows='3' cols='20'>${value}</textarea>`;
html[key] = htmlStr;
case 'text':
htmlStr = `<input name='${key}' type='text' value='${value}'>`;
html[key] = htmlStr;
return html;
* This is the main function that passes in the <user> object
* and returns a modified <user> object -- the values are
* htmlStrings of form controls with the original values embeded
* in the htmlStrings.
const userData = (obj) => {
let types = [];
- Converts <user> object into an array of pairs.
- On each iteration, the return of typeFilter() is stored in
an array <types>.
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
types.push(typeFilter(key, value));
// console.log(types);
- The <types> array is ran through with .map() and .reduce()
- .map() will run formControl() on each trine of <types> --
the return value is an object with one key and one value.
- .reduce() will merge all of those objects into a single
- The single object is then returned.
let html = types
.map(([key, value, tag]) => formControl(key, value, tag))
.reduce((obj, htm) => Object.assign(obj, htm), {});
// console.log(html);
return html;
* Just a wrapper for .insertAdjacentHTML().
* @param position is optional, if not defined it defaults to
* 'beforeend'.
const parseHTML = (htmlString, node, position = 'beforeend') => {
node.insertAdjacentHTML(position, htmlString);
* Creates a <label> with a formatted name of the element it is
* paired with.
const makeLabel = (node, position = 'beforebegin') => {
let text =*?([A-Z][a-z]*)/g, ' ');
parseHTML(`<br><label>${text}: </label>`, node, position);
if (node.matches('textarea')) {
const vert = node.previousElementSibling; = 'top';
* Sets any given attribute's value of a given element. Note, the
* second @param is an array that should have the attribute's
* name and value. If not defined, then it will pass a default:
* ex. ['id', 'IDN18273009x1650056016986']
* The value is "IDN"(user.idn)"x"(UNIX timestamp)
const setID = (node, attr = ['id', 'IDN' + user.idn +'x'+]) =>
node.setAttribute(attr[0], attr[1]);
const html = userData(user);
parseHTML(`<form></form>`, document.body);
const F = document.forms[0];
const FC = F.elements;
parseHTML(html.listIpAddress, F);
parseHTML(html.isMember, F);
parseHTML(html.isSysAdmin, F);
parseHTML(html.address, F);
parseHTML(, F);
const ipList = FC.listIpAddress;
const member = FC.isMember;
const sysAdmin = FC.isSysAdmin;
const address = FC.address;
const phone =;
parseHTML(html.dateJoined, ipList, 'afterend');
const joined = FC.dateJoined;
html {
font: 2ch/1 'Segoe UI';
label {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
font: inherit;
label {
vertical-align: baseline;
min-width: 9ch;
text-align: right;
text-transform: capitalize;
[type='checkbox'] {
margin: 0;
vertical-align: middle;
[type='tel'] {
width: 13.5ch;
即如果输入默认值设置为 true 或 false 输入类型应该是复选框并且对于日期和所有其他类型都相同
这是我要检测字段值的代码(有date props和bool props,但它们都呈现为type text input)
Object.keys(user).map(key => <h4>{key} : <input type="auto-detect" value={user[key]} /></h4>)
这是我从 api
id: 18273009, // input type="number"
firstName: "admin", // input type="text"
lastName: "user", // input type="text"
email: "", // input type="email"
phone: "9178888888", // input type="tel"
address: "123 abc Dr", // input type="text"
isLogged: "b2e74b00-e1a6-44bd-833f-7dba2e98c10e", // input type="text"
loginTime: "2022-04-12T17:20:00.2176106", // input type="datetime"
dateJoined: "2022-03-30T14:12:13.1303726", // input type="datetime"
isMember: false, // input type="checkbox"
isAdmin: false, // input type="checkbox"
isSysAdmin: false, // input type="checkbox"
planType: "Free", // input type="text"
streamsToday: 194, // input type="number"
listIpAddress: [], // don't render, or render <select>
仅根据值来确定类型是不可行的。恰当的例子 - 考虑 firstName
和 email
都具有值 admin
function autoDetectInputType ( { key, value } ) {
// a switch statement would be fine as well if you like
if ( key === 'email' ) return 'email';
if ( /(?:time|date)/.test( key ) ) return 'datetime';
if ( 'number' === typeof ( value ) ) return 'number';
// and so on and so forth...
来自对象文字 Key/Value 对
对象中的一些值无效(您至少应该为 email
提供一个电子邮件地址,为 phone
提供 10 位数字)。所以我已经更正并修改了 user
已弃用,请使用 type="datetime-local"
下例中有 7 个函数:
Function | Purpose |
formatDate(d) |
Date values must be formatted before being set to a type="datetime-local" input. |
typeFilter(k, v) |
Determines what type of form control should be used according to value. |
formControl(k, v, t) |
Generates an object for each key/value. Each object has a value of a htmlString of a form control |
userData(o) |
Processes returns from typeFilter() and formControl() and will return a single object that contains all of the htmlSrings. |
parseHTML(h, n, p=) |
Parses htmlString into real HTML. |
makeLabel(n, p=) |
Creates a <label> |
setID(n, a=) |
Set's/changes attributes of an element |
const user = {
idn: 18273009, // input type="number"
first: 'Zer0', // input type="text"
last: '0ne', // input type="text"
email: '', // input type="email"
phone: 14085551234, // input type="tel"
address: '1234 Main St. Springfield, IL 62777', // textarea
logHash: 'b2e74b00-e1a6-44bd-833f-7dba2e98c10e', // textarea
timeLogin: '2022-04-12T17:20:00.2176106', // input type="datetime-local"
dateJoined: '2022-03-30T14:12:13.1303726', // input type="datetime-local"
isMember: true, // input type="checkbox"
isAdmin: false, // input type="checkbox"
isSysAdmin: false, // input type="checkbox"
servicePlan: 'Free', // input type="text"
currentStreams: 194, // input type="number"
listIpAddress: ['', '', ''], // select
* timeLogin and dateJoined values must be formatted in
* in order to be assigned as a value of an
* <input type="datetime-local">
* LINE 90
const formatDate = (dateTime) => {
const d = new Date(dateTime);
d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() - d.getTimezoneOffset());
return d.toISOString().slice(0, 16);
* A <key/value> pair is passed and a <key/value/tag> trine is
* returned. It checks values to determine which type of
* form control is needed. A string selector of a tagName or
* a string value of the type property is the <tag> of a
* return.
* Line 122
const typeFilter = (key, val) => {
return Array.isArray(val)
? [key, val, 'select']
: Number.isInteger(val) &&
val.toString().length === 11 &&
val.toString().charAt(0) === '1'
? [key, val, 'tel']
: val.valueOf() === true || val.valueOf() === false
? [key, val, 'checkbox']
: val.toString().includes('@')
? [key, val, 'email']
: Number.isInteger(val)
? [key, val, 'number']
: Date.parse(val)
? [key, val, 'datetime-local']
: typeof val === 'string' && val.length >= 20
? [key, val, 'textarea']
: [key, val, 'text'];
* Passes <key/value/tag> trine and returns an array of objects
* -- each object contains a key and htmlString value. Each
* htmlString represents a form control:
* ex. <input name="<key>" type="<tag>" value="<value>">
* LINE 134
const formControl = (key, value, tag) => {
const html = {};
let htmlStr;
switch (tag) {
case 'select':
htmlStr = `<select name="${key}"><option selected>Select an option</option>`;
value.forEach((val) => (htmlStr += `<option>${val}</option>`));
html[key] = htmlStr + `</select>`;
case 'tel':
let val = '' + value;
let hyphenated = val
.map((n, i) =>
i === 1
? '-' + n
: i === 4
? '-' + n
: i === 7
? '-' + n
: n
htmlStr = `<input name='${key}' type='tel' value='${hyphenated}'>`;
html[key] = htmlStr;
case 'checkbox':
let end = value === true ? ` checked>` : ` >`;
htmlStr = `<input name='${key}' type='checkbox'` + end;
html[key] = htmlStr;
case 'email':
htmlStr = `<input name='${key}' type='email' value='${value}'>`;
html[key] = htmlStr;
case 'number':
htmlStr = `<input name='${key}' type='number' value='${value}'>`;
html[key] = htmlStr;
case 'datetime-local':
let dateTime = formatDate(value);
htmlStr = `<input name='${key}' type='datetime-local' value='${dateTime}'>`;
html[key] = htmlStr;
case 'textarea':
htmlStr = `<textarea name='${key}' rows='3' cols='20'>${value}</textarea>`;
html[key] = htmlStr;
case 'text':
htmlStr = `<input name='${key}' type='text' value='${value}'>`;
html[key] = htmlStr;
return html;
* This is the main function that passes in the <user> object
* and returns a modified <user> object -- the values are
* htmlStrings of form controls with the original values embeded
* in the htmlStrings.
const userData = (obj) => {
let types = [];
- Converts <user> object into an array of pairs.
- On each iteration, the return of typeFilter() is stored in
an array <types>.
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) {
types.push(typeFilter(key, value));
// console.log(types);
- The <types> array is ran through with .map() and .reduce()
- .map() will run formControl() on each trine of <types> --
the return value is an object with one key and one value.
- .reduce() will merge all of those objects into a single
- The single object is then returned.
let html = types
.map(([key, value, tag]) => formControl(key, value, tag))
.reduce((obj, htm) => Object.assign(obj, htm), {});
// console.log(html);
return html;
* Just a wrapper for .insertAdjacentHTML().
* @param position is optional, if not defined it defaults to
* 'beforeend'.
const parseHTML = (htmlString, node, position = 'beforeend') => {
node.insertAdjacentHTML(position, htmlString);
* Creates a <label> with a formatted name of the element it is
* paired with.
const makeLabel = (node, position = 'beforebegin') => {
let text =*?([A-Z][a-z]*)/g, ' ');
parseHTML(`<br><label>${text}: </label>`, node, position);
if (node.matches('textarea')) {
const vert = node.previousElementSibling; = 'top';
* Sets any given attribute's value of a given element. Note, the
* second @param is an array that should have the attribute's
* name and value. If not defined, then it will pass a default:
* ex. ['id', 'IDN18273009x1650056016986']
* The value is "IDN"(user.idn)"x"(UNIX timestamp)
const setID = (node, attr = ['id', 'IDN' + user.idn +'x'+]) =>
node.setAttribute(attr[0], attr[1]);
const html = userData(user);
parseHTML(`<form></form>`, document.body);
const F = document.forms[0];
const FC = F.elements;
parseHTML(html.listIpAddress, F);
parseHTML(html.isMember, F);
parseHTML(html.isSysAdmin, F);
parseHTML(html.address, F);
parseHTML(, F);
const ipList = FC.listIpAddress;
const member = FC.isMember;
const sysAdmin = FC.isSysAdmin;
const address = FC.address;
const phone =;
parseHTML(html.dateJoined, ipList, 'afterend');
const joined = FC.dateJoined;
html {
font: 2ch/1 'Segoe UI';
label {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
font: inherit;
label {
vertical-align: baseline;
min-width: 9ch;
text-align: right;
text-transform: capitalize;
[type='checkbox'] {
margin: 0;
vertical-align: middle;
[type='tel'] {
width: 13.5ch;