将结构值复制到 golang 中的接口{}
Copying struct value to a interface{ } in golang
我想了解为什么当我将一个结构值复制到一个接口中时它的行为就像它那样。在此代码中,有人可以帮助我理解为什么当我将值从 mySlice 复制到 foo3 时,它的行为与其他副本不同吗?
package main
import (
type SliceOfInt []int
// when passing a slice to a method you are passing this data. Lets prove it
type SliceHeader struct {
Data uintptr
Len int
Cap int
// Print the header of a slice. Its Data. Len and Cap
func GetHeaderOfSliceOfInt(s unsafe.Pointer) *SliceHeader {
// this header needs to point to &mySlice but compiler will not let us. we have to use unsafe pointers
var header *SliceHeader
pointerToMySlice := s
header = ((*SliceHeader)(pointerToMySlice))
return header
func main() {
// On go everything is passed by coping values. When you pass a slice to a function you are passing this:
// reference:
type SliceHeader struct {
Data uintptr
Len int
Cap int
// create a new slice
var mySlice SliceOfInt = make([]int, 0)
mySlice = append(mySlice, 123456789) // append this number to mySlice
// now we have a slice with len:1 and capacity:1. Lets prove it
header := GetHeaderOfSliceOfInt(unsafe.Pointer(&mySlice))
// this prints: {824635465728 1 1}
// this means that on memory address 824635465728 there is an array with cap:1 and len:1
// copy that header to someOtherSlice
someOtherSlice := mySlice
header = GetHeaderOfSliceOfInt(unsafe.Pointer(&someOtherSlice))
// prints the same value {824635465728 1 1}
// anyways if I go to address 824635465728 on my computer I shoul dbe able to find integer 123456789
pointerToInteger := unsafe.Pointer((*header).Data)
var integerVal *int = ((*int)(pointerToInteger))
// if I copy like this, it will print the correct header {824635465728 1 1}
foo1 := mySlice
// copy like this will also print the correct header {824635465728 1 1}
foo2 := foo1
// If I copy like this it will print the incorrect header. Why?
var foo3 interface{} = mySlice
// this last line prints {4746976 824635330392 0}
{824635465728 1 1}
{824635465728 1 1}
{824635465728 1 1}
{824635465728 1 1}
{4746976 824635330392 0}
我知道如果我将 foo3 转换为:foo3.(SliceOfInt)
接口类型,无论是否为空,本身就是一种类型。它有自己的内存表示,是 Go 类型系统的合法成员。
变量 foo1
和 foo2
与 mySlice
变量具有相同的类型和值。但是变量 foo3
具有不同的类型,因此也具有不同的值。是的,dynamic 类型和值与 mySlice
相同,但 static 类型和值不同。
接口值在内存中不是由与 three-field SliceHeader
兼容的结构表示的,因此尝试从接口值。相反,接口值由 2 字段结构表示(这就是为什么您尝试第三个字段是 0
type iface struct {
typ uintptr
data uintptr
x := (*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&foo3))
s := (*SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(x.data))
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", x)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", s)
我想了解为什么当我将一个结构值复制到一个接口中时它的行为就像它那样。在此代码中,有人可以帮助我理解为什么当我将值从 mySlice 复制到 foo3 时,它的行为与其他副本不同吗?
package main
import (
type SliceOfInt []int
// when passing a slice to a method you are passing this data. Lets prove it
type SliceHeader struct {
Data uintptr
Len int
Cap int
// Print the header of a slice. Its Data. Len and Cap
func GetHeaderOfSliceOfInt(s unsafe.Pointer) *SliceHeader {
// this header needs to point to &mySlice but compiler will not let us. we have to use unsafe pointers
var header *SliceHeader
pointerToMySlice := s
header = ((*SliceHeader)(pointerToMySlice))
return header
func main() {
// On go everything is passed by coping values. When you pass a slice to a function you are passing this:
// reference:
type SliceHeader struct {
Data uintptr
Len int
Cap int
// create a new slice
var mySlice SliceOfInt = make([]int, 0)
mySlice = append(mySlice, 123456789) // append this number to mySlice
// now we have a slice with len:1 and capacity:1. Lets prove it
header := GetHeaderOfSliceOfInt(unsafe.Pointer(&mySlice))
// this prints: {824635465728 1 1}
// this means that on memory address 824635465728 there is an array with cap:1 and len:1
// copy that header to someOtherSlice
someOtherSlice := mySlice
header = GetHeaderOfSliceOfInt(unsafe.Pointer(&someOtherSlice))
// prints the same value {824635465728 1 1}
// anyways if I go to address 824635465728 on my computer I shoul dbe able to find integer 123456789
pointerToInteger := unsafe.Pointer((*header).Data)
var integerVal *int = ((*int)(pointerToInteger))
// if I copy like this, it will print the correct header {824635465728 1 1}
foo1 := mySlice
// copy like this will also print the correct header {824635465728 1 1}
foo2 := foo1
// If I copy like this it will print the incorrect header. Why?
var foo3 interface{} = mySlice
// this last line prints {4746976 824635330392 0}
{824635465728 1 1}
{824635465728 1 1}
{824635465728 1 1}
{824635465728 1 1}
{4746976 824635330392 0}
我知道如果我将 foo3 转换为:foo3.(SliceOfInt)
接口类型,无论是否为空,本身就是一种类型。它有自己的内存表示,是 Go 类型系统的合法成员。
变量 foo1
和 foo2
与 mySlice
变量具有相同的类型和值。但是变量 foo3
具有不同的类型,因此也具有不同的值。是的,dynamic 类型和值与 mySlice
相同,但 static 类型和值不同。
接口值在内存中不是由与 three-field SliceHeader
兼容的结构表示的,因此尝试从接口值。相反,接口值由 2 字段结构表示(这就是为什么您尝试第三个字段是 0
type iface struct {
typ uintptr
data uintptr
x := (*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&foo3))
s := (*SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(x.data))
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", x)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", s)