
Aggregate vertices-as-rows to string

我在 Oracle 18c table.

ASSET_ID     PART_NUM VERTEX_NUM          X          Y          M
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
001                 1          1          0          5          0
001                 1          2         10         10      11.18
001                 1          3         30          0      33.54
001                 2          1         50         10      33.54
001                 2          2         60         10      43.54

示例数据: db<>fiddle


'MULTILINESTRING ((0 5 0, 10 10 11.18, 30 0 33.54),(50 10 33.54, 60 10 43.54))'

我如何使用 Oracle SQL 做到这一点?


with cte as (
select 001 c1,1 c2,1 c3,0 c4,5 c5,0 c6 from dual union all
select 001,1,2,10,10,11.18 from dual union all
select 001,1,3,30,0,33.54 from dual union all
select 001,2,1,50,10,33.54 from dual union all
select 001,2,2,60,10,43.54 from dual
), cte1 as
select c2,listagg(c4||' '||c5||' '||c6,',')  
s1 from cte group by c2 order by c2 asc)
select 'MULTILINESTRING ('||listagg('('||s1||')',',') 
within group (order by c2) ||')' as result from cte1;
