
Are pointer to member functions not callable object

我正在阅读 C++ Primer 第 5 版,我看到了以下语句:

As a result, unlike ordinary function pointers, a pointer to a member is not a callable object; these pointers do not support the function-call operator.



请注意,我不是在问书上说成员函数指针不支持函数调用运算符是否正确。因为我已经知道那部分陈述是正确的。 我想问的是指向成员函数的指针是否是标准的可调用对象

What i am asking is that whether pointer to member function are callable object according to the standard.



A callable object is an object of a callable type.

并且来自 func.def#3

A callable type is a function object type ([function.objects]) or a pointer to member.

因此,根据标准,引用语句 “指向成员的指针不是可调用对象” 的突出显示部分是不正确的。

As a result, unlike ordinary function pointers, a pointer to member is not a callable object; these pointers do not support the function-call operator.

So my question is, if the above quoted statement(the highlighted part in particular) correct according to the standard?

令我惊讶的是,标准实际上在 [func.def]/3

  1. The following definitions apply to this Clause:
  2. ...
  3. A callable type is a function object type ([function.objects]) or a pointer to member.
  4. A callable object is an object of a callable type.
  5. A call wrapper type is a type that holds a callable object and supports a call operation that forwards to that object.
  6. A call wrapper is an object of a call wrapper type.
  7. A target object is the callable object held by a call wrapper.

所以实际上指向成员函数的指针根据标准的可调用对象......在描述哪些类型可以是定义的函数对象的目标的上下文中在 <functional>.



  1. 可调用对象的唯一标准定义是在 <functional>.



  2. 标准不直接支持将可调用对象定义为提供函数调用运算符的习惯定义。
