
Python: Program Outputs Different Values Every Time It Runs

对于任何使用复杂方程组的项目(例如复合力学分析或 thrust/fluid 流动分析),这个问题已经出现几个月了。不过,简单的计算、迭代方法和 Numpy 矩阵似乎可以独立运行。为了确定,我已尝试完全卸载并重新安装 Python 和 Pycharm,但同样的问题仍然存在。

在过去的几个月里,尽管所有输入值和计算都保持不变,但任何包含更复杂数学的代码(例如上述代码)都会输出不同的值。不同的代码没有变化或随机性的手段。我注意到这些不正确的输出通常出现在 arrays/matrices 内,我可以看出输出值不正确,因为预期的数字反而大得离谱。

例如,矩阵中的元素应为 5.197e+7,但代码却为同一元素输出 3.322e+257。但是,在 运行 第二次调用代码时,代码会为完全相同的元素生成 2.822e+204 的输出。只有在第三个 运行 时,代码才输出该元素的正确值,即 5.197e+7。对于相同的、不变的代码,为了输出正确的值,此过程可能需要 1 到 15 个单独的 运行s。

另一个有趣的方面是,我编写的计算通常需要对上述代码进行多次迭代。但是,即使我正在重置临时保存所有值的数组(不再影响计算的最终值除外),导致这些“错误的原因正在通过代码进行,直到迭代结束。据我了解,这不应该是这种情况,因为在迭代结束时,代码将所有值(已知初始值除外)设置为 0 并重新计算。这意味着代码不断出现相同的错误。



NM = [[ 2.57939977e+04]
 [ 3.03926820e+04]
 [ 1.00000000e+00]
 [ 1.00000000e+00]
 [ 2.60208521e-16]]
[A] =
 [[1.50155575e+08 4.45004838e+07 0.00000000e+00]
 [4.44974703e+07 1.07288531e+08 0.00000000e+00]
 [0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 5.19662175e+07]]
[D] =
 [[60.771  7.663  4.019]
 [ 7.659 12.322  4.019]
 [ 4.019  4.019  9.567]]


NM = 
[A] =
 [[1.50155575e+08 4.45004838e+07 0.00000000e+00]
 [4.44974703e+07 1.07288531e+08 0.00000000e+00]
 [0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 5.19662175e+07]]
[D] =
 [[60.771  7.663  4.019]
 [ 7.659 12.322  4.019]
 [ 4.019  4.019  9.567]]


NM = [[2.18479897e+158]
[A] =
 [[1.50155575e+08 4.45004838e+07 0.00000000e+00]
 [4.44974703e+07 1.07288531e+08 0.00000000e+00]
 [0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 5.19662175e+07]]
[D] =
 [[60.771  7.663  4.019]
 [ 7.659 12.322  4.019]
 [ 4.019  4.019  9.567]]


NM = [[ 2.57939977e+004]
 [ 3.03926820e+004]
 [ 4.54183603e+225]
 [ 6.28847407e+094]
 [ 2.60208521e-016]]
[A] =
 [[1.50155575e+08 4.45004838e+07 0.00000000e+00]
 [4.44974703e+07 1.07288531e+08 0.00000000e+00]
 [0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 5.19662175e+07]]
[D] =
 [[60.771  7.663  4.019]
 [ 7.659 12.322  4.019]
 [ 4.019  4.019  9.567]]


NM = [[ 2.57939977e+04]
 [ 3.03926820e+04]
 [ 1.00000000e+00]
 [ 1.00000000e+00]
 [ 2.60208521e-16]]
[A] =
 [[1.50155575e+008 4.45004838e+007 0.00000000e+000]
 [4.44974703e+007 1.07288531e+008 0.00000000e+000]
 [0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000 2.39203287e+198]]
[D] =
 [[60.771  7.663  4.019]
 [ 7.659 12.322  4.019]
 [ 4.019  4.019  9.567]]

可以看出,第四次迭代最终产生了正确的NM矩阵;然而,[A] 矩阵从具有正确的值变为不正确的 A[3][3] 元素。然而,在重新 运行 程序的多次尝试之后,程序最终输出了所有三个正确的矩阵。如前所述,这可能需要 1 到 15 次尝试。

