命名查询 Elasticsearch 在 should 数组中不起作用

Named query Elasticsearch not working inside a should array

我正在尝试使用命名查询来查看满足哪个条件,标记一或标记二,但它不起作用,实现此目的的正确方法是什么? 该示例指出“_name”标签应该在 bool 中使用,也就是它,所以我不确定问题出在哪里。

GET /myindex/_search
  "_source": ["ids"],
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "range": {
                        "timestamp": {
                          "format": "strict_date_optional_time",
                          "gte": "2022-02-21T20:44:07.099Z",
                          "lte": "2022-03-23T20:44:07.099Z"
                    "bool": {
                        "should": [
                          "_name": "tag-one",
                            "query_string": {
                            "query_string": {
                             "_name": "tag-two"
    "size": 10000


  "error" : {
    "root_cause" : [
        "type" : "parsing_exception",
        "reason" : "[_name] query malformed, no start_object after query name",
        "line" : 19,
        "col" : 18
    "type" : "x_content_parse_exception",
    "reason" : "[19:18] [bool] failed to parse field [must]",
    "caused_by" : {
      "type" : "x_content_parse_exception",
      "reason" : "[19:18] [bool] failed to parse field [should]",
      "caused_by" : {
        "type" : "parsing_exception",
        "reason" : "[_name] query malformed, no start_object after query name",
        "line" : 19,
        "col" : 18
  "status" : 400

来自Elasticsearch documentation

Each query accepts a _name in its top-level definition. You can use named queries to track which queries matched returned documents.

您需要在 query_string 中包含 _named 查询。将您的搜索查询修改为

    "_source": [
    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "range": {
                        "timestamp": {
                            "format": "strict_date_optional_time",
                            "gte": "2022-02-21T20:44:07.099Z",
                            "lte": "2022-03-23T20:44:07.099Z"
                    "bool": {
                        "should": [
                                "query_string": {
                                    "query": "*hello*",
                                    "fields": [
                                    "_name": "tag-one"           //note this
                                "query_string": {
                                    "query": "*world*",
                                    "fields": [
                                    "_name": "tag-two"
    "size": 10000