
How can I disable other checkboxes(Dynamically Created) if I checked one?

如果我单击一个我使用 input type=checkbox

@if (ViewBag.Products != null)
    foreach (var item in ViewBag.Products)
        <label class="PillList-item">
            <input id="Check" type="CheckBox" name="@item.ProductID"/>
            <span class="PillList-label" >
                <span class="Icon Icon--checkLight Icon--smallest"><i class="fa fa-check"></i></span>


@section Scripts{
            $(document).ready(function () {
                $('input:checkbox').click(function () {
                    $('input:checkbox').not(this).prop('checked', false);

首先更新动态复选框代码,添加 'chkInfo' 作为 class 值,即

foreach (var item in ViewBag.Products)
    <label class="PillList-item">

        <input id="Check" type="CheckBox" name="@item.ProductID" class="chkInfo" onclick="Javascript:{UncheckAll_js(this)}"/>

        <span class="PillList-label" >


            <span class="Icon Icon--checkLight Icon--smallest"><i class="fa fa-check"></i></span>


然后使用下面的 Java 脚本取消选中所有不需要的复选框,即

// Global variable to access jQuery method from JavaScript method.
var uncheckAll_jq;

// jQuery method goes here.
    // This method will disable all the check boxes except the one which is checked
    uncheckAll_jq = function UncheckAll(currentCheckBox) 
        // First unchecheck all

        // Then check your target checkbox as already checked.
        $(currentCheckBox).attr("checked", true);

// JavaScript codes goes here.
function UncheckAll_js(currentCheckBox_info)
   // Invoke jQuery Method.
