在没有外部库的情况下,在给定索引和半径的 numpy 数组中绘制一个圆
Draw a circle in a numpy array given index and radius without external libraries
我需要在二维 numpy 数组中绘制一个圆,给定 [i,j] 作为数组的索引,r 作为圆的半径。每次在索引 [i,j] 处满足条件时,应以该点为中心绘制一个圆,将圆内的所有值增加 +1。我想避免在绘制圆圈的末尾使用 for 循环(我使用 p,q 进行索引),因为我可能必须绘制数百万个圆圈。有没有没有for循环的方法?我也不想只为一个任务导入另一个库。
for i in range(array_shape[0]):
for j in range(array_shape[1]):
if (condition): # Draw circle if condition is fulfilled
# Create a square of pixels with side lengths equal to radius of circle
x_square_min = i-r
x_square_max = i+r+1
y_square_min = j-r
y_square_max = j+r+1
# Clamp this square to the edges of the array so circles near edges don't wrap around
if x_square_min < 0:
x_square_min = 0
if y_square_min < 0:
y_square_min = 0
if x_square_max > array_shape[0]:
x_square_max = array_shape[0]
if y_square_max > array_shape[1]:
y_square_max = array_shape[1]
# Now loop over the box and draw circle inside of it
for p in range(x_square_min , x_square_max):
for q in range(y_square_min , y_square_max):
if (p - i) ** 2 + (q - j) ** 2 <= r ** 2:
new_array[p,q] += 1 # Incrementing because need to have possibility of
# overlapping circles
# The main array of values is called array.
shape = array.shape
row_indices = np.arange(0, shape[0], 1)
col_indices = np.arange(0, shape[1], 1)
# Returns xy coordinates for a circle with a given radius, centered at (0,0).
def points_in_circle(radius):
a = np.arange(radius + 1)
for x, y in zip(*np.where(a[:,np.newaxis]**2 + a**2 <= radius**2)):
yield from set(((x, y), (x, -y), (-x, y), (-x, -y),))
# Set the radius value before running code.
radius = RADIUS
circle_r = np.array(list(points_in_circle(radius)))
# Note that I'm using x as the row number and y as the column number.
# Center of circle is at (x_center, y_center). shape_0 and shape_1 refer to the main array
# so we can get rid of coordinates outside the bounds of array.
def add_center_to_circle(circle_points, x_center, y_center, shape_0, shape_1):
circle = np.copy(circle_points)
circle[:, 0] += x_center
circle[:, 1] += y_center
# Get rid of rows where coordinates are below 0 (can't be indexed)
bad_rows = np.array(np.where(circle < 0)).T[:, 0]
circle = np.delete(circle, bad_rows, axis=0)
# Get rid of rows that are outside the upper bounds of the array.
circle = circle[circle[:, 0] < shape_0, :]
circle = circle[circle[:, 1] < shape_1, :]
return circle
for x in row_indices:
for y in col_indices:
# You need to set CONDITION before running the code.
# Because circle_r is the same for all circles, it doesn't need to be recalculated all the time. All you need to do is add x and y to circle_r each time CONDITION is met.
