如何省略 "Binding loop detected for property" 警告?

How to omit the "Binding loop detected for property" warning?


我想要实现的是一个我可以放在任何东西(RectangleImage 等等)上并让它响应触摸手势的对象。不幸的是,我 运行 遇到了一个我无法解决的问题。我找不到帮助,所以我在这里试试。


import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 1.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.2

ApplicationWindow {
    title: qsTr("Touch surface test")
    width: 640
    height: 480
    visible: true

    Rectangle {
        width: 200
        height: 60
        color: "blue"

        MyTouchSurface {
            id: myTouchSurface
            anchors.fill: parent


这里是 MyTouchSurface.qml

import QtQuick 2.5

MultiPointTouchArea {
    id: myTouchSurface

    // this is object I want to respond to touch gestures
    property Item target: parent

    // this is object I want to keep target in. I won't let target get out of it
    property Item container: parent.parent

    property double targetX: target.x
    property double targetY: target.y
    property double centerX: target.width / 2
    property double centerY: target.height / 2
    property double lastTouchX
    property double lastTouchY
    property double lastXDrag
    property double lastYDrag

    // here I calculate received touches and move target
    onPressed: {
        lastTouchX = touchPoints[0].sceneX
        lastTouchY = touchPoints[0].sceneY
        if (slidingAnimation.running)
    onTouchUpdated: {
        if (touchPoints.length) {
            target.x += touchPoints[0].sceneX - lastTouchX
            target.y += touchPoints[0].sceneY - lastTouchY
            lastXDrag = touchPoints[0].sceneX - lastTouchX
            lastYDrag = touchPoints[0].sceneY - lastTouchY
            lastTouchX = touchPoints[0].sceneX
            lastTouchY = touchPoints[0].sceneY

    // when lifting fingers off screen I want to slide target across it's container
    function startSliding() {
        slidingAnimation.toX = target.x + lastXDrag * 10
        slidingAnimation.toY = target.y + lastYDrag * 10

    // This is animation responsible for sliding the target
    ParallelAnimation {
        id: slidingAnimation
        property double toX
        property double toY
        property int animationDuration: 250
        NumberAnimation {
            target: myTouchSurface.target
            property: "x"
            to: slidingAnimation.toX
            duration: slidingAnimation.animationDuration
            easing.type: Easing.OutQuad
        NumberAnimation {
            target: myTouchSurface.target
            property: "y"
            to: slidingAnimation.toY
            duration: slidingAnimation.animationDuration
            easing.type: Easing.OutQuad

    // this is how I keep target object within container
    onTargetXChanged: {
        if (container != null) {
            if (target.x + centerX < 0)
                target.x = -centerX
            else if (target.x + centerX > container.width)
                target.x = container.width - centerX
    onTargetYChanged: {
        if (container != null) {
            if (target.y + centerY < 0)
                target.y = -centerY
            else if (target.y + centerY > container.height)
                target.y = container.height - centerY

我想在 MyTouchSurface 中包含所有的计算和功能,这样可以很容易地应用于其他对象并在另一个项目中使用它。





我知道我可以更改动画的 easingduration,使其停在容器边界上,但看起来它已停止。




我认为您的问题是您在 属性 更新处理程序 (onTargetXChanged()).

这可能会被 QML 引擎识别为投标循环,就像您将 target.xonTargetXChanged() 更改一样,信号 onTargetXChanged() 将再次触发,因为它在 属性 double targetX: target.x.


TouchArea {
  property Item target  //  target is the Image object being moved
  property double targetX: target.x
  property double targetY: target.y

  onTargetXChanged: {
    /* if object is out of specified area move x respectively */
  onTargetYChanged: {
    /* if object is out of specified area move y respectively */

  function performPropertyUpdate(args) {
    /* actual setting of target.x or target.y */

解决问题 myX 应该是 x,

property alias myX: rectangle2.x

您遇到此问题是因为 myX 正在更改 x 的值并且 x 正在更改 myX 的值:一个循环。


import QtQuick 2.5

MultiPointTouchArea {
    id: myTouchSurface

    // this is object I want to respond to touch gestures
    property Item target: parent

    // this is object I want to keep target in. I won't let target get out of it
    property Item container: parent.parent

    property double targetX: target.x
    property double targetY: target.y
    property double centerX: target.width / 2
    property double centerY: target.height / 2
    property double lastTouchX
    property double lastTouchY
    property double lastXDrag
    property double lastYDrag

    // here I calculate received touches and move target
    onPressed: {
        lastTouchX = touchPoints[0].sceneX
        lastTouchY = touchPoints[0].sceneY
        if (slidingAnimation.running)
    onTouchUpdated: {
        if (touchPoints.length) {
            target.x += touchPoints[0].sceneX - lastTouchX
            target.y += touchPoints[0].sceneY - lastTouchY
            lastXDrag = touchPoints[0].sceneX - lastTouchX
            lastYDrag = touchPoints[0].sceneY - lastTouchY
            lastTouchX = touchPoints[0].sceneX
            lastTouchY = touchPoints[0].sceneY

    // when lifting fingers off screen I want to slide target across it's container
    function startSliding() {
        slidingAnimation.toX = target.x + lastXDrag * 10
        slidingAnimation.toY = target.y + lastYDrag * 10

    // This is animation responsible for sliding the target
    ParallelAnimation {
        id: slidingAnimation
        property double toX
        property double toY
        property int animationDuration: 250
        NumberAnimation {
            target: myTouchSurface.target
            property: "x"
            to: slidingAnimation.toX
            duration: slidingAnimation.animationDuration
            easing.type: Easing.OutQuad
        NumberAnimation {
            target: myTouchSurface.target
            property: "y"
            to: slidingAnimation.toY
            duration: slidingAnimation.animationDuration
            easing.type: Easing.OutQuad

            if (container != null) {
                if (target.x + centerX < 0)
                    target.x = -centerX
                else if (target.x + centerX > container.width)
                    target.x = container.width - centerX

            if (container != null) {
                if (target.y + centerY < 0)
                    target.y = -centerY
                else if (target.y + centerY > container.height)
                    target.y = container.height - centerY

    // this is how I keep target object within container
//    onTargetXChanged: {

//    }
//    onTargetYChanged: {

//    }