Azure Cosmos DB 集成缓存重用

Azure Cosmos DB Integrated Cache re-use


如果我再次触发此查询(在过时时间内)但最大日期已更改 10 分钟,是否会使用缓存(在可能的情况下,但也会在额外的 10 分钟内访问数据库以获取任何内容) ,或者查询参数已更改的事实是否会导致新的缓存实体(意味着我们已经完全跳过了以前的缓存)?

let items = await client
        "SELECT * FROM c WHERE c.partitionKey = @partitionKey AND (c.dataDate BETWEEN @fromDate AND @toDate)",
      parameters: [
          name: "@partitionKey",
          value: partitionKey,
          name: "@fromDate",
          value: min.toISOString(),
          name: "@toDate",
          value: max.toISOString(),
    .catch((err) => {
      throw err;


Query cache

The query cache can be used to cache queries. The query cache transforms a query into a key/value lookup where the key is the query text and the value is query results. The integrated cache doesn't have a query engine, it only stores the key/value lookup for each query.

If the cache does not have a result for that query (cache miss), the query is sent to the backend. After the query is run, the cache will store the results for that query

您可能可以通过检查查询的 RU 费用来检查是否使用了缓存。