尝试使用 Pytorch 和 Tensorflow MultiheadAttention 获得相同的结果
Trying to achieve same result with Pytorch and Tensorflow MultiheadAttention
我正在尝试重新创建一个用 Pytorch 编写的转换器并在 Tensorflow 中实现它。问题是,尽管 Pytorch version and Tensorflow 版本的文档都有,但它们的结果仍然大不相同。
import torch
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
class TransformerLayer(tf.Module):
def __init__(self, d_model, nhead, dropout=0):
super(TransformerLayer, self).__init__()
self.self_attn = torch.nn.MultiheadAttention(d_model, nhead, dropout=dropout)
batch_size = 2
seq_length = 5
d_model = 10
src = np.random.uniform(size=(batch_size, seq_length, d_model))
srcTF = tf.convert_to_tensor(src)
srcPT = torch.Tensor(src.reshape((seq_length, batch_size, d_model)))
self_attnTF = tf.keras.layers.MultiHeadAttention(key_dim=10, num_heads=5, dropout=0)
transformer_encoder = TransformerLayer(d_model=10, nhead=5, dropout=0.0)
output, scores = self_attnTF(srcTF, srcTF, srcTF, return_attention_scores=True)
print("Tensorflow Attendtion outputs:", output)
print("Tensorflow (averaged) weights:", tf.math.reduce_mean(scores, 1))
print("Torch Attendtion outputs:", transformer_encoder.self_attn(srcPT,srcPT,srcPT)[0])
print("Torch attention output weights:", transformer_encoder.self_attn(srcPT,srcPT,srcPT)[1])
Tensorflow Attendtion outputs: tf.Tensor(
[[[ 0.02602757 -0.14134401 0.00855263 0.4735083 -0.01851891
-0.20382246 -0.18152176 -0.21076852 0.08623976 -0.33548725]
[ 0.02607442 -0.1403394 0.00814065 0.47415024 -0.01882939
-0.20353754 -0.18291879 -0.21234266 0.08595885 -0.33613583]
[ 0.02524654 -0.14096384 0.00870436 0.47411725 -0.01800703
-0.20486829 -0.18163288 -0.21082559 0.08571021 -0.3362339 ]
[ 0.02518575 -0.14039244 0.0090138 0.47431853 -0.01775141
-0.20391947 -0.18138805 -0.2118245 0.08432849 -0.33521986]
[ 0.02556361 -0.14039293 0.00876258 0.4746476 -0.01891363
-0.20398234 -0.18229616 -0.21147579 0.08555281 -0.33639923]]
[[ 0.07844199 -0.1614371 0.01649148 0.5287745 0.05126739
-0.13851154 -0.09829871 -0.1621251 0.01922669 -0.2428589 ]
[ 0.07844222 -0.16024739 0.01805423 0.52941847 0.04975721
-0.13537636 -0.09829231 -0.16129729 0.01979005 -0.24491176]
[ 0.07800542 -0.160701 0.01677295 0.52902794 0.05082911
-0.13843337 -0.09805533 -0.16165744 0.01928401 -0.24327613]
[ 0.07815789 -0.1600025 0.01757433 0.5291927 0.05032986
-0.1368022 -0.09849522 -0.16172451 0.01929555 -0.24438493]
