Gulp 没有制作捆绑文件

Gulp not making bundle files

我无法创建我的捆绑文件,在我尝试升级到 gulp4 之前它工作正常,现在我又回到了 gulp3。我没有在我的 dist 文件夹中看到这些文件。 Gulp 在 buildtemp 文件夹中创建了文件,但不在 bundleApp 文件夹中。我可以在 createBundleTask 末尾记录 task 以获得某种状态吗?或者有更好的方法来追踪这个吗?


var task = gulp.src(entryPoint)
        selfExecutingBundle: true
    .pipe(rename(packageId + ".bundle.js"))
    .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist + "/bundle"));

gulp 文件

var gulp = require("gulp");
var runSequence = require("run-sequence");
var tslint = require("gulp-tslint");
var typedoc = require("gulp-typedoc");
var superstatic = require("superstatic");
var shell = require("gulp-shell");
var typescript = require("gulp-typescript");
var tsProject = typescript.createProject("tsconfig.json");
var sourcemaps = require("gulp-sourcemaps");
var rimraf = require("gulp-rimraf");
var replace = require("gulp-replace");
var rename = require("gulp-rename");
var ignore = require("gulp-ignore");
var insert = require("gulp-insert");
var concat = require("gulp-concat");
var uglify = require("gulp-uglify");
var tslintStylish = require("gulp-tslint-stylish");
var util = require("gulp-util");
var commentSwap = require("gulp-comment-swap");
var tsc = require("gulp-typescript");
var gulp_jspm = require("gulp-jspm");
var inlineNg2Template = require("gulp-inline-ng2-template");

 * Typescript configuration 
var paths = {
    dist: "./dist",    
    sources: "./App/**/*.ts"    

gulp.task("prod", function (callback) {
        function (error) {
            if (error) {
            } else {
                console.log("Production build finished successfully");

 * Compile TypeScript sources
gulp.task("compile", ["clean"], function () {
    return gulp.src("./App/**/*.ts")
            base: "/",                  // Angular2 application base folder
            target: "es6",              // Can swap to es5
            indent: 2,                  // Indentation (spaces)
            useRelativePaths: false,     // Use components relative assset paths
            removeLineBreaks: false,     // Content will be included as one line
            templateExtension: ".html", // Update according to your file extension
            templateFunction: false    // If using a function instead of a string for `templateUrl`, pass a reference to that function here

 * Bundle application parts
gulp.task("bundle:template", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Pages/TemplateEdit.js", "template");

gulp.task("bundle:agents", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Pages/Maintenance/Agents.js", "agents");

gulp.task("bundle:indications", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Pages/Maintenance/Indications.js", "indications");

gulp.task("bundle:styleguidenotes", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Components/NoteEditor/NoteEditor.js", "styleguidenotes");

gulp.task("bundle:dynamicdictionary", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Pages/Maintenance/DynamicDictionary.js", "dynamicdictionary");

gulp.task("bundle:splitdynamicdictionary", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Pages/Maintenance/SplitDynamicDictionary.js", "splitdynamicdictionary");

gulp.task("bundle:styleguidenotesdevprocess", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Pages/StyleGuideNote/Index.js", "styleguidenotesdevprocess");

gulp.task("bundle:scheduling", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Pages/Scheduling/Index.js", "scheduling");

gulp.task("bundle:templatesmanagement", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Pages/TemplatesManagement/Index.js", "templatesmanagement");

gulp.task("bundle:review", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Pages/Review/Index.js", "review");

gulp.task("bundle:ownedreview", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Pages/OwnedReview/Index.js", "ownedreview");

gulp.task("bundle:pdfqueue", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Pages/PdfQueue/Index.js", "pdfqueue");

gulp.task("bundle:admin", function () {
    return createBundleTask(paths.dist + "/App/Pages/Admin/Index.js", "admin");

gulp.task("bundle", function (callback) {
        function (error) {
            if (error) {
            } else {
                console.log("Bundling finished successfully");

 * Create application package
gulp.task("min:template", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("template", true);

gulp.task("min:agents", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("agents", false);

gulp.task("min:indications", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("indications", false);

gulp.task("min:styleguidenotes", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("styleguidenotes", false);

gulp.task("min:dynamicdictionary", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("dynamicdictionary", false);

gulp.task("min:splitdynamicdictionary", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("splitdynamicdictionary", false);

gulp.task("min:styleguidenotesdevprocess", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("styleguidenotesdevprocess", false);

gulp.task("min:scheduling", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("scheduling", false);

gulp.task("min:templatesmanagement", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("templatesmanagement", false);

gulp.task("min:review", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("review", false);

gulp.task("min:ownedreview", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("ownedreview", false);

gulp.task("min:pdfqueue", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("pdfqueue", false);
gulp.task("min:admin", function () {
    return createProductionPackageTask("admin", false);

gulp.task("min", function (callback) {
        function (error) {
            if (error) {
            } else {
                console.log("Minification finished successfully");

 * Clean build folder
gulp.task("clean", function () {
    return gulp.src(paths.dist, { read: false }).pipe(rimraf({ force: true }));

 * Helper methods
var createBundleTask = function (entryPoint, packageId) {
    if (typeof entryPoint === "undefined") {
        throw "ArgumentNullException: entryPoint";

    if (typeof packageId === "undefined") {
        throw "ArgumentNullException: packageId";

    var task = gulp.src(entryPoint)
        .pipe(gulp_jspm({ selfExecutingBundle: true }))
        .pipe(rename(packageId + ".bundle.js"))
        .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist + "/bundle"));

    return task;

var createProductionPackageTask = function (packageId, uglifyDestination) {
    if (typeof packageId === "undefined") {
        throw "ArgumentNullException: packageId";

    var filesArry = [
        paths.dist + "/bundle/" + packageId + ".bundle.js"

    var task = gulp.src(filesArry)
        .pipe(concat(packageId + "_concatApp.js"))
        .pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist + "/temp"))
        .pipe(rename(packageId + ".bundle.min.js"));

    if (uglifyDestination) {
        task = task.pipe(uglify({ mangle: false }));

    return task.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist + "/build"));    

Gulp 4 删除了 gulp.task 的 3 参数语法,如 changelog.



  • gulp.series()
  • gulp.parallel()

您可以在 migration guide.


因此您需要进行 2 处更改:

  1. 目前,在您的 gulp 文件中您有这个任务:

    gulp.task("compile", ["clean"], function () {


    gulp.task('compile', gulp.series('clean', function() {
  2. 同样,您必须将runSequence替换为task.seriestask.parallel(只有您知道这些任务必须运行串行还是并行) .

    另一种选择是将您当前使用的 Gulp 3 兼容包 run-sequence 更新为 Gulp 4 兼容包 gulp4-run-sequence.