PHP telnet 数组回复解析以存储在 mysql 数据库中

PHP telnet array reply parsing to store on mysql database

大家好,我有一个正在进行的小项目,这个项目需要我通过 telnet 向设备发送一个 cmd,我得到了一个回复,它通过数组中的答案..我需要解析这个数据所以我可以存储在 mysql table..

这是来自 telnet 命令的数据输出回复..

 Array ( 
 [0] => show ont info 0/0 4 all 
 [1] => ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 [2] => F/S P ONT MAC Control Run Config Match Desc 
 [3] => ID flag state state state 
 [4] => ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 [5] => 0/0 4 1 70:A8:E3:B4:5C:5C active online success match 
 [6] => 0/0 4 2 E0:67:B3:7E:20:05 active online success match 
 [7] => 0/0 4 3 E0:67:B3:7D:F8:F9 active online success match 
 [8] => 0/0 4 4 E0:E8:E6:4E:69:B8 active online success match 
 [9] => ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 [10] => Total: 4, online 4 
 [11] => 
 [12] => OLT(config)# 
 [13] => 
 [14] => OLT(config)# 

基本上我需要分开 F/S 0/0 P = 4 ONT ID = 1,2,3,4 取决于 cmd 回复这最多可以有 64 个设备,MAC CONTROL=设备 mac。 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 运行 =active Config= online, MATCH DESCRIPTION = success match

在 mysql table 上我们有以下行

 FRAME SLOT = 0/0 
 ONT ID = ID of devices

我有点迷路了我已经尝试用 foreach 来过滤它..但是它没有正确存储数据...


好的,所以我可以展开数组并过滤细节,但我现在卡在循环中了..它只是过滤了小伙子的 ONT id 设备数据..我尝试了一个 foreach 但它不起作用..下面附上代码并想象它只过滤最后一个ONT ID并输出结果。pic-test

   $show_pon4[0] = "show ont info 0/0 4 all";
   $telnet->DoCommand($show_pon1, $pon4_reply);
   $showpon4_res_exp = explode("\n", $pon4_reply);
   for ($h=0; $h<=count($showpon4_res_exp); $h++) {

                if (strpos($showpon4_res_exp[$h], "ID") !== FALSE) {
                            $returns = str_replace ( "                   ", " ", $showpon4_res_exp[$h+1+$j]);
                            $returns = str_replace ( "    ", " ", $returns);
                            $returns = str_replace ( "    ", " ", $returns);
                            $returns = str_replace ( "    ", " ", $returns);
                            $returns = str_replace ( "  ", " ", $returns);
                            $returns = str_replace ( "  ", " ", $returns);
                            $returns = str_replace ( "  ", " ", $returns);
                            $dt_returns = explode(" ", trim($returns)); 
                            //die(print_r($dt_returns, true));
                            $fsp = str_replace ( "epon-slot_", "", $dt_returns[0]);
                            $fspExp = explode("/", $fsp);                     // Frame e slot from OLT 0/0  
                            $ret["returns"][$j]["frame"] = $fspExp[0];        // Read Frame 0
                            $ret["returns"][$j]["slot"] = $fspExp[1];         // Read Slot  0
                            $ret["returns"][$j]["pon"] = $dt_returns[1];              // Returns PON Nº
                            $ret["returns"][$j]["ont_id"] = $dt_returns[2];           // ONT ID 
                            $ret["returns"][$j]["mac"] = $dt_returns[3];              // Returns MAC
                            $ret["returns"][$j]["control-flag"] = $dt_returns[4];     // Returns Control Flag
                            $ret["returns"][$j]["run-state"] = $dt_returns[5];        // Returns Run-State
                            $ret["returns"][$j]["config-state"] = $dt_returns[6];     // Returns Config-State
                            $ret["returns"][$j]["match-state"] = $dt_returns[7];      // Returns Match-state

                        } while( strpos($showpon4_res_exp[$h+1+$j],"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------") === false );

                        $qtdOnts += $j;


                $ret["info"][0]["qtd"] = $qtdOnts; 

您应该将回复分成几个部分,然后将第 3 部分分成几行。正则表达式是你的朋友:

// Will replace numeric keys with these later
$fields = ["frame","slot","pon","mac","control-flag","run-state","config-state","match-state"];

// Data is a raw string
$sections = preg_split('/-{50,}\s*\r?\n/s', $data);

// I asume your rows are always on section with index 2
// If not, we could autodetect it, matching section with a "/^\d\/\d/" regexp
$rows = preg_split('/\r?\n/', trim($sections[2]));

$entries = [];
foreach( $rows as $row ){

  $entry = preg_split("/\s+/", trim($row));

  // Move values from numeric keys to string keys
  foreach( $fields as $i => $field ){
    $entry[ $field ] = $entry[ $i ];
    unset( $entry[$i] );

  $entries[] = $entry;



以下代码应该通过 PDO 在 MySql table 中插入数据:

// Data is a raw string
$sections = preg_split('/-{50,}\s*\r?\n/s', $data);

// I asume your rows are always on section with index 2
// If not, we could autodetect it, matching section with a "/^\d\/\d/" regexp
$rows = preg_split('/\r?\n/', trim($sections[2]));

$query_chunks = [];
$query_data = [];

foreach( $rows as $row ){

  $query_chunks[] = "(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";
  $query_data = array_merge($query_data, preg_split("/\s+/", trim($row)));


$query = 
  "INSERT INTO ont_onu (frame_slot, pon, ont_id, mac_address, control_flag, run_state, config_state, match_state) VALUES "
  . implode( ', ', $query_chunks ) ;

$pdo_dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=DATABASE_NAME', 'DATABASE_USER', 'DATABASE_PASSWORD');
$sth = $pdo_dbh->prepare( $query );
$sth->execute( $query_data );

虽然您是 运行 mysqli,而不是 PDO,但您必须在遍历行时构造查询:

foreach( $rows as $row ){

  $query_chunks[] = '('.implode(', ', array_map(function( $value ) use ($mysqli) {

    return "'" . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $value) . "'";



$query = 
  "INSERT INTO ont_onu (frame_slot, pon, ont_id, mac_address, control_flag, run_state, config_state, match_state) VALUES "
  . implode( ', ', $query_chunks ) ;

mysqli_query($mysqli, $sql);  


$mysqli_sth = mysqli_prepare($mysqli, $query);
  str_repeat('s', count( $query_data )),

但我建议转到 PDO。