NUnit C# Generic Class Test Fixtures with constructor arguments in the class under test

NUnit C# Generic Class Test Fixtures with constructor arguments in the class under test

我有一堆 类 实现接口并具有构造函数参数。

为此 类 我想使用 Generic Test Fixture 模式编写一个测试,如 nunit 文档部分所述:


public class ClassToTest: IInterface
    public ClassToTest(ConstructorArgument arg1)

class AnotherClassToTest: IInterface
    public AnotherClassToTest(ConstructorArgument arg1)


public class TestClass<TClasses> where TClasses : IInterface, new()
    private IInterface _classUnderTest;

    public TestClass()
        ConstructorArgument args = new();
        _classUnderTest = new TClasses(args);  //This will not compile
        //How to Pass constructor argument args?

    public void Test1()

如何将必要的构造函数参数传递给 T类?

您可以使用 Activator.CreateInstance 来处理这种情况。


_classUnderTest = (TClasses)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TClasses), new object[] { args });

您已经有了一个接口,它抽象了它的每个具体实现 - 为什么您需要一个泛型?


[TestFixture(new ClassToTest(new ConstructorArgument()))]
[TestFixture(new AnotherClassToTest(new ConstructorArgument()))]
public class TestClass
    private IInterface _classUnderTest;

    public TestClass(IInterface classUnderTest)
           : _classUnderTest(classUnderTest)