[ 0.0781548 -0.16028519 0.01764914 0.52846324 0.04941286
-0.13746066 -0.09787872 -0.16141161 0.01994199 -0.2440269 ]]], shape=(2, 5, 10), dtype=float32)
Tensorflow (averaged) weights: tf.Tensor(
[[[0.199085 0.20275716 0.20086522 0.19873264 0.19856 ]
[0.2015336 0.19960018 0.20218948 0.19891861 0.19775811]
[0.19906266 0.20318432 0.20190334 0.19812575 0.19772394]
[0.20074987 0.20104568 0.20269363 0.19744729 0.19806348]
[0.19953248 0.20176074 0.20314851 0.19782843 0.19772986]]
[[0.2010009 0.20053487 0.20004745 0.20092985 0.19748697]
[0.20034568 0.20035927 0.19955876 0.20062163 0.19911464]
[0.19967113 0.2006859 0.20012529 0.20047483 0.19904283]
[0.20132652 0.19996871 0.20019794 0.20008174 0.19842513]
[0.2006393 0.20000939 0.19938737 0.20054278 0.19942114]]], shape=(2, 5, 5), dtype=float32)
Torch Attendtion outputs: tensor([[[ 0.1097, -0.4467, -0.0719, -0.1779, -0.0766, -0.1247, 0.1557,
0.0051, -0.3932, -0.1323],
[ 0.1264, -0.3822, 0.0759, -0.0335, -0.1084, -0.1539, 0.1475,
-0.0272, -0.4235, -0.1744]],
[[ 0.1122, -0.4502, -0.0747, -0.1796, -0.0756, -0.1271, 0.1581,
0.0049, -0.3964, -0.1340],
[ 0.1274, -0.3823, 0.0754, -0.0356, -0.1091, -0.1547, 0.1477,
-0.0272, -0.4252, -0.1752]],
[[ 0.1089, -0.4427, -0.0728, -0.1746, -0.0756, -0.1202, 0.1501,
0.0031, -0.3894, -0.1242],
[ 0.1263, -0.3820, 0.0718, -0.0374, -0.1063, -0.1562, 0.1485,
-0.0271, -0.4233, -0.1761]],
[[ 0.1061, -0.4369, -0.0685, -0.1696, -0.0772, -0.1173, 0.1454,
0.0012, -0.3860, -0.1201],
[ 0.1265, -0.3820, 0.0762, -0.0325, -0.1082, -0.1560, 0.1501,
-0.0271, -0.4249, -0.1779]],
[[ 0.1043, -0.4402, -0.0705, -0.1719, -0.0791, -0.1205, 0.1508,
0.0018, -0.3895, -0.1262],
[ 0.1260, -0.3805, 0.0775, -0.0298, -0.1083, -0.1547, 0.1494,
-0.0276, -0.4242, -0.1768]]], grad_fn=<AddBackward0>)
Torch attention output weights: tensor([[[0.2082, 0.2054, 0.1877, 0.1956, 0.2031],
[0.2100, 0.2079, 0.1841, 0.1943, 0.2037],
[0.2007, 0.1995, 0.1929, 0.1999, 0.2070],
[0.1995, 0.1950, 0.1976, 0.2002, 0.2077],
[0.1989, 0.1969, 0.1970, 0.2024, 0.2048]],
[[0.2095, 0.1902, 0.1987, 0.2027, 0.1989],
[0.2090, 0.1956, 0.1997, 0.2004, 0.1952],
[0.2047, 0.1869, 0.2006, 0.2121, 0.1957],
[0.2073, 0.1953, 0.1982, 0.2014, 0.1978],
[0.2089, 0.2003, 0.1953, 0.1957, 0.1998]]], grad_fn=<DivBackward0>)
输出权重看起来相似,但基本注意输出相差甚远。有什么方法可以让 Tensorflow 模型更像 Pytorch 模型吗?任何帮助将不胜感激!
