
My print function does not print correctly when passing a 2d array, please tell me how to print all its values correctly. Is it my syntax?


如果在 2x2 矩阵上测试,此代码只会为所有值打印值 4



我相信它与 cout 语句有关,我相当相信它会将值保存到矩阵中,但是我没有看到它正确打印。

如果可以请告诉我我没有看到什么?这种语法对我来说很新,这个程序作为函数式编程运行,但是一旦我开始将它转换为 methods/functions.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Create a matrix based graph representation.

// It will need to support the following operations.
// Ask the user how many points there are.          DONE
// Ask the user to label those points, ie "ABC", "XYZ", "C12"...  DONE      
// Define the matrix as a square matrix (2 dimensional array) based on the number of points, also keep an array of the labels. DONE
// Repeatedly ask the user to define edges between two points. Add these edges to the matrix. DONE
// Have a list method that will list out all of the edges in the graph. 

// https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-access-elements-of-a-square-matrix/
// https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/comparison-between-adjacency-list-and-adjacency-matrix-representation-of-graph/
// https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/utility/make_pair/
// https://www.tutorialspoint.com/cplusplus-program-to-implement-adjacency-matrix
// https://www.techiedelight.com/pass-2d-array-function-parameter-cpp/
// https://www.tutorialspoint.com/Passing-two-dimensional-array-to-a-Cplusplus-function

// one possible implementation would be make pair to track the label for edge cout statement for user input

// Code is formatted to be best read with labels the size of 3 this is hard coded per implementation requirements.

int main()
    void printMatrix(string *labelArray, int *matrix, int rowIndex, int columnIndex, int size);
    int size ;   
    cout << "How many points would you like this to be. Points meaning -size- of matrix: ";
    cin  >> size;
                                 // example 2x2 matrix
                                 //        A B
                                 //  A    [][]
                                 //  B    [][]

                                 // determine size, and modulo to create matrix form
    string label;                // labeling convention for determining assignments 
    string labelArray[size];     // label containing array to track for printing and labeling purposes
    int edgeYesOrNo;
    int counter = 0;
    cout << "Will now ask to label the points of graph matrix.\n";
    int *matrix = new int[size * size];                                                  // this is how to define a 2d array
    int rowIndex;                                                            // these are to access individual elements
    int columnIndex;                                                         // ^^
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
            cout << "Enter label: ";                                         // enter the label here to insure that there is no redundancy
            cin  >> label;
            labelArray[i] = label; 

    // Get the square matrix
    cout << "Enter 1 for edge 0 for no edge" << endl;
    for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) 
        for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < size; columnIndex++) 
            cout << "Is there an edge to: " << labelArray[counter] << " and " << labelArray[columnIndex] << ": ";
            cin  >> edgeYesOrNo;
            matrix[rowIndex * size + columnIndex] = edgeYesOrNo;                     

    printMatrix(labelArray, matrix, rowIndex, columnIndex, size);
    delete[] matrix;

    return 0;

    // Display the matrix
    void printMatrix(string *labelArray, int *matrix, int rowIndex, int columnIndex, int size)
    cout << "The matrix is\n" << endl;
    cout << "   ";
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
        cout  << labelArray[i] << " ";                                       // To print the labels so its understandable
    cout << endl;
    for (rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < size; rowIndex++) 
        cout << labelArray[rowIndex] << " ";
        for (columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < size; columnIndex++) 
            cout << matrix[rowIndex * size + columnIndex] << "   ";
        cout << endl;


        matrix[size * size] = edgeYesOrNo;                     
        cout << matrix[size * size] << "   ";

我发现您更有可能在这两个地方都需要 rowIndex * size + colIndex


int *matrix = new int[size * size];

这不是二维数组。它是一维数组。但没关系。如果大小为四,size * size 为 16,因此您为 16 个整数分配了 space。

 matrix[rowIndex * size + colIndex]


[ 0][ 1][ 2][ 3]
[ 4][ 5][ 6][ 7]
[ 8][ 9][10][11]

也就是说,第 0 行,第 0 列因此在第 0 个索引中。第 1 行第 1 列位于 row * size + col 位置,或 5.


C++ 实际上没有二维数组。你可以模拟它。这是一种方法。

你所做的是每次都使用(对于大小 == 4)第 16 个位置,这实际上是最后一个位置。谁知道你在踩什么。