如何 return 0 如果空白

How to return 0 if blank

我试图忽略空白值,下面的代码采用 dropdown.value 这是一个字符串,然后查找该值并在不同的 table 旁边拉一个数字。


我在网上查找并找到了 Nz() 表达式,但它仍然无法正常工作,有没有办法忽略我的代码中的空白下拉列表,或者只在末尾添加值 0?


Dim db As DAO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim Kitchen As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQLKitchen As String
Dim WC As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQLWC As String
Dim Bath As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQLBath As String
Dim ENSuiteA As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQLENSuiteA As String
Dim ENSuiteB As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQLENSuiteB As String
Dim Other As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQLOther As String

'lookup dropdown value and grab a number that resides next to it in a table
strSQLKitchen = "SELECT EOValue FROM Trims WHERE Trim = """ & KitchenTrimType.Value & """"
strSQLWC = "SELECT EOValue FROM Trims WHERE Trim = """ & WCTrimType.Value & """"
strSQLBath = "SELECT EOValue FROM Trims WHERE Trim = """ & BathTrimType.Value & """"
strSQLENSuiteA = "SELECT EOValue FROM Trims WHERE Trim = """ & ENSuiteATrimType.Value & """"
strSQLENSuiteB = "SELECT EOValue FROM Trims WHERE Trim = """ & ENSuiteBTrimType.Value & """"
strSQLOther = "SELECT EOValue FROM Trims WHERE Trim = """ & OtherTrimType.Value & """"

Set Kitchen = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLKitchen)
Set WC = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLWC)
Set Bath = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLBath)
Set ENSuiteA = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLENSuiteA)
Set ENSuiteB = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLENSuiteB)
Set Other = db.OpenRecordset(strSQLOther)

MsgBox (Nz(Kitchen.Fields(0).Value))
MsgBox (Nz(WC.Fields(0).Value))
MsgBox (Nz(Bath.Fields(0).Value))
MsgBox (Nz(ENSuiteA.Fields(0).Value))
MsgBox (Nz(ENSuiteB.Fields(0).Value))
MsgBox (Nz(Other.Fields(0).