Q = W_q @ input_query + b_q
K = W_k @ input_keys + b_k
V = W_v @ input_values + b_v
是随机初始化的,所以输出差异应该是预期的(即使在同一输入的 pytorch 中两个不同层的输出之间)。 self-attention 操作后还有一个投影,它也是随机初始化的。在tensorflow中可以通过调用self_attnTF
和 nn.MultiheadAttention
中的权重之间的对应关系不是很清楚,例如:torch 在 head 之间共享权重,而 tf 使它们保持唯一。因此,如果您使用来自 pytorch 的预训练模型的权重并尝试将它们放入 tensorflow 模型(无论出于何种原因),它肯定需要超过五分钟。
如果在初始化 pytorch 模型和 tensorflow 模型后逐步检查它们的参数并为它们分配相同的值,结果应该是相同的。
我正在尝试重新创建一个用 Pytorch 编写的转换器并在 Tensorflow 中实现它。问题是,尽管 Pytorch version and Tensorflow 版本的文档都有,但它们的结果仍然大不相同。 我写了一小段代码来说明问题:
import torch
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
class TransformerLayer(tf.Module):
def __init__(self, d_model, nhead, dropout=0):
super(TransformerLayer, self).__init__()
self.self_attn = torch.nn.MultiheadAttention(d_model, nhead, dropout=dropout)
batch_size = 2
seq_length = 5
d_model = 10
src = np.random.uniform(size=(batch_size, seq_length, d_model))
srcTF = tf.convert_to_tensor(src)
srcPT = torch.Tensor(src.reshape((seq_length, batch_size, d_model)))
self_attnTF = tf.keras.layers.MultiHeadAttention(key_dim=10, num_heads=5, dropout=0)
transformer_encoder = TransformerLayer(d_model=10, nhead=5, dropout=0.0)
output, scores = self_attnTF(srcTF, srcTF, srcTF, return_attention_scores=True)
print("Tensorflow Attendtion outputs:", output)
print("Tensorflow (averaged) weights:", tf.math.reduce_mean(scores, 1))
print("Torch Attendtion outputs:", transformer_encoder.self_attn(srcPT,srcPT,srcPT)[0])
print("Torch attention output weights:", transformer_encoder.self_attn(srcPT,srcPT,srcPT)[1])
Tensorflow Attendtion outputs: tf.Tensor(
[[[ 0.02602757 -0.14134401 0.00855263 0.4735083 -0.01851891
-0.20382246 -0.18152176 -0.21076852 0.08623976 -0.33548725]
[ 0.02607442 -0.1403394 0.00814065 0.47415024 -0.01882939
-0.20353754 -0.18291879 -0.21234266 0.08595885 -0.33613583]
[ 0.02524654 -0.14096384 0.00870436 0.47411725 -0.01800703
-0.20486829 -0.18163288 -0.21082559 0.08571021 -0.3362339 ]
[ 0.02518575 -0.14039244 0.0090138 0.47431853 -0.01775141
-0.20391947 -0.18138805 -0.2118245 0.08432849 -0.33521986]
[ 0.02556361 -0.14039293 0.00876258 0.4746476 -0.01891363
-0.20398234 -0.18229616 -0.21147579 0.08555281 -0.33639923]]
[[ 0.07844199 -0.1614371 0.01649148 0.5287745 0.05126739
-0.13851154 -0.09829871 -0.1621251 0.01922669 -0.2428589 ]
[ 0.07844222 -0.16024739 0.01805423 0.52941847 0.04975721
-0.13537636 -0.09829231 -0.16129729 0.01979005 -0.24491176]
[ 0.07800542 -0.160701 0.01677295 0.52902794 0.05082911
-0.13843337 -0.09805533 -0.16165744 0.01928401 -0.24327613]
[ 0.07815789 -0.1600025 0.01757433 0.5291927 0.05032986
-0.1368022 -0.09849522 -0.16172451 0.01929555 -0.24438493]
[ 0.0781548 -0.16028519 0.01764914 0.52846324 0.04941286