此时,我不知道是什么导致了这些问题。我已经将我的代码提供给其他人 运行 在他们自己的计算机上,程序似乎没有问题。任何关于我如何解决这个问题的建议都将不胜感激。查看第一次迭代的完整代码和说明如下。如果还有其他需要,请告诉我。


  1. 运行 确保 C.stress_critical_loads() 被注释掉并且 C.tsai_wu() 没有在 main 方法中被注释掉的代码。
  2. 在 运行ning 之后,滚动到输出的顶部,然后向下滚动直到 NM、[A]、[B] 和 [D] 的第一个实例。
  3. 如果您在输出代码中间看到一条错误消息,那是因为 NM 矩阵错误。当 NM 矩阵正确时,错误消息消失。尽管有错误消息,程序也 运行s。


import numpy as np
import math
from tabulate import *

def stress_transformation_matrix(x):
    # This function calculates the stress transformation
    # matrix given an input value for the ply angle
    return np.array([
        [math.cos(x)**2, math.sin(x)**2, 2*math.sin(x)*math.cos(x)],
        [math.sin(x)**2, math.cos(x)**2, -2*math.sin(x)*math.cos(x)],
        [-math.sin(x)*math.cos(x), math.sin(x)*math.cos(x), math.cos(x)**2 - math.sin(x)**2]

def strain_transformation_matrix(x):
    # This function calculates the strain transformation
    # matrix given an input value for the ply angle
    return np.array([
        [math.cos(x)**2, math.sin(x)**2, math.sin(x)*math.cos(x)],
        [math.sin(x)**2, math.cos(x)**2, -math.sin(x)*math.cos(x)],
        [-2*math.sin(x)*math.cos(x), 2*math.sin(x)*math.cos(x), math.cos(x)**2-math.sin(x)**2]

def local_stiffness_matrix(E11, E22, G12, v12, v21):
    # This function calculates the local stiffness
    # given the material properties at each ply
    return np.array([
        [E11 / (1 - v12 * v21), v21 * E11 / (1 - v12 * v21), 0],
        [v12 * E22 / (1 - v12 * v21), E22 / (1 - v12 * v21), 0],
        [0, 0, G12]

class Properties:
    def __init__(self):
        # Material Properties
        self.M_E11 = np.array([181E9, 204E9, 138E9, 38.6E9, 76E9])
        self.M_E22 = np.array([10.3E9, 18.5E9, 9E9, 8.3E9, 5.5E9])
        self.M_G12 = np.array([7.17E9, 5.59E9, 7.1E9, 4.14E9, 2.3E9])
        self.M_v12 = np.array([0.280, 0.230, 0.300, 0.260, 0.340])
        self.M_v21 = np.array([0.016, 0.021, 0.019, 0.056, 0.33])
        self.E11 = np.array([])
        self.E22 = np.array([])
        self.G12 = np.array([])
        self.v12 = np.array([])
        self.v21 = np.array([])

        # Ultimate Failure Strengths
        self.P_SLT = np.array([1500E6, 1260E6, 1447E6, 1062E6, 1400E6])
        self.P_SLc = np.array([1500E6, 2499E6, 1447E6, 610E6, 235E6])
        self.P_STt = np.array([40E6, 61E6, 52E6, 31E6, 12E6])
        self.P_STc = np.array([246E6, 202E6, 206E6, 118E6, 53E6])
        self.P_SLTs = np.array([68E6, 67E6, 93E6, 72E6, 34E6])
        self.SLT = np.array([])
        self.SLc = np.array([])
        self.STt = np.array([])
        self.STc = np.array([])
        self.SLTs = np.array([])

        # Ultimate Failure Strains
        self.P_epsLtf = np.array([1.087E-2, 0, 1.380E-2, 2.807E-2, 0])
        self.P_epsLcf = np.array([0.652E-2, 0, 1.175E-2, 1.754E-2, 0])
        self.P_epsCtf = np.array([0.245E-2, 0, 0.436E-2, 0.456E-2, 0])
        self.P_epsCcf = np.array([1.818E-2, 0, 2E-2, 1.2E-2, 0])
        self.P_epsLTs = np.array([4E-2, 0, 2E-2, 4E-2, 0])
        self.epsLtf = np.array([])
        self.epsLcf = np.array([])
        self.epsCtf = np.array([])
        self.epsCcf = np.array([])
        self.epsLTs = np.array([])

