Python numpy 数组试图相互广播,但我需要它们在新轴上运行
Python numpy arrays are trying to broadcast into eachother, but I need them to operate on a new axis instead
我正在为 class 编写此代码,并且是 python 的新手,所以如果我做错了很多事情,我不会感到惊讶。我正在尝试计算通过孔径的光的衍射图案强度,这是由贝塞尔函数给出的。我已经使用 numpy 数组相对有效地计算了 Bessel 函数本身,但是当我尝试在网格顶部扩展 Bessel 函数以计算强度时,我 运行 遇到了一些麻烦。
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
numDivs = 100
rmax = 1e-6
num = 400
lmda = 500e-9
k = 2 * np.pi / lmda
#This function is designed to compute the integral using
# Simpson's Rule. The value N passed in is the number of
# polynomial curve fits to be created. The curve is sliced into
# 2N sections. Designed to work with numpy.
def integrateSimpson(func, lower, upper, N):
delta = (upper - lower) / (2 * N)
THETA = np.linspace(lower, upper, 2 * N + 1)
Y = func(THETA)
Y = Y * (delta / 3)
return Y[0] + Y[2*N] + 4 * np.sum(Y[1:2 * N:2]) + 2 * np.sum(Y[2:2 * N:2])
#this is the formula for the bessel function
J = lambda m, x: integrateSimpson(lambda theta: np.cos(m * theta - x * np.sin(theta)), 0, np.pi, numDivs)
#this is the formula for the intensity using the above bessel function definition
Intensity = lambda r: (J(1, k * r) / (k * r))**2
#setting up the grids for computation.
xSpace = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
ySpace = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xSpace, ySpace)
grid2 = np.zeros((num, num))
#This is where my problem begins
grid2 = Intensity(np.hypot(xx, yy))
#Set up the image and show it
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14), dpi=80)
plt.imshow(grid2, extent = [-rmax , rmax, -rmax, rmax])
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-42-f3614ffc9470> in <module>
21 grid2 = np.zeros((num, num))
---> 23 grid2 = Intensity(np.hypot(xx, yy))
25 #Set up the image and show it
<ipython-input-42-f3614ffc9470> in <lambda>(r)
12 #this is the formula for the intensity using the above bessel function definition
---> 13 Intensity = lambda r: (J(1, k * r) / (k * r))**2
15 #setting up the grid for computation.
<ipython-input-42-f3614ffc9470> in <lambda>(m, x)
9 #this is the formula for the bessel function
---> 10 J = lambda m, x: integrateSimpson(lambda theta: np.cos(m * theta - x * np.sin(theta)), 0, np.pi, numDivs)
12 #this is the formula for the intensity using the above bessel function definition
<ipython-input-8-1c73b24d5dd3> in integrateSimpson(func, lower, upper, N)
19 delta = (upper - lower) / (2 * N)
20 THETA = np.linspace(lower, upper, 2 * N + 1)
---> 21 Y = func(THETA)
22 Y = Y * (delta / 3)
<ipython-input-42-f3614ffc9470> in <lambda>(theta)
9 #this is the formula for the bessel function
---> 10 J = lambda m, x: integrateSimpson(lambda theta: np.cos(m * theta - x * np.sin(theta)), 0, np.pi, numDivs)
12 #this is the formula for the intensity using the above bessel function definition
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (400,400) (201,)
看起来错误是 theta 数组和 x 数组试图相互广播,但我真的不希望它们这样做。有没有一种方法可以避免循环但仍能完成任务?我现在通过退出 numpy 数组操作并仅使用几个 for 循环解决了这个问题。