-0.13746066 -0.09787872 -0.16141161 0.01994199 -0.2440269 ]]], shape=(2, 5, 10), dtype=float32)
Tensorflow (averaged) weights: tf.Tensor(
[[[0.199085 0.20275716 0.20086522 0.19873264 0.19856 ]
[0.2015336 0.19960018 0.20218948 0.19891861 0.19775811]
[0.19906266 0.20318432 0.20190334 0.19812575 0.19772394]
[0.20074987 0.20104568 0.20269363 0.19744729 0.19806348]
[0.19953248 0.20176074 0.20314851 0.19782843 0.19772986]]
[[0.2010009 0.20053487 0.20004745 0.20092985 0.19748697]
[0.20034568 0.20035927 0.19955876 0.20062163 0.19911464]
[0.19967113 0.2006859 0.20012529 0.20047483 0.19904283]
[0.20132652 0.19996871 0.20019794 0.20008174 0.19842513]
[0.2006393 0.20000939 0.19938737 0.20054278 0.19942114]]], shape=(2, 5, 5), dtype=float32)
Torch Attendtion outputs: tensor([[[ 0.1097, -0.4467, -0.0719, -0.1779, -0.0766, -0.1247, 0.1557,
0.0051, -0.3932, -0.1323],
[ 0.1264, -0.3822, 0.0759, -0.0335, -0.1084, -0.1539, 0.1475,
-0.0272, -0.4235, -0.1744]],
[[ 0.1122, -0.4502, -0.0747, -0.1796, -0.0756, -0.1271, 0.1581,
0.0049, -0.3964, -0.1340],
[ 0.1274, -0.3823, 0.0754, -0.0356, -0.1091, -0.1547, 0.1477,
-0.0272, -0.4252, -0.1752]],
[[ 0.1089, -0.4427, -0.0728, -0.1746, -0.0756, -0.1202, 0.1501,
0.0031, -0.3894, -0.1242],
[ 0.1263, -0.3820, 0.0718, -0.0374, -0.1063, -0.1562, 0.1485,
-0.0271, -0.4233, -0.1761]],
[[ 0.1061, -0.4369, -0.0685, -0.1696, -0.0772, -0.1173, 0.1454,
0.0012, -0.3860, -0.1201],
[ 0.1265, -0.3820, 0.0762, -0.0325, -0.1082, -0.1560, 0.1501,
-0.0271, -0.4249, -0.1779]],
[[ 0.1043, -0.4402, -0.0705, -0.1719, -0.0791, -0.1205, 0.1508,
0.0018, -0.3895, -0.1262],
[ 0.1260, -0.3805, 0.0775, -0.0298, -0.1083, -0.1547, 0.1494,
-0.0276, -0.4242, -0.1768]]], grad_fn=<AddBackward0>)
Torch attention output weights: tensor([[[0.2082, 0.2054, 0.1877, 0.1956, 0.2031],
[0.2100, 0.2079, 0.1841, 0.1943, 0.2037],
[0.2007, 0.1995, 0.1929, 0.1999, 0.2070],
[0.1995, 0.1950, 0.1976, 0.2002, 0.2077],
[0.1989, 0.1969, 0.1970, 0.2024, 0.2048]],
[[0.2095, 0.1902, 0.1987, 0.2027, 0.1989],
[0.2090, 0.1956, 0.1997, 0.2004, 0.1952],
[0.2047, 0.1869, 0.2006, 0.2121, 0.1957],
[0.2073, 0.1953, 0.1982, 0.2014, 0.1978],
[0.2089, 0.2003, 0.1953, 0.1957, 0.1998]]], grad_fn=<DivBackward0>)
输出权重看起来相似,但基本注意输出相差甚远。有什么方法可以让 Tensorflow 模型更像 Pytorch 模型吗?任何帮助将不胜感激!
Q = W_q @ input_query + b_q
K = W_k @ input_keys + b_k
V = W_v @ input_values + b_v
是随机初始化的,所以输出差异应该是预期的(即使在同一输入的 pytorch 中两个不同层的输出之间)。 self-attention 操作后还有一个投影,它也是随机初始化的。在tensorflow中可以通过调用self_attnTF
和 nn.MultiheadAttention
中的权重之间的对应关系不是很清楚,例如:torch 在 head 之间共享权重,而 tf 使它们保持唯一。因此,如果您使用来自 pytorch 的预训练模型的权重并尝试将它们放入 tensorflow 模型(无论出于何种原因),它肯定需要超过五分钟。
如果在初始化 pytorch 模型和 tensorflow 模型后逐步检查它们的参数并为它们分配相同的值,结果应该是相同的。