        # Strength Ratios for stress and strain
        self.R11_s = np.array([])
        self.R22_s = np.array([])
        self.R12_s = np.array([])
        self.R11_e = np.array([])
        self.R22_e = np.array([])
        self.R12_e = np.array([])
        self.R_crit_s = np.array([])
        self.R_crit_e = np.array([])

        # Tsai-Wu Coefficients
        self.F11 = np.array([])
        self.F22 = np.array([])
        self.F12 = np.array([])
        self.F66 = np.array([])
        self.F1 = np.array([])
        self.F2 = np.array([])

        # Stiffness and Transformation Matrices
        self.Q = np.array([])
        self.Q_hat = np.array([])
        self.T = np.array([])
        self.T_hat = np.array([])

        # ABD Matrices
        self.A = np.empty(shape=(3, 3))
        self.B = np.empty(shape=(3, 3))
        self.D = np.empty(shape=(3, 3))
        self.ABD = np.empty(shape=(6, 6))

        # Laminate Loads
        self.Nxx = 200
        self.Nyy = 200
        self.Nxy = 0
        self.Mxx = 1
        self.Myy = 1
        self.Mxy = 0
        self.N_mech = np.array([])
        self.M_mech = np.array([])
        self.NT = np.empty(shape=(3, 1))
        self.MT = np.empty(shape=(3, 1))
        self.NM = np.array([])
        self.Nxx_cs = np.array([])
        self.Mxx_cs = np.array([])
        self.Nxx_ce = np.array([])
        self.Mxx_ce = np.array([])

        # Mid-plane Strains and Curvatures
        self.e0_k = np.array([])
        self.e0 = np.array([])
        self.k0 = np.array([])

        # Stresses and Strains = np.array([])      # global stress = np.array([])      # local stress = np.array([])      # global strain
        self.el = np.array([])      # local strain

        # Ply Orientations
        self.lam = None             # total laminate thickness
        self.z_lam = np.array([])   # laminate thickness from to pto bottom
        self.z_m = np.array([])     # mid-plane laminate thickness

        # Table and Material Properties
        self.mat = np.array([])
        self.mat_list = np.array([])

        # Total Ply Failure
        self.Beta = np.array([])

        # Angle at Each Ply (deg)
        self.angle = np.array([0, 0, 45, 45, -45, -45, 90, 90, -45, -45, 45, 45, 0, 0])
        self.a = np.array([])
        # Thickness at Each Ply (m)
        self.z = np.array([0.125E-3, 0.125E-3, 0.125E-3, 0.125E-3, 0.125E-3, 0.125E-3, 0.125E-3, 0.125E-3, 0.125E-3,
                           0.125E-3, 0.125E-3, 0.125E-3, 0.125E-3, 0.125E-3])
        # Number of Ply
        self.n = self.angle.size
        # Material at Each Ply
        self.m = np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
        # 0: T300/5208
        # 1: B(4) 5505
        # 2: AS4/3501
        # 3: Scotchply 1002
        # 4: Kevlar49/Epoxy

        # Thermal Properties
        self.a1 = -0.018E-6     # longitudinal thermal expansion, deg. C
        self.a2 = 24.3E-6       # transverse thermal expansion, deg. C
        self.a3 = 0             # shear thermal expansion, deg. C
        self.dT = 100           # change in temperature, deg. C

    def ply_angle(self):
        a = np.array([])
        for i in range(self.n):
            a = np.append(a, math.radians(self.angle[i]))
        self.a = a

    def ply(self):
        # set total laminate ply failure array
        self.Beta = np.full(self.n, 1)

        # Determine the thickness of each ply
        self.lam = sum(self.z)
        print('Total Thickness =', self.lam)
        for i in range(self.n):
            self.z_lam = np.append(self.z_lam, -self.lam / 2 + (i + 1) * self.z[i])
        print('Top-Bottom =', self.z_lam)
        for i in range(self.n):
            self.z_m = np.append(self.z_m, -self.lam / 2 - self.z[i] / 2 + (i + 1) * self.z[i])
        print('Mid-plane =', self.z_m)