#Type your code here
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
numDivs = 100
rmax = 1e-6
num = 400
lmda = 500e-9
k = 2 * np.pi / lmda
#This function is designed to compute the integral using
# Simpson's Rule. The value N passed in is the number of
# polynomial curve fits to be created. The curve is sliced into
# 2N sections. Designed to work with numpy.
def integrateSimpson(func, lower, upper, N):
delta = (upper - lower) / (2 * N)
THETA = np.linspace(lower, upper, 2 * N + 1)
Y = func(THETA)
Y = Y * (delta / 3)
return Y[0] + Y[2 * N] + 4 * np.sum(Y[1:2 * N:2]) + 2 * np.sum(Y[2:2 * N:2])
#this is the formula for the bessel function
J = lambda m, x: integrateSimpson(lambda theta: np.cos(m * theta - x * np.sin(theta)), 0, np.pi, numDivs)
#this is the formula for the intensity using the above bessel function definition
Intensity = lambda r: (J(1, k * r) / (k * r))**2
#setting up the grid for computation.
xSpace = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
ySpace = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
grid2 = np.zeros((num, num))
#calculate the diffraction pattern. This is an inefficient way to do it for several reasons
# First I'm not utilizing the efficiency of numpy arrays. I ran into a problem where the
# numpy arrays are trying to broadcast into eachother down the line. Not sure how to fix it so
# I reverted to loops. There's also a level of symmetry where I should only have to compute
# one line along r and then rotate it around, instead of computing the entire grid.
# computing the grid takes a few seconds at this density.
for i in range(num):
for j in range(num):
grid2[i, j] = Intensity(np.hypot(xSpace[i], ySpace[j]))
#Set up the image and show it
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14), dpi=80)
plt.imshow(grid2, extent = [-rmax , rmax, -rmax , rmax])
x = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
y = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
r = np.hypot(x, y[:, None])
image = intensity(r)
为了清楚起见并避免重新计算不必要的数量,我建议不要在此代码中使用 lambda。 Lambda 有时间和地点,但为了几行代码而牺牲易读性是不值得的。最后,除了没有有意义的 __name__
属性外,lambda 在各个方面都和普通函数一样重要:
def intensity(r):
r_scaled = k * r
b = bessel(1, r_scaled)
m = (r_scaled == 0)
r_scaled[m] = b[m]
return (b / r_scaled)**2
你想在 r == 0
时获得 1 的强度来实现这一点,我屏蔽了除数中的零并将它们替换为被除数的值。
现在来解决您的实际问题。您有一个数组 r
,或者在本例中为 r_scaled
,其形状为 (400, 400)
。您想要为每个元素集成一个贝塞尔函数。您正在使用 np.sin
和 np.cos
生成要集成的元素。但问题是求和是一种归约运算。你在下降什么维度?答案是您需要扩展数组的维度。它应该成为一个 (400, 400, 201)
数组,然后您将其汇总为 (400, 400)
。这是一个使用嵌套函数的示例,它比您拥有的混乱的 lambda 更容易阅读。
def bessel(m, x): # M = 1 (scalar), X = r (400, 400)
def func(theta):
return np.cos(m * theta - x[..., None] * np.sin(theta))
return integrate_simpson(func, 0, np.pi, num_divs)
def integrate_simpson(func, lower, upper, n):
n *= 2
delta = (upper - lower) / n
theta = np.linspace(lower, upper, n + 1)
y = func(theta)
y *= delta / 3
return y[..., 0] + y[..., -1] + 4 * y[..., 1:-1:2].sum(axis=-1) + 2 * y[..., 2:-1:2].sum(axis=-1)
主要变化是 bessel
现在用 x[..., None]
进行数学运算(即 r_scaled[..., None]
)。 ...
:增加一个单位维度。结果是一个 (400, 400, 1)
视图(没有数据被复制),然后你可以用你的 201
元素 theta
广播它以获得一个 (400, 400, 201)
在 integrate_simpson
内,您使用广播形状沿最后一个轴求和。 y[..., 0]
表示“拍摄第一个图像平面”。 ...
是每个像素的第一个元素,这正是您想要的。 y[..., -1]
做同样的事情。 Numpy 和正常的 python 一样,支持负索引。如果您想要最后一个元素,只需使用 -1
。它为你节省了一些计算,并且对于一个python-savvyreader更直观,以后就是你了。希望此时,您可以将这些概念外推到总和中的其余两项。 y[..., 1:-1:2].sum(axis=-1)
您使用广播制作的那个。在这里使用 -1
和 ...
