
Is there a way to print values every simulation tick (minute in my case) instead of every time an event happens?

我正在创建一个 2 机器系统的模拟,其中处理速度为每秒数百个,准确地说是 0.0012-0.0015。

在我的代码中,我有一个打印语句告诉我每台机器在做什么。在 运行 模拟时,我得到了每个实例的打印语句,所以每模拟分钟大约 100 个(打勾?)。有没有办法让它只打印整个刻度而不是每个实例?


import simpy

# Machine 1
speed_1 = 0.0015          # Avg. processing time of Machine 1 in minutes

# Machine 2
speed_2 = 0.0013          # Processing time of Machine 2 in minutes

# Simulation time
time = 120           # Sim time in minutes

class Machine(object):
    A machine produces units at a fixed processing speed, 
    takes units from a store before and puts units into a store after.
    def __init__(self, env, name, in_q, out_q, speed):
        self.env = env
        self.name = name
        self.in_q = in_q
        self.out_q = out_q
        self.speed = speed

        # Start the producing process
        self.process = env.process(self.produce())
    def produce(self):
        Produce parts as long as the simulation runs.
        while True:
            part = yield self.in_q.get()
            # If want to see time {self.env.now:.2f} 
            print(f'{self.name} has got a part')

            yield env.timeout(self.speed)
            if len(self.out_q.items) < self.out_q.capacity:
                print(f'{self.name} finished a part, next buffer has {len(self.out_q.items)} and capacity of {self.out_q.capacity}')
                print(f'{self.env.now:.2f}  {self.name} output buffer full!!!')

            yield self.out_q.put(part)
            print(f'{self.name} pushed part to next buffer')

# Generating the arrival of parts in the entry buffer to be used by machine 1
def gen_arrivals(env, entry_buffer):
    while True:
        yield env.timeout(random.uniform(0,0.001))
        # print(f'{env.now:.2f} part has arrived')
        part = object() # Too lazy to make a real part class, also isn't necessary

        yield entry_buffer.put(part)
# Create environment and start the setup process
env = simpy.Environment()
bufferStart = simpy.Store(env)  # Buffer with unlimited capacity
buffer1 = simpy.Store(env, capacity = 900) # Buffer between machines with limited capacity
bufferEnd = simpy.Store(env)  # Last buffer with unlimited capacity

# The machines __init__ starts the machine process so no env.process() is needed here
machine_1 = Machine(env, 'Machine 1', bufferStart, buffer1, speed_1)
machine_2 = Machine(env, 'Machine 2', buffer1, bufferEnd, speed_2)

env.process(gen_arrivals(env, bufferStart))

# Execute
env.run(until = time)

首先,模型 'tick' 可以是您想要的任何单位,年、日、秒甚至 0.0001 秒。我喜欢让我的步数是一个整数,以尽量减少计算机的浮点数舍入。

我添加了一个日志进程,每 0.01 个滴答打印一次机器状态。为了支持日志,我向我在整个处理过程中更新的机器添加了一个状态 属性。我还更改了速率和容量以制作更有趣的日志

import simpy
import random

# Machine 1
speed_1 = 0.0015          # Avg. processing time of Machine 1 in minutes

# Machine 2
speed_2 = 0.0035         # Processing time of Machine 2 in minutes

# Simulation time
time = .1           # Sim time in minutes

class Machine(object):
    A machine produces units at a fixed processing speed, 
    takes units from a store before and puts units into a store after.
    def __init__(self, env, name, in_q, out_q, speed):
        self.env = env
        self.name = name
        self.in_q = in_q
        self.out_q = out_q
        self.speed = speed
        self.state = 'Started'
        self.part_cnt = 0

        # Start the producing process
        self.process = env.process(self.produce())

        # start the logging
    def produce(self):
        Produce parts as long as the simulation runs.
        while True:
            self.state = 'Waiting for part'

            part = yield self.in_q.get()
            # If want to see time {self.env.now:.4f} 
            print(f'{self.name} has got a part')

            self.state = 'Processing Part'

            yield env.timeout(self.speed)
            if len(self.out_q.items) < self.out_q.capacity:
                print(f'{self.name} finished a part, next buffer has {len(self.out_q.items)} and capacity of {self.out_q.capacity}')
                print(f'{self.env.now:.4f}  {self.name} output buffer full!!!')

            self.state = 'Waiting to send part to next queue'
            self.part_cnt += 1

            yield self.out_q.put(part)

            print(f'{self.name} pushed part to next buffer')

    def log(self):
            logs the state of the machine every 0.01 ticks

        while True:

            print(f'{self.env.now:.4f}  Machine {self.name} has processed {self.part_cnt} parts and is in state {self.state}')

            yield self.env.timeout(0.01)

# Generating the arrival of parts in the entry buffer to be used by machine 1
def gen_arrivals(env, entry_buffer):
    while True:
        yield env.timeout(random.uniform(0,0.001))
        # print(f'{env.now:.2f} part has arrived')
        part = object() # Too lazy to make a real part class, also isn't necessary

        yield entry_buffer.put(part)
# Create environment and start the setup process
env = simpy.Environment()
bufferStart = simpy.Store(env)  # Buffer with unlimited capacity
buffer1 = simpy.Store(env, capacity = 10) # Buffer between machines with limited capacity
bufferEnd = simpy.Store(env)  # Last buffer with unlimited capacity

# The machines __init__ starts the machine process so no env.process() is needed here
machine_1 = Machine(env, 'Machine 1', bufferStart, buffer1, speed_1)
machine_2 = Machine(env, 'Machine 2', buffer1, bufferEnd, speed_2)

env.process(gen_arrivals(env, bufferStart))

# Execute
env.run(until = time)