    def material(self):
        for i in range(self.n):
            m = self.m[i]
            # Material Properties
            self.E11 = np.append(self.E11, self.M_E11[m])
            self.E22 = np.append(self.E22, self.M_E22[m])
            self.G12 = np.append(self.G12, self.M_G12[m])
            self.v12 = np.append(self.v12, self.M_v12[m])
            self.v21 = np.append(self.v21, self.M_v21[m])
            self.mat_list = np.append(self.mat_list, m)
            # Ultimate Failure Strengths
            self.SLT = np.append(self.SLT, self.P_SLT[m])
            self.SLc = np.append(self.STc, self.P_SLc[m])
            self.STt = np.append(self.STt, self.P_STt[m])
            self.STc = np.append(self.STc, self.P_STc[m])
            self.SLTs = np.append(self.SLTs, self.P_SLTs[m])
            # Ultimate Failure Strains
            self.epsLtf = np.append(self.epsLtf, self.P_epsLtf[m])
            self.epsLcf = np.append(self.epsLcf, self.P_epsLcf[m])
            self.epsCtf = np.append(self.epsCtf, self.P_epsCtf[m])
            self.epsCcf = np.append(self.epsCcf, self.P_epsCcf[m])
            self.epsLTs = np.append(self.epsLTs, self.P_epsLTs[m])
            # Tsai-Wu Coefficients
            self.F11 = np.append(self.F11, 1 / (self.P_SLT[m] * self.P_SLc[m]))
            self.F22 = np.append(self.F22, 1 / (self.P_STt[m] * self.P_STc[m]))
            self.F12 = np.append(self.F12, -math.sqrt(self.F11[i] * self.F22[i]) / 2)
            self.F66 = np.append(self.F66, 1 / self.P_SLTs[m] ** 2)
            self.F1 = np.append(self.F1, 1 / self.P_SLT[m] - 1 / self.P_SLc[m])
            self.F2 = np.append(self.F2, 1 / self.P_STt[m] - 1 / self.P_STc[m])

            if m == 0: self.mat = np.append(self.mat, 'T300/5208')
            elif m == 1: self.mat = np.append(self.mat, 'B(4)/5505')
            elif m == 2: self.mat = np.append(self.mat, 'AS4/3501')
            elif m == 3: self.mat = np.append(self.mat, 'Scotchply 1002')
            else: self.mat = np.append(self.mat, 'Kevlar49/Epoxy')
        print('F11 = ', self.F11)
        print('F22 =', self.F22)
        print('F12 =', self.F12)
        print('F66 =', self.F66)
        print('F1 =', self.F1)
        print('F2 =', self.F2)

    def mechanical_loads(self):
        self.N_mech = np.array([
        self.M_mech = np.array([

    def local_thermal_coef(self):
        al = np.array([
        return al

    def material_properties(self):
        # Creates a table for the material properties of each different ply
        mat_list = list(map(int, set(self.mat_list)))
        for i in mat_list:
            data = np.array([[self.E11[i], self.E22[i], self.G12[i], self.v12[i], self.v21[i]]])
            Q = local_stiffness_matrix(self.E11[i], self.E22[i], self.G12[i], self.v12[i], self.v21[i])
            print('\nMaterial =', self.mat[i], '(in SI units)')
            print(tabulate(data, headers=['E11', 'E22', 'G12', 'v12', 'v21']))
            print('\nMaterial =', self.mat[i], '(in Pa)')
            print('[Q] =\n', np.round(Q, 3))

    def table(self):
        # Creates a table of ply number, thickness, orientation and material
        table = np.array([])
        for i in range(self.n):
            data = np.array([[i+1, self.mat[i], self.z[i], math.degrees(self.a[i])]])
            if i == 0:
                table = np.append(table, data)
                table = np.vstack([table, data])
        print(tabulate(table, headers=['Lamina', 'Material', 'Thickness', 'Orientation']))

class Calculations(Properties):
    def __init__(self):
        self.NM = np.array([])          # Loads and Moments
        self.e0_k = np.array([])        # Mid-plane strains and curvatures
        self.fail_order = np.array([])  # Ply order of failure

    def a_matrix(self):
        for i in range(self.n):
            T = stress_transformation_matrix(self.a[i])
            T_hat = strain_transformation_matrix(self.a[i])
            if self.Beta[i] == 1:
                Q = local_stiffness_matrix(self.E11[i], self.E22[i], self.G12[i], self.v12[i], self.v21[i])
                Q = np.array([
                    [0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0]