的好处是你甚至不需要知道你有多少个轴。这将完美地工作,下周一不需要修改,当你决定你真的想要整合超过 5 维图像时。
- 我会让
num = 401
看到更好的步骤,或者设置 x = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num, endpoint=False)
(与 y
- Python 命名约定是常量大写,类 驼峰命名,snake_case 几乎所有其他内容,包括变量、函数和方法。
r_max_xy = np.hypot(rmax, rmax)
现在只为图像中的几百个点生成积分。事实上,既然你不是为了 400 * 400
点而做的,让我们挥霍一下并为 1000 点做吧:
r_radial = np.linspace(0, r_max_xy, 1000)
image_radial = intensity(r_radial)
将开箱即用。现在您可以在整个图像中插入值。对于 first-order 近似值,我们只进行 nearest-neighbor 插值。
目标是计算 image_radial
中的索引以从中获取图像值。由于 r_radial
r_index = (r / (r_radial.ptp() / (r_radial.size - 1)) + 0.5).astype(int)
image = image_radial[r_index]
为了 smoother/more 准确的插值,(a) 使用更多的点,and/or (b) 添加使用更好的插值器。这是后者的一个例子:
from scipy.interpolate import Akima1DInterpolator
interp = Akima1DInterpolator(r_radial, image_radial)
image = interp(r)
另一种完全不同的方法是混合插值和蛮力,是对图像的一个八分圆进行采样,它将包含整个图像的所有可能半径。这不是插值,而是将计算积分的数量减少到最低限度。您可以将它与插值结合使用,以避免调用插值器 7/8 次。
您可以取四分之一的田地,然后对其应用 np.triu_indices
。最好的部分是您不需要生成图像来获取半径。您需要以稍微不同的方式处理偶数和奇数 num
让我们从 num
xy = np.linspace(-rmax, -rmax / (num - 1), num // 2)
row, col = np.triu_indices(xy.size)
r_octant = np.hypot(xy[row], xy[col])
octant = intensity(r_octant)
image = np.empty((num, num), float)
# Reflect octant about diagonal
image[row, col] = image[col, row] = octant
# Reflect quadrant about vertical
image[:xy.size, xy.size:] = image[:xy.size, xy.size - 1::-1]
# Reflect half about horizontal
image[xy.size:] = image[xy.size - 1::-1]
处理奇数尺寸略有不同,因为有一些 off-by-one 调整:
xy = np.linspace(-rmax, 0, (num + 1) // 2)
# Reflect quadrant about vertical
image[:xy.size, xy.size:] = image[:xy.size, xy.size - 2::-1]
# Reflect half about horizontal
image[xy.size:] = image[xy.size - 2::-1]
def full_vectorized(rmax, num):
x = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
y = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
r = np.hypot(x, y[:, None])
return intensity(r)
def octant_vectorized(rmax, num):
if num % 2:
n = (num + 1) // 2
k = n - 2
s = 0
n = num // 2
k = n - 1
s = -rmax / (num - 1)
xy = np.linspace(-rmax, s, n)
row, col = np.triu_indices(xy.size)
r_octant = np.hypot(xy[row], xy[col])
octant = intensity(r_octant)
image = np.empty((num, num), float)
image[row, col] = image[col, row] = octant
image[:xy.size, xy.size:] = image[:xy.size, k::-1]
# Reflect half about horizontal
image[xy.size:] = image[k::-1]
return image
def nn_interpolated(rmax, num, n=100):
x = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
y = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
r = np.hypot(x, y[:, None])
r_max_xy = r[0, 0]
r_radial = np.linspace(0, r_max_xy, n)
image_radial = intensity(r_radial)
r_index = ((r - r_radial[0]) / (r_radial.ptp() / (r_radial.size - 1)) + 0.5).astype(int)
return image_radial[r_index]
def akima_interpolated(rmax, num, n=100):
r_max_xy = np.hypot(rmax, rmax)
r_radial = np.linspace(0.5 * rmax / num, r_max_xy, n)
image_radial = intensity(r_radial)
x = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
y = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
