将特定 SNR 的第二个音频片段混合到 Python 中的原始音频文件
Mix second audio clip at specific SNR to original audio file in Python
我有两个音频文件想混入 Python。
我将原始音频称为“音频 A”,要混合的音频称为“音频 B”。我能够按照 here:
的描述将特定 SNR 的白噪声添加到音频 A 信号
audio, sr = librosa.load(file_name, sr=None, res_type='kaiser_fast')
power = audio ** 2 # Calculate power
signalpower_db = 10 * np.log10(power) # convert power to dB
#snr_dB = 0 # add SNR of specified dB
signal_average_power = np.mean(power) # Calculate signal power)
signal_averagepower_dB = 10 * np.log10(signal_average_power) # convert signal power to dB
noise_dB = signal_averagepower_dB - snr_dB # Calculate noise
noise_watts = 10 ** (noise_dB / 10) # Convert noise from dB to watts
# Generate sample of white noise
mean_noise = 0
noise = np.random.normal(mean_noise, np.sqrt(noise_watts), len(audio))
noise_signal = (audio + noise) / 1.3 # To prevent clipping of signal
在此处给出的代码中,我做了 0 dB SNR。
我现在如何使用“音频 B”作为噪声源而不是白噪声并获得 0dB 的信噪比。即,如何将np.random.normal
噪声替换为音频B作为在SNR = 0的原始信号“音频A”中注入的噪声源?
然后您可以计算出提供所需 SNR 的增益是多少。如果你简单地添加那么你将改变输入信号的能量,所以我调整信号的信号能量和噪声能量,以便噪声信号具有与干净信号相同的能量(假设噪声是不相关的)
def mix_audio(signal, noise, snr):
# if the audio is longer than the noise
# play the noise in repeat for the duration of the audio
noise = noise[np.arange(len(signal)) % len(noise)]
# if the audio is shorter than the noi
# this is important if loading resulted in
# uint8 or uint16 types, because it would cause overflow
# when squaring and calculating mean
noise = noise.astype(np.float32)
signal = signal.astype(np.float32)
# get the initial energy for reference
signal_energy = np.mean(signal**2)
noise_energy = np.mean(noise**2)
# calculates the gain to be applied to the noise
# to achieve the given SNR
g = np.sqrt(10.0 ** (-snr/10) * signal_energy / noise_energy)
# Assumes signal and noise to be decorrelated
# and calculate (a, b) such that energy of
# a*signal + b*noise matches the energy of the input signal
a = np.sqrt(1 / (1 + g**2))
b = np.sqrt(g**2 / (1 + g**2))
print(g, a, b)
# mix the signals
return a * signal + b * noise
signal = np.random.randint(0, 2, 10**7) - 0.5
# use some non-standard noise distribution
noise = np.sin(np.random.randn(6*10**7))
noisy = mix_audio(signal, noise, 10)
plt.hist(noisy, bins=300);
我有两个音频文件想混入 Python。
我将原始音频称为“音频 A”,要混合的音频称为“音频 B”。我能够按照 here:
的描述将特定 SNR 的白噪声添加到音频 A 信号audio, sr = librosa.load(file_name, sr=None, res_type='kaiser_fast')
power = audio ** 2 # Calculate power
signalpower_db = 10 * np.log10(power) # convert power to dB
#snr_dB = 0 # add SNR of specified dB
signal_average_power = np.mean(power) # Calculate signal power)
signal_averagepower_dB = 10 * np.log10(signal_average_power) # convert signal power to dB
noise_dB = signal_averagepower_dB - snr_dB # Calculate noise
noise_watts = 10 ** (noise_dB / 10) # Convert noise from dB to watts
# Generate sample of white noise
mean_noise = 0
noise = np.random.normal(mean_noise, np.sqrt(noise_watts), len(audio))
noise_signal = (audio + noise) / 1.3 # To prevent clipping of signal
在此处给出的代码中,我做了 0 dB SNR。
我现在如何使用“音频 B”作为噪声源而不是白噪声并获得 0dB 的信噪比。即,如何将np.random.normal
噪声替换为音频B作为在SNR = 0的原始信号“音频A”中注入的噪声源?
您必须确保两个音频的时长相同 然后您可以计算出提供所需 SNR 的增益是多少。如果你简单地添加那么你将改变输入信号的能量,所以我调整信号的信号能量和噪声能量,以便噪声信号具有与干净信号相同的能量(假设噪声是不相关的)
def mix_audio(signal, noise, snr):
# if the audio is longer than the noise
# play the noise in repeat for the duration of the audio
noise = noise[np.arange(len(signal)) % len(noise)]
# if the audio is shorter than the noi
# this is important if loading resulted in
# uint8 or uint16 types, because it would cause overflow
# when squaring and calculating mean
noise = noise.astype(np.float32)
signal = signal.astype(np.float32)
# get the initial energy for reference
signal_energy = np.mean(signal**2)
noise_energy = np.mean(noise**2)
# calculates the gain to be applied to the noise
# to achieve the given SNR
g = np.sqrt(10.0 ** (-snr/10) * signal_energy / noise_energy)
# Assumes signal and noise to be decorrelated
# and calculate (a, b) such that energy of
# a*signal + b*noise matches the energy of the input signal
a = np.sqrt(1 / (1 + g**2))
b = np.sqrt(g**2 / (1 + g**2))
print(g, a, b)
# mix the signals
return a * signal + b * noise
signal = np.random.randint(0, 2, 10**7) - 0.5
# use some non-standard noise distribution
noise = np.sin(np.random.randn(6*10**7))
noisy = mix_audio(signal, noise, 10)
plt.hist(noisy, bins=300);