            Q_hat = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(T), Q)
            Q_hat = np.matmul(Q_hat, T_hat)
            A = Q_hat * (self.z_lam[i] - (self.z_lam[i] - self.z[i]))
            self.A = np.add(self.A, A)
            # print('\nLamina', i, '\t\u03B8 =', math.degrees(self.a[i]), 't =', self.z[i], 'Material =', self.mat[i-1])
            # print('[Q\u0302] =\n', np.round(Q_hat, 3))
        print('\nLaminate Stiffness Matrices\n[A] =\n', np.round(self.A, 3))

    def b_matrix(self):
        for i in range(self.n):
            T = stress_transformation_matrix(self.a[i])
            T_hat = strain_transformation_matrix(self.a[i])
            if self.Beta[i] == 1:
                Q = local_stiffness_matrix(self.E11[i], self.E22[i], self.G12[i], self.v12[i], self.v21[i])
                Q = np.array([
                    [0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0]

            Q_hat = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(T), Q)
            Q_hat = np.matmul(Q_hat, T_hat)
            B = Q_hat * (self.z_lam[i] ** 2 - (self.z_lam[i] - self.z[i]) ** 2)
            self.B = np.add(self.B, B)
        self.B /= 2
        print('\n[B] =\n', np.round(self.B, 3))

    def d_matrix(self):
        for i in range(self.n):
            T = stress_transformation_matrix(self.a[i])
            T_hat = strain_transformation_matrix(self.a[i])
            if self.Beta[i] == 1:
                Q = local_stiffness_matrix(self.E11[i], self.E22[i], self.G12[i], self.v12[i], self.v21[i])
                Q = np.array([
                    [0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0]

            Q_hat = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(T), Q)
            Q_hat = np.matmul(Q_hat, T_hat)
            D = Q_hat * (self.z_lam[i] ** 3 - (self.z_lam[i] - self.z[i]) ** 3)
            self.D = np.add(self.D, D)
        self.D /= 3
        print('\n[D] =\n', np.round(self.D, 3))

    def matrices_combined(self):
        self.a_matrix()     # call A matrix method
        self.b_matrix()     # call B matrix method
        self.d_matrix()     # call D matrix method

        self.ABD = np.array([
            [np.array(self.A[0][0]), np.array(self.A[0][1]), np.array(self.A[0][2]), np.array(self.B[0][0]), np.array(self.B[0][1]), np.array(self.B[0][2])],
            [np.array(self.A[1][0]), np.array(self.A[1][1]), np.array(self.A[1][2]), np.array(self.B[1][0]), np.array(self.B[1][1]), np.array(self.B[1][2])],
            [np.array(self.A[2][0]), np.array(self.A[2][1]), np.array(self.A[2][2]), np.array(self.B[2][0]), np.array(self.B[2][1]), np.array(self.B[2][2])],
            [np.array(self.B[0][0]), np.array(self.B[0][1]), np.array(self.B[0][2]), np.array(self.D[0][0]), np.array(self.D[0][1]), np.array(self.D[0][2])],
            [np.array(self.B[1][0]), np.array(self.B[1][1]), np.array(self.B[1][2]), np.array(self.D[1][0]), np.array(self.D[1][1]), np.array(self.D[1][2])],
            [np.array(self.B[2][0]), np.array(self.B[2][1]), np.array(self.B[2][2]), np.array(self.D[2][0]), np.array(self.D[2][1]), np.array(self.D[2][2])],

    def calculated_loads(self):
        self.NM = np.matmul(self.ABD, self.e0_k)
        print('\nResulting Loads and Moments\n', np.round(self.NM, 3))

    def thermal_loads(self):
        al = self.local_thermal_coef()
        for i in range(self.n):
            T = stress_transformation_matrix(self.a[i])
            T_hat = strain_transformation_matrix(self.a[i])
            if self.Beta[i] == 1:
                Q = local_stiffness_matrix(self.E11[i], self.E22[i], self.G12[i], self.v12[i], self.v21[i])
                Q = np.array([
                    [0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 0]
            Q_hat = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(T), Q)
            Q_hat = np.matmul(Q_hat, T_hat)
            ag = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(T_hat), al)