r = np.hypot(x, y[:, None])
return Akima1DInterpolator(r_radial, image_radial)(r)
首先快速检查所有方法 return 相似的结果:
>>> img_fv = full_vectorized(rmax, num)
>>> img_ov = octant_vectorized(rmax, num)
>>> np.abs(img_fv - img_ov).max()
4.218847493575595e-15 ## This is OK
如果您 plt.imshow(img_fv - img_ov)
,您会看到舍入伪影,因为 np.linspace
>>> from haggis.math import rms
>>> img_ni_100 = nn_interpolated(rmax, num, n=100)
>>> img_ni_1000 = nn_interpolated(rmax, num, n=1000)
>>> img_ai_100 = akima_interpolated(rmax, num, n=100)
>>> img_ai_1000 = akima_interpolated(rmax, num, n=1000)
>>> print('NN 100', rms(img_fv - img_ni_100))
>>> print('NN 1000', rms(img_fv - img_ni_1000))
>>> print('AI 100', rms(img_fv - img_ai_100))
>>> print('AI 1000', rms(img_fv - img_ai_1000))
NN 100 0.009473741009264758
NN 1000 0.0009418991442352894
AI 100 2.9400011847429186e-05
AI 1000 2.479026973749244e-08
%timeit full_vectorized(rmax, num)
343 ms ± 13.7 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit octant_vectorized(rmax, num)
40.4 ms ± 1.16 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
%timeit nn_interpolated(rmax, num, 100)
1.63 ms ± 14 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
%timeit nn_interpolated(rmax, num, 1000)
2.38 ms ± 100 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
%timeit akima_interpolated(rmax, num, 100)
3.07 ms ± 11.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
%timeit akima_interpolated(rmax, num, 1000)
5.75 ms ± 191 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
如您所见,任何插值解都比八分圆解好约 10 倍,比完整解好约 100 倍。鉴于 1000 点 Akima 插值器给出的 RMS 误差在舍入误差的数量级上,您可以凭良心接受该解决方案。
def octant_akima_interpolated(rmax, num, n=100):
if num % 2:
m = (num + 1) // 2
k = m - 2
s = 0
m = num // 2
k = m - 1
s = -rmax / (num - 1)
xy = np.linspace(-rmax, s, m)
row, col = np.triu_indices(xy.size)
r_octant = np.hypot(xy[row], xy[col])
r_max_xy = np.hypot(rmax, rmax)
r_radial = np.linspace(0.5 * rmax / num, r_max_xy, n)
image_radial = intensity(r_radial)
octant = Akima1DInterpolator(r_radial, image_radial)(r_octant)
image = np.empty((num, num), float)
image[row, col] = image[col, row] = octant
image[:xy.size, xy.size:] = image[:xy.size, k::-1]
# Reflect half about horizontal
image[xy.size:] = image[k::-1]
return image
>>> img_oi_100 = octant_akima_interpolated(rmax, num, n=100)
>>> img_oi_1000 = octant_akima_interpolated(rmax, num, n=1000)
>>> print('OI 100', rms(img_fv - img_oi_100))
>>> print('OI 1000', rms(img_fv - img_oi_1000))
OI 100 2.940001184744199e-05
OI 1000 2.4790269736396652e-08
%timeit octant_akima_interpolated(rmax, num, 100)
936 µs ± 22.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
%timeit octant_akima_interpolated(rmax, num, 1000)
1.87 ms ± 55.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
所以你开始了:整个阵列中最快的线性插值器的速度,几乎没有有意义的精度损失(如果 2.5e-8 困扰你,你总是可以增加到 10000 点)。正如所宣传的那样,您可以将接受答案的时间缩短约 200 倍。
我正在为 class 编写此代码,并且是 python 的新手,所以如果我做错了很多事情,我不会感到惊讶。我正在尝试计算通过孔径的光的衍射图案强度,这是由贝塞尔函数给出的。我已经使用 numpy 数组相对有效地计算了 Bessel 函数本身,但是当我尝试在网格顶部扩展 Bessel 函数以计算强度时,我 运行 遇到了一些麻烦。