circle_coords = add_center_to_circle(circle_r, x, y, shape[0], shape[1])
array[tuple(circle_coords.T)] += 1
当我设置 radius = 10
、array = np.random.rand(1200).reshape(40, 30)
替换为 if (x == 20 and y == 20) or (x == 25 and y == 20)
添加每个圆都可以矢量化。此解决方案迭代满足 条件 的坐标。在 2-core colab instance 上,每秒可以添加约 60k 个半径为 30 的圆。
import numpy as np
arr = np.random.rand(400,300)
r = 30
xx, yy = np.mgrid[-r:r+1, -r:r+1]
circle = xx**2 + yy**2 <= r**2
condition = np.where(arr > .999) # np.where(arr > .5) to benchmark 60k circles
for x,y in zip(*condition):
# valid indices of the array
i = slice(max(x-r,0), min(x+r+1, arr.shape[0]))
j = slice(max(y-r,0), min(y+r+1, arr.shape[1]))
# visible slice of the circle
ci = slice(abs(min(x-r, 0)), circle.shape[0] - abs(min(arr.shape[0]-(x+r+1), 0)))
cj = slice(abs(min(y-r, 0)), circle.shape[1] - abs(min(arr.shape[1]-(y+r+1), 0)))
arr[i, j] += circle[ci, cj]
可视化 np.array
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
我需要在二维 numpy 数组中绘制一个圆,给定 [i,j] 作为数组的索引,r 作为圆的半径。每次在索引 [i,j] 处满足条件时,应以该点为中心绘制一个圆,将圆内的所有值增加 +1。我想避免在绘制圆圈的末尾使用 for 循环(我使用 p,q 进行索引),因为我可能必须绘制数百万个圆圈。有没有没有for循环的方法?我也不想只为一个任务导入另一个库。
for i in range(array_shape[0]):
for j in range(array_shape[1]):
if (condition): # Draw circle if condition is fulfilled
# Create a square of pixels with side lengths equal to radius of circle
x_square_min = i-r
x_square_max = i+r+1
y_square_min = j-r
y_square_max = j+r+1
# Clamp this square to the edges of the array so circles near edges don't wrap around
if x_square_min < 0:
x_square_min = 0
if y_square_min < 0:
y_square_min = 0
if x_square_max > array_shape[0]:
x_square_max = array_shape[0]
if y_square_max > array_shape[1]:
y_square_max = array_shape[1]
# Now loop over the box and draw circle inside of it
for p in range(x_square_min , x_square_max):
for q in range(y_square_min , y_square_max):
if (p - i) ** 2 + (q - j) ** 2 <= r ** 2:
new_array[p,q] += 1 # Incrementing because need to have possibility of
# overlapping circles
# The main array of values is called array.
shape = array.shape
row_indices = np.arange(0, shape[0], 1)
col_indices = np.arange(0, shape[1], 1)
# Returns xy coordinates for a circle with a given radius, centered at (0,0).
def points_in_circle(radius):
a = np.arange(radius + 1)
for x, y in zip(*np.where(a[:,np.newaxis]**2 + a**2 <= radius**2)):
yield from set(((x, y), (x, -y), (-x, y), (-x, -y),))
# Set the radius value before running code.
radius = RADIUS
circle_r = np.array(list(points_in_circle(radius)))
# Note that I'm using x as the row number and y as the column number.
# Center of circle is at (x_center, y_center). shape_0 and shape_1 refer to the main array
# so we can get rid of coordinates outside the bounds of array.
def add_center_to_circle(circle_points, x_center, y_center, shape_0, shape_1):
circle = np.copy(circle_points)
circle[:, 0] += x_center
circle[:, 1] += y_center
# Get rid of rows where coordinates are below 0 (can't be indexed)
bad_rows = np.array(np.where(circle < 0)).T[:, 0]
circle = np.delete(circle, bad_rows, axis=0)
# Get rid of rows that are outside the upper bounds of the array.
circle = circle[circle[:, 0] < shape_0, :]
circle = circle[circle[:, 1] < shape_1, :]
return circle
for x in row_indices:
for y in col_indices:
# You need to set CONDITION before running the code.
# Because circle_r is the same for all circles, it doesn't need to be recalculated all the time. All you need to do is add x and y to circle_r each time CONDITION is met.
circle_coords = add_center_to_circle(circle_r, x, y, shape[0], shape[1])
array[tuple(circle_coords.T)] += 1
当我设置 radius = 10
、array = np.random.rand(1200).reshape(40, 30)
替换为 if (x == 20 and y == 20) or (x == 25 and y == 20)
添加每个圆都可以矢量化。此解决方案迭代满足 条件 的坐标。在 2-core colab instance 上,每秒可以添加约 60k 个半径为 30 的圆。
import numpy as np
arr = np.random.rand(400,300)
r = 30
xx, yy = np.mgrid[-r:r+1, -r:r+1]
circle = xx**2 + yy**2 <= r**2
condition = np.where(arr > .999) # np.where(arr > .5) to benchmark 60k circles
for x,y in zip(*condition):
# valid indices of the array
i = slice(max(x-r,0), min(x+r+1, arr.shape[0]))
j = slice(max(y-r,0), min(y+r+1, arr.shape[1]))
# visible slice of the circle
ci = slice(abs(min(x-r, 0)), circle.shape[0] - abs(min(arr.shape[0]-(x+r+1), 0)))
cj = slice(abs(min(y-r, 0)), circle.shape[1] - abs(min(arr.shape[1]-(y+r+1), 0)))
arr[i, j] += circle[ci, cj]
可视化 np.array
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt