仅当以 30 FPS 拍摄视频时,FFmpeg 视频输出才会被放大?

FFmpeg video output is being zoomed in ONLY when video is taken in 30 FPS?

我已经使用 FFmpeg 大约一个月了,它很棒。

我正在 IOS 上以 60FPS 或 30FPS 拍摄视频。我正在将视频大小调整为 1:1(或 4:3)。


默认的 60FPS 一切正常。但是,出于某种原因,当以 30FPS 拍摄视频时,在执行 FFmpeg 后视频会放大,我无法弄清楚为什么...

这是我的 FFmpeg 命令在我的函数中的样子(React JS 钩子):

  const onMediaCaptured = useCallback(
    (media: PhotoFile | VideoFile, type: 'photo' | 'video') => {

      var path =
        type === 'photo'
          ? RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath + '/after.png'
          : RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath + '/after.mp4';

      const portraitCrop =
        type === 'video' ? 'crop=1080:1350' : 'crop=1350:1080';

      const ffMPEGcmd = isSquareRatio
        ? `-y -i ${
          } -aspect 1:1 -vf "crop=1080:1080:exact=1, scale=1080:1080, ${
            type === 'photo' ? 'transpose=1' : null
          }" -qscale 0 -b:v 10M ${path}`
        : `-y -i ${media.path} -vf "${portraitCrop}, ${
            type === 'photo' ? 'transpose=1' : null
          }" -b:v 10M -qscale 0 ${path}`;

      FFmpegKit.execute(ffMPEGcmd).then(async session => {
        const returnCode = await session.getReturnCode();
        if (ReturnCode.isSuccess(returnCode)) {
          // SUCCESS
            .then(async (session: MediaInformationSessionCamera) => {
              const information: MediaInformation =
                await session.getMediaInformation();
              const output = await session.getOutput();

              const outputJSON = JSON.parse(output);
              const newOne = outputJSON;

              const videoHeight = newOne.streams[0].height;
              const videoWidth = newOne.streams[0].width;


              Actions.push('cameraMediaCaptured', {
                isSquareRatio: isSquareRatio,
                type: type,
                ratio: isSquareRatio ? 1080 / 1080 : 1350 / 1080,
                color: props.color,
                category: props.category,
                needsCrop: true,
                videoHeight: videoHeight,
                videoWidth: videoWidth,
                aspectRatio: videoHeight / videoWidth,
            .catch(error => console.error(error));
        } else if (ReturnCode.isCancel(returnCode)) {
          // CANCEL
        } else {
          // ERROR
    [isSquareRatio, props.category, props.color, isProcessingMedia],



它是否以 30 和 60 fps 的相同分辨率捕获视频?如果不是,并且 30 fps 可以为您提供更高分辨率的视频,crop 过滤器可以有效地为您提供缩放的视频。请改用输入大小表达式:类似 crop=ih:ih 也请阅读 the documentation. There are a lot of examples there as well. If you wish to use more complex expression so you don't need to do portrait/landscape detection in javascript, check out the FFmpeg expression syntax