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
numDivs = 100
rmax = 1e-6
num = 400
lmda = 500e-9
k = 2 * np.pi / lmda
#This function is designed to compute the integral using
# Simpson's Rule. The value N passed in is the number of
# polynomial curve fits to be created. The curve is sliced into
# 2N sections. Designed to work with numpy.
def integrateSimpson(func, lower, upper, N):
delta = (upper - lower) / (2 * N)
THETA = np.linspace(lower, upper, 2 * N + 1)
Y = func(THETA)
Y = Y * (delta / 3)
return Y[0] + Y[2*N] + 4 * np.sum(Y[1:2 * N:2]) + 2 * np.sum(Y[2:2 * N:2])
#this is the formula for the bessel function
J = lambda m, x: integrateSimpson(lambda theta: np.cos(m * theta - x * np.sin(theta)), 0, np.pi, numDivs)
#this is the formula for the intensity using the above bessel function definition
Intensity = lambda r: (J(1, k * r) / (k * r))**2
#setting up the grids for computation.
xSpace = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
ySpace = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(xSpace, ySpace)
grid2 = np.zeros((num, num))
#This is where my problem begins
grid2 = Intensity(np.hypot(xx, yy))
#Set up the image and show it
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14), dpi=80)
plt.imshow(grid2, extent = [-rmax , rmax, -rmax, rmax])
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-42-f3614ffc9470> in <module>
21 grid2 = np.zeros((num, num))
---> 23 grid2 = Intensity(np.hypot(xx, yy))
25 #Set up the image and show it
<ipython-input-42-f3614ffc9470> in <lambda>(r)
12 #this is the formula for the intensity using the above bessel function definition
---> 13 Intensity = lambda r: (J(1, k * r) / (k * r))**2
15 #setting up the grid for computation.
<ipython-input-42-f3614ffc9470> in <lambda>(m, x)
9 #this is the formula for the bessel function
---> 10 J = lambda m, x: integrateSimpson(lambda theta: np.cos(m * theta - x * np.sin(theta)), 0, np.pi, numDivs)
12 #this is the formula for the intensity using the above bessel function definition
<ipython-input-8-1c73b24d5dd3> in integrateSimpson(func, lower, upper, N)
19 delta = (upper - lower) / (2 * N)
20 THETA = np.linspace(lower, upper, 2 * N + 1)
---> 21 Y = func(THETA)
22 Y = Y * (delta / 3)
<ipython-input-42-f3614ffc9470> in <lambda>(theta)
9 #this is the formula for the bessel function
---> 10 J = lambda m, x: integrateSimpson(lambda theta: np.cos(m * theta - x * np.sin(theta)), 0, np.pi, numDivs)
12 #this is the formula for the intensity using the above bessel function definition
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (400,400) (201,)
看起来错误是 theta 数组和 x 数组试图相互广播,但我真的不希望它们这样做。有没有一种方法可以避免循环但仍能完成任务?我现在通过退出 numpy 数组操作并仅使用几个 for 循环解决了这个问题。
#Type your code here
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
numDivs = 100
rmax = 1e-6
num = 400
lmda = 500e-9
k = 2 * np.pi / lmda
#This function is designed to compute the integral using
# Simpson's Rule. The value N passed in is the number of
# polynomial curve fits to be created. The curve is sliced into
# 2N sections. Designed to work with numpy.
def integrateSimpson(func, lower, upper, N):
delta = (upper - lower) / (2 * N)
THETA = np.linspace(lower, upper, 2 * N + 1)
Y = func(THETA)
Y = Y * (delta / 3)
return Y[0] + Y[2 * N] + 4 * np.sum(Y[1:2 * N:2]) + 2 * np.sum(Y[2:2 * N:2])
#this is the formula for the bessel function
J = lambda m, x: integrateSimpson(lambda theta: np.cos(m * theta - x * np.sin(theta)), 0, np.pi, numDivs)
#this is the formula for the intensity using the above bessel function definition
Intensity = lambda r: (J(1, k * r) / (k * r))**2
#setting up the grid for computation.
xSpace = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
ySpace = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
grid2 = np.zeros((num, num))
#calculate the diffraction pattern. This is an inefficient way to do it for several reasons
# First I'm not utilizing the efficiency of numpy arrays. I ran into a problem where the
# numpy arrays are trying to broadcast into eachother down the line. Not sure how to fix it so
# I reverted to loops. There's also a level of symmetry where I should only have to compute
# one line along r and then rotate it around, instead of computing the entire grid.
# computing the grid takes a few seconds at this density.
for i in range(num):
for j in range(num):
grid2[i, j] = Intensity(np.hypot(xSpace[i], ySpace[j]))
#Set up the image and show it
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14), dpi=80)
plt.imshow(grid2, extent = [-rmax , rmax, -rmax , rmax])
x = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
y = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
r = np.hypot(x, y[:, None])
image = intensity(r)
为了清楚起见并避免重新计算不必要的数量,我建议不要在此代码中使用 lambda。 Lambda 有时间和地点,但为了几行代码而牺牲易读性是不值得的。最后,除了没有有意义的 __name__
属性外,lambda 在各个方面都和普通函数一样重要:
def intensity(r):
r_scaled = k * r
b = bessel(1, r_scaled)
m = (r_scaled == 0)
r_scaled[m] = b[m]
return (b / r_scaled)**2
你想在 r == 0
时获得 1 的强度来实现这一点,我屏蔽了除数中的零并将它们替换为被除数的值。
现在来解决您的实际问题。您有一个数组 r
,或者在本例中为 r_scaled
,其形状为 (400, 400)
。您想要为每个元素集成一个贝塞尔函数。您正在使用 np.sin
和 np.cos
生成要集成的元素。但问题是求和是一种归约运算。你在下降什么维度?答案是您需要扩展数组的维度。它应该成为一个 (400, 400, 201)
数组,然后您将其汇总为 (400, 400)
。这是一个使用嵌套函数的示例,它比您拥有的混乱的 lambda 更容易阅读。
def bessel(m, x): # M = 1 (scalar), X = r (400, 400)
def func(theta):
return np.cos(m * theta - x[..., None] * np.sin(theta))
return integrate_simpson(func, 0, np.pi, num_divs)
def integrate_simpson(func, lower, upper, n):
n *= 2
delta = (upper - lower) / n
theta = np.linspace(lower, upper, n + 1)
y = func(theta)
y *= delta / 3
return y[..., 0] + y[..., -1] + 4 * y[..., 1:-1:2].sum(axis=-1) + 2 * y[..., 2:-1:2].sum(axis=-1)
主要变化是 bessel
现在用 x[..., None]
进行数学运算(即 r_scaled[..., None]
)。 ...
:增加一个单位维度。结果是一个 (400, 400, 1)
视图(没有数据被复制),然后你可以用你的 201
元素 theta
广播它以获得一个 (400, 400, 201)
在 integrate_simpson
内,您使用广播形状沿最后一个轴求和。 y[..., 0]
表示“拍摄第一个图像平面”。 ...
是每个像素的第一个元素,这正是您想要的。 y[..., -1]
做同样的事情。 Numpy 和正常的 python 一样,支持负索引。如果您想要最后一个元素,只需使用 -1
。它为你节省了一些计算,并且对于一个python-savvyreader更直观,以后就是你了。希望此时,您可以将这些概念外推到总和中的其余两项。 y[..., 1:-1:2].sum(axis=-1)
您使用广播制作的那个。在这里使用 -1
和 ...