            NT = np.matmul(Q_hat, ag) * (self.z_lam[i] - (self.z_lam[i] - self.z[i]))
            self.NT = np.add(self.NT, NT)
            MT = np.matmul(Q_hat, ag) * (self.z_lam[i] ** 2 - (self.z_lam[i] - self.z[i]) ** 2)
            self.MT = np.add(self.MT, MT)
        self.NT *= self.dT
        self.MT *= (self.dT / 2)

    def combined_loads(self):
        # Combine the mechanical and thermal loads
        N = self.N_mech + self.NT
        M = self.M_mech + self.MT
        self.NM = np.vstack((N, M))
        print('\nNM =', self.NM)

    def calculated_midplane_strains_curvatures(self):
        self.matrices_combined()    # call ABD matrix method
        # self.loads()
        self.e0_k = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(self.ABD), self.NM)
        # print('\nResulting Mid-Plane Strains and Curvatures\n', self.e0_k)
        self.e0 = np.array([
        self.k0 = np.array([

    def calculated_stresses_and_strains(self):
        self.combined_loads()  # call calculated loads method
        self.calculated_midplane_strains_curvatures()   # call mid-plane strains and curvature method
        for i in range(self.n):
            eg = np.array([self.e0 + self.z_m[i] * self.k0])
            if i == 0:
       = np.array(eg)
       = np.append(, eg, axis=0)
        for i in range(self.n):
            T_hat = strain_transformation_matrix(self.a[i])
            el = np.matrix(np.matmul(T_hat,[i]))
            if i == 0:
                self.el = np.array(el)
                self.el = np.append(self.el, el, axis=1)
        # All values of local strains are 1x3 arrays, so
        # each time the strain is needed, the specific
        # array must be selected and then transposed
        self.el = np.transpose(self.el)
        # print('[Local Strain] =', self.el)
        for i in range(self.n):
            Q = local_stiffness_matrix(self.E11[i], self.E22[i], self.G12[i], self.v12[i], self.v21[i])
            sl = np.matrix(np.matmul(Q, np.transpose(np.matrix(self.el[i]))))
            if i == 0:
       = np.array(sl)
       = np.append(, sl, axis=1)
        # All values of local stress are 1x3 arrays, so
        # each time the stress is needed, the specific
        # array must be selected and then transposed = np.transpose(
        print('\n[Local Stress] =\n',

    def stress_strength_ratio_11(self):
        for i in range(self.n):
            sl = np.transpose([i])
            if float(sl[0]) >= 0:
                self.R11_s = np.append(self.R11_s, self.SLT[i] / float(sl[0]))
                self.R11_s = np.append(self.R11_s, self.SLc[i] / abs(float(sl[0])))

    def stress_strength_ratio_22(self):
        for i in range(self.n):
            sl = np.transpose([i])
            if float(sl[1]) >= 0:
                self.R22_s = np.append(self.R22_s, self.STt[i] / float(sl[1]))
                self.R22_s = np.append(self.R22_s, self.STc[i] / abs(float(sl[1])))

    def stress_strength_ratio_12(self):
        for i in range(self.n):
            sl = np.transpose([i])
            self.R12_s = np.append(self.R12_s, self.SLTs[i] / abs(float(sl[2])))

    def stress_critical_loads(self):
        self.stress_strength_ratio_11()     # call R11 method
        self.stress_strength_ratio_22()     # call R22 method
        self.stress_strength_ratio_12()     # call R12 method
        for i in range(self.n):
            R = np.array([
                [self.R11_s[i], self.R22_s[i], self.R12_s[i]]
            if self.Beta[i] == 1:
                R_crit = np.min(R)
                R_crit = 9999
            self.R_crit_s = np.append(self.R_crit_s, R_crit)
            self.Nxx_cs = np.append(self.Nxx_cs, R_crit * self.Nxx)
            self.Mxx_cs = np.append(self.Mxx_cs, R_crit * self.Mxx)
        Nxx_c = np.min(self.Nxx_cs)
        N_pos = np.where(self.Nxx_cs == Nxx_c)[0]
        Mxx_c = np.min(self.Mxx_cs)
        self.fail_order = np.append(self.fail_order, N_pos + 1)
        print('\nPly Failure in ply', N_pos + 1)
        print('R_crit =', np.min(self.R_crit_s))
        print('Critical in-plane loading at ply', N_pos + 1, '=', Nxx_c, '')
        print('Critical bending loading at ply', N_pos + 1, '=', Mxx_c, '')
        print('Stress: Nxx_c =', Nxx_c)
        print('Stress: Mxx_c =', Mxx_c)

