DoCmd.OutputTo 使用 PowerShell - 'wrong data type' 作为第一个参数
DoCmd.OutputTo using PowerShell - 'wrong data type' for first argument
我正忙于将 MS Access 中的一些自动化进程从 VBA 迁移到 PowerShell。我的 VBA 没问题,但我是 PowerShell 的新手,似乎遗漏了一些东西。
使用 PowerShell 我有一些用于文件名等的变量,并且数据库是打开的。我在 acViewReport 视图中 运行 查询和 运行 所需的报告。在 VBA 我的下一行如下:
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "RMyReport", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", sFilepath, False, "", , acExportQualityPrint
在 VBA 中效果很好。据我所知,等效于 PowerShell 的应该是:
$Access.DoCmd.OutputTo([acOutputObjectType]::acOutputReport, "RMyReport", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", $filepath, 0, "","", 0)
enum acView {
acViewNormal # 0 (Default) Normal view
acViewDesign # 1 Design view
acViewPreview # 2 Print Preview
acViewPivotTable # 3 PivotTable view
acViewPivotChart # 4 PivotChart view
acViewReport # 5 Report view
acViewLayout # 6 Layout view
enum acOpenDataMode {
acAdd # 0 The user can add new records but can't view or edit existing records.
acEdit # 1 The user can view or edit existing records and add new records.
acReadOnly # 2 The user can only view records.
enum acOutputObjectType {
acOutputTable # 0 Table
acOutputQuery # 1 Query
acOutputForm # 2 Form
acOutputReport # 3 Report
acOutputModule # 5 Module
acOutputServerView # 7 Server View
acOutputStoredProcedure # 9 Stored Procedure
acOutputFunction # 10 User-Defined Function
An expression you entered is the wrong data type for one of the arguments.
At line:1 char:1
+ $Access.DoCmd.OutputTo([acOutputObjectType]::acOutputReport, "RMyRepo ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (:) [], COMException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
我以某种方式为 arg1 传递了不正确的数据类型,但我假设使用 ms 文档中的枚举会让我走上正确的道路。
$Access.DoCmd.OutputTo(acOutputReport, "RMyReport", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", $filepath, 0, "","", 0)
$Access.DoCmd.OutputTo(3, "RMyReport", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", $filepath, 0, "","", 0)
$Access.DoCmd.OutputTo(acOutputReport, "", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", $filepath, 0, "","", 0)
$Access.DoCmd.OutputTo(3, "", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", $filepath, 0, "","", 0)
任何关于如何调整我的 OutputTo 方法的建议都将是一个巨大的帮助,我完全被难住了。
Encoding 是 Variant,不是空字符串,因此请尝试省略最后未使用的参数:
$Access.DoCmd.OutputTo([acOutputObjectType]::acOutputReport, "RMyReport", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", $filepath)
我正忙于将 MS Access 中的一些自动化进程从 VBA 迁移到 PowerShell。我的 VBA 没问题,但我是 PowerShell 的新手,似乎遗漏了一些东西。
使用 PowerShell 我有一些用于文件名等的变量,并且数据库是打开的。我在 acViewReport 视图中 运行 查询和 运行 所需的报告。在 VBA 我的下一行如下:
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "RMyReport", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", sFilepath, False, "", , acExportQualityPrint
在 VBA 中效果很好。据我所知,等效于 PowerShell 的应该是:
$Access.DoCmd.OutputTo([acOutputObjectType]::acOutputReport, "RMyReport", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", $filepath, 0, "","", 0)
enum acView {
acViewNormal # 0 (Default) Normal view
acViewDesign # 1 Design view
acViewPreview # 2 Print Preview
acViewPivotTable # 3 PivotTable view
acViewPivotChart # 4 PivotChart view
acViewReport # 5 Report view
acViewLayout # 6 Layout view
enum acOpenDataMode {
acAdd # 0 The user can add new records but can't view or edit existing records.
acEdit # 1 The user can view or edit existing records and add new records.
acReadOnly # 2 The user can only view records.
enum acOutputObjectType {
acOutputTable # 0 Table
acOutputQuery # 1 Query
acOutputForm # 2 Form
acOutputReport # 3 Report
acOutputModule # 5 Module
acOutputServerView # 7 Server View
acOutputStoredProcedure # 9 Stored Procedure
acOutputFunction # 10 User-Defined Function
An expression you entered is the wrong data type for one of the arguments.
At line:1 char:1
+ $Access.DoCmd.OutputTo([acOutputObjectType]::acOutputReport, "RMyRepo ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : OperationStopped: (:) [], COMException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
我以某种方式为 arg1 传递了不正确的数据类型,但我假设使用 ms 文档中的枚举会让我走上正确的道路。
$Access.DoCmd.OutputTo(acOutputReport, "RMyReport", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", $filepath, 0, "","", 0)
$Access.DoCmd.OutputTo(3, "RMyReport", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", $filepath, 0, "","", 0)
$Access.DoCmd.OutputTo(acOutputReport, "", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", $filepath, 0, "","", 0)
$Access.DoCmd.OutputTo(3, "", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", $filepath, 0, "","", 0)
任何关于如何调整我的 OutputTo 方法的建议都将是一个巨大的帮助,我完全被难住了。
Encoding 是 Variant,不是空字符串,因此请尝试省略最后未使用的参数:
$Access.DoCmd.OutputTo([acOutputObjectType]::acOutputReport, "RMyReport", "PDFFormat(*.pdf)", $filepath)