如何在终端中显示 Python 程序的最终返回值?

How to display the final returned value from a Python program in terminal?

我只是在编写一个 Python 程序,它接受 2 个整数和 returns 总和。我遇到的问题是终端从不显示返回值,所以我不得不求助于打印语句。有什么办法可以让终端显示程序的返回值吗?


import argparse

def simple_addition():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Simple Addition Program to Test CLI")

    # each line add AN argument to our terminal inout
    parser.add_argument("first_number", type = int, help = "enter the first integer")
    parser.add_argument("second_number", type = int, help = "enter the second integer")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # storing the entered argument internally within our code for ease of access
    first = args.first_number
    second = args.second_number

    # calculate and return the sum
    sum = first + second
    print("A PRINT CALL (not return): ", sum)
    return sum



Is there any way to have the terminal display the returned value of the program?

是的,通过使用 print。这就是它的用途。

so I have to resort to making a print statement

您不会像不“求助”+ 运算符以将两个数字相加那样“求助”它。这就是它的用途。

但是,打印 从函数返回结果确实不是好的设计(例如,它会阻止您在不这样做的情况下重用该函数)我不想打印结果)。



result = simple_addition()
#! /usr/bin/env python3

import argparse

def simple_addition():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "Simple Addition Program to Test CLI")

    # each line add AN argument to our terminal inout
    parser.add_argument("first_number", type = int, help = "enter the first integer")
    parser.add_argument("second_number", type = int, help = "enter the second integer")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # storing the entered argument internally within our code for ease of access
    first = args.first_number
    second = args.second_number

    # calculate and return the sum
    sum = first + second
    #print("A PRINT CALL (not return): ", sum)
    return sum

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. 在第一行添加 shebang chmod +x
  2. 不要在函数内部打印
  3. 只有当它是主要的时候才这样做(这样你就可以在需要时导入模块)


./"CLI Testing.py" 35 45