如何在动态生成的 jquery 列表中将值保存到 localStorage,同时还为每个元素生成一个 href?

How can I save a value to localStorage in a dynamically generated jquery list, while also generating an href for each element?

我正在从我的数据库中提取文件名列表,并使用 jquery 动态列出它们。它们作为无序列表添加到 html。我希望每个项目 link 到我的详细信息页面,但我还需要文件 ID 在单击时保存到本地存储。这可能吗?我只需要改进我的语法吗?感谢任何帮助。


$(function() {
  var $files = $('#files');
      type: "GET",
      url: 'some url',
      data: {},
      success: function(files) {
        $.each(files, function(i, file){
          $files.append('<a href="details.html" onclick="localStorage.setItem("file", +file.id+)";>'+file.id+'</a>');
      // Error handling 
      error: function (error) {
      console.log(`Error ${error}`);


<ul id="files"></ul>


将您的代码更改为此,以改用模板文字: (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Template_literals)

$files.append(`<a href="details.html" onclick="localStorage.setItem('file', '${file.id}')";>${file.id}</a>`);

使用字符串模板将允许您直接将变量的值打印到带有 ${variableName}


糟糕,我误解了这个问题,留下这个关于如何在 localStorage 中缓存列表以备不时之需的答案:


$(function() {
    let storedFiles = window.localStorage.getItem('stored_files');
    if(storedFiles !== null) {
        //found in local storage, use this:
        files = JSON.parse(storedFiles); //local storage is stored as a string, you have to convert back to an object
        //generate the list of files
    } else { 
        // not found in local storage, get from database
          type: "GET",
          url: 'some url',
          data: {},
          success: function(files) {
            //generate the list of files:
           // now store the files back in local storage for next time!
           window.localStorage.setItem("stored_files", JSON.stringify(files)); // local storage should be stored as a string, as mentioned above
          // Error handling 
          error: function (error) {
          console.log(`Error ${error}`);

    function generateListOfFiles(files) {
        $.each(files, function(i, file){
            let $files = $('#files');
            $files.append('<a href="details.html" onclick="localStorage.setItem("file", +file.id+)";>'+file.id+'</a>');