SQL 使用子查询的条件创建列

SQL Create a column with conditions from a sub query

我有一个 table,带有 ID 和高度、长度和宽度。我需要找到每一行的 mas 度量,然后如果最大度量在 22 和 30 之间,则创建一列附加费 $5,如果大于 30,则创建 8。第一部分工作正常

select id, max(measure) as max_measure
from (
        select id, height as measure from table1 
        select id, length as measure from table1 
        select id, width as measure from table1 
     ) m
group by id


select surcharge where 
        m.max_measure >= 22 and m.max_measure <30 
        m.max_measure>= 30
select id, 
       max(measure) as max_measure,
       case when max(measure) >= 30 then 8
            when max(measure) >= 22 then 5
            else 0 end as surcharge