        Beta = np.full(self.n, 0)
        if not np.array_equal(self.Beta, Beta):
            self.Beta[N_pos] = 0
            # Reset all values
            self.A = np.zeros(shape=(3, 3))
            self.B = np.zeros(shape=(3, 3))
            self.D = np.zeros(shape=(3, 3))
            self.ABD = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6))
   = np.zeros([])
            self.el = np.zeros([])
   = np.zeros([])
            self.NT = np.zeros(shape=(3, 1))
            self.MT = np.zeros(shape=(3, 1))
            self.NM = np.zeros(shape=(6, 1))
            self.R11_s = np.zeros([])
            self.R22_s = np.zeros([])
            self.R12_s = np.zeros([])
            self.R_crit_s = np.zeros([])
            self.Nxx_cs = np.zeros([])
            self.Mxx_cs = np.zeros([])
            # re-run calculations
            if not np.array_equal(self.Beta, Beta):
                print('Ply Fail Order =', self.fail_order)

    def tsai_wu(self):
        a = np.array([])
        b = np.array([])
        c = np.array([])
        R1 = np.array([])
        R2 = np.array([])
        for i in range(self.n):
            sl = np.transpose([i])
            a = np.append(a, self.F11[i] * sl[0] ** 2 + 2 * self.F12[i] * sl[0] * sl[1]
                          + self.F22[i] * sl[1] ** 2 + self.F66[i] * sl[2] ** 2)
            b = np.append(b, self.F1[i] * sl[0] + self.F2[i] * sl[1])
            c = np.append(c, -1)
        for i in range(self.n):
            if self.Beta[i] == 1:
                R1 = np.append(R1, (-b[i] + math.sqrt(b[i]**2 - 4 * a[i] * c[i])) / (2 * a[i]))
                R2 = np.append(R2, (-b[i] - math.sqrt(b[i]**2 - 4 * a[i] * c[i])) / (2 * a[i]))
                R1 = np.append(R1, 9999)
                R2 = np.append(R2, -9999)
        R_crit = np.min(R1)
        R_crit_pos = np.where(R1 == R_crit)[0]
        # print('R1 =', R1)
        # print('R2 =', R2)
        print('\nR_cr at ply', R_crit_pos + 1, '=', R_crit, '')
        self.fail_order = np.append(self.fail_order, R_crit_pos + 1)

        NTW_xxc = R_crit * self.Nxx
        MTW_xxc = R_crit * self.Mxx
        print('N_xx,cr for ply', R_crit_pos + 1, '=', NTW_xxc)
        print('M_xx,cr for ply', R_crit_pos + 1, '=', MTW_xxc)

        Beta = np.full(self.n, 0)
        if not np.array_equal(self.Beta, Beta):
            self.Beta[R_crit_pos] = 0
            print('\nFailure Progression =', self.Beta)
            # Reset all values
            self.A = np.zeros(shape=(3, 3))
            self.B = np.zeros(shape=(3, 3))
            self.D = np.zeros(shape=(3, 3))
            self.ABD = np.zeros(shape=(6, 6))
   = np.zeros([])
            self.el = np.zeros([])
   = np.zeros([])
            self.NT = np.zeros(shape=(3, 1))
            self.MT = np.zeros(shape=(3, 1))
            self.NM = np.zeros(shape=(6, 1))
            # re-run all values
            if not np.array_equal(self.Beta, Beta):
                print('Ply Fail Order =', self.fail_order)

def main():

    C = Calculations()
    # Comment out for Tsai-Wu failure calculations
    # print('\nCritical Stress Criterion')
    # C.stress_critical_loads()
    # Comment out for Maximum Stress failure calculations
    print('\nTsai-Wu Criterion\n')

if __name__ == '__main__':

我不知道这是否是您问题的原因,但您的代码有六次调用 np.empty。我没有看到这些数组的任何后续初始化。

np.empty导致数组没有初始化,内存会包含随机垃圾。尝试用 np.zeros 替换它们,看看是否能获得更好的结果。