的好处是你甚至不需要知道你有多少个轴。这将完美地工作,下周一不需要修改,当你决定你真的想要整合超过 5 维图像时。
- 我会让
num = 401
看到更好的步骤,或者设置x = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num, endpoint=False)
相同)以获得具有相同漂亮步骤的略微不对称的图像。 - Python 命名约定是常量大写,类 驼峰命名,snake_case 几乎所有其他内容,包括变量、函数和方法。
r_max_xy = np.hypot(rmax, rmax)
现在只为图像中的几百个点生成积分。事实上,既然你不是为了 400 * 400
点而做的,让我们挥霍一下并为 1000 点做吧:
r_radial = np.linspace(0, r_max_xy, 1000)
image_radial = intensity(r_radial)
将开箱即用。现在您可以在整个图像中插入值。对于 first-order 近似值,我们只进行 nearest-neighbor 插值。
目标是计算 image_radial
中的索引以从中获取图像值。由于 r_radial
r_index = (r / (r_radial.ptp() / (r_radial.size - 1)) + 0.5).astype(int)
image = image_radial[r_index]
为了 smoother/more 准确的插值,(a) 使用更多的点,and/or (b) 添加使用更好的插值器。这是后者的一个例子:
from scipy.interpolate import Akima1DInterpolator
interp = Akima1DInterpolator(r_radial, image_radial)
image = interp(r)
另一种完全不同的方法是混合插值和蛮力,是对图像的一个八分圆进行采样,它将包含整个图像的所有可能半径。这不是插值,而是将计算积分的数量减少到最低限度。您可以将它与插值结合使用,以避免调用插值器 7/8 次。
您可以取四分之一的田地,然后对其应用 np.triu_indices
。最好的部分是您不需要生成图像来获取半径。您需要以稍微不同的方式处理偶数和奇数 num
让我们从 num
xy = np.linspace(-rmax, -rmax / (num - 1), num // 2)
row, col = np.triu_indices(xy.size)
r_octant = np.hypot(xy[row], xy[col])
octant = intensity(r_octant)
image = np.empty((num, num), float)
# Reflect octant about diagonal
image[row, col] = image[col, row] = octant
# Reflect quadrant about vertical
image[:xy.size, xy.size:] = image[:xy.size, xy.size - 1::-1]
# Reflect half about horizontal
image[xy.size:] = image[xy.size - 1::-1]
处理奇数尺寸略有不同,因为有一些 off-by-one 调整:
xy = np.linspace(-rmax, 0, (num + 1) // 2)
# Reflect quadrant about vertical
image[:xy.size, xy.size:] = image[:xy.size, xy.size - 2::-1]
# Reflect half about horizontal
image[xy.size:] = image[xy.size - 2::-1]
def full_vectorized(rmax, num):
x = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
y = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
r = np.hypot(x, y[:, None])
return intensity(r)
def octant_vectorized(rmax, num):
if num % 2:
n = (num + 1) // 2
k = n - 2
s = 0
n = num // 2
k = n - 1
s = -rmax / (num - 1)
xy = np.linspace(-rmax, s, n)
row, col = np.triu_indices(xy.size)
r_octant = np.hypot(xy[row], xy[col])
octant = intensity(r_octant)
image = np.empty((num, num), float)
image[row, col] = image[col, row] = octant
image[:xy.size, xy.size:] = image[:xy.size, k::-1]
# Reflect half about horizontal
image[xy.size:] = image[k::-1]
return image
def nn_interpolated(rmax, num, n=100):
x = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
y = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
r = np.hypot(x, y[:, None])
r_max_xy = r[0, 0]
r_radial = np.linspace(0, r_max_xy, n)
image_radial = intensity(r_radial)
r_index = ((r - r_radial[0]) / (r_radial.ptp() / (r_radial.size - 1)) + 0.5).astype(int)
return image_radial[r_index]
def akima_interpolated(rmax, num, n=100):
r_max_xy = np.hypot(rmax, rmax)
r_radial = np.linspace(0.5 * rmax / num, r_max_xy, n)
image_radial = intensity(r_radial)
x = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
y = np.linspace(-rmax, rmax, num)
r = np.hypot(x, y[:, None])
return Akima1DInterpolator(r_radial, image_radial)(r)
首先快速检查所有方法 return 相似的结果:
>>> img_fv = full_vectorized(rmax, num)
>>> img_ov = octant_vectorized(rmax, num)
>>> np.abs(img_fv - img_ov).max()
4.218847493575595e-15 ## This is OK
如果您 plt.imshow(img_fv - img_ov)
,您会看到舍入伪影,因为 np.linspace
>>> from haggis.math import rms
>>> img_ni_100 = nn_interpolated(rmax, num, n=100)
>>> img_ni_1000 = nn_interpolated(rmax, num, n=1000)
>>> img_ai_100 = akima_interpolated(rmax, num, n=100)
>>> img_ai_1000 = akima_interpolated(rmax, num, n=1000)
>>> print('NN 100', rms(img_fv - img_ni_100))
>>> print('NN 1000', rms(img_fv - img_ni_1000))
>>> print('AI 100', rms(img_fv - img_ai_100))
>>> print('AI 1000', rms(img_fv - img_ai_1000))
NN 100 0.009473741009264758
NN 1000 0.0009418991442352894
AI 100 2.9400011847429186e-05
AI 1000 2.479026973749244e-08
%timeit full_vectorized(rmax, num)
343 ms ± 13.7 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
%timeit octant_vectorized(rmax, num)
40.4 ms ± 1.16 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
%timeit nn_interpolated(rmax, num, 100)
1.63 ms ± 14 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
%timeit nn_interpolated(rmax, num, 1000)
2.38 ms ± 100 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
%timeit akima_interpolated(rmax, num, 100)
3.07 ms ± 11.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
%timeit akima_interpolated(rmax, num, 1000)
5.75 ms ± 191 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
如您所见,任何插值解都比八分圆解好约 10 倍,比完整解好约 100 倍。鉴于 1000 点 Akima 插值器给出的 RMS 误差在舍入误差的数量级上,您可以凭良心接受该解决方案。
def octant_akima_interpolated(rmax, num, n=100):
if num % 2:
m = (num + 1) // 2
k = m - 2
s = 0
m = num // 2
k = m - 1
s = -rmax / (num - 1)
xy = np.linspace(-rmax, s, m)
row, col = np.triu_indices(xy.size)
r_octant = np.hypot(xy[row], xy[col])
r_max_xy = np.hypot(rmax, rmax)
r_radial = np.linspace(0.5 * rmax / num, r_max_xy, n)
image_radial = intensity(r_radial)
octant = Akima1DInterpolator(r_radial, image_radial)(r_octant)
image = np.empty((num, num), float)
image[row, col] = image[col, row] = octant
image[:xy.size, xy.size:] = image[:xy.size, k::-1]
# Reflect half about horizontal
image[xy.size:] = image[k::-1]
return image
>>> img_oi_100 = octant_akima_interpolated(rmax, num, n=100)
>>> img_oi_1000 = octant_akima_interpolated(rmax, num, n=1000)
>>> print('OI 100', rms(img_fv - img_oi_100))
>>> print('OI 1000', rms(img_fv - img_oi_1000))
OI 100 2.940001184744199e-05
OI 1000 2.4790269736396652e-08
%timeit octant_akima_interpolated(rmax, num, 100)
936 µs ± 22.9 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
%timeit octant_akima_interpolated(rmax, num, 1000)
1.87 ms ± 55.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
所以你开始了:整个阵列中最快的线性插值器的速度,几乎没有有意义的精度损失(如果 2.5e-8 困扰你,你总是可以增加到 10000 点)。正如所宣传的那样,您可以将接受答案的时间缩短约 200 倍。