Maven 变量:美元 vs 符号?

Maven variable : Dollar vs Arobase?

this documentation中,建议使用“@{argLine}”。 "@{argLine}" 和 "${argLine}" 和有什么不一样?有范围差异吗?

maven 文档中是否对此进行了记录? (找不到...)。

@{argLine} 而不是通常的 ${argLine} 被称为“延迟 属性 评估”。这仅由 Maven Surefire 插件支持。


How do I use properties set by other plugins in argLine?

Maven does property replacement for ${...} values in pom.xml before any plugin is run. So Surefire would never see the place-holders in its argLine property.

Since the Version 2.17 using an alternate syntax for these properties, @{...} allows late replacement of properties when the plugin is executed, so properties that have been modified by other plugins will be picked up correctly.