将 CDATA 添加到 XML 个字段

Adding CDATA to XML fields

如何将 CDATA 添加到 python 从 xlsx 到 xml 中的所有生成字段?


from lxml import etree as et

raw_data = pd.read_excel(r'path_to_file')
root = et.Element('document')

for row in raw_data.iterrows():
    root_tags = et.SubElement(root, 'root')  
    # These are the tag names for each row 
    Column_heading_1 = et.SubElement(root_tags, 'sku')
    Column_heading_2 = et.SubElement(root_tags, 'product_url')

    # The values inside the [] are the raw file column headings.
    Column_heading_1.text = str(row[1]['sku'])
    Column_heading_2.text = str(row[1]['product_url'])

tree = et.ElementTree(root)
et.indent(tree, space="\t", level=0)
tree.write('output.xml', encoding="utf-8")




Column_heading_1.text = et.CDATA(str(row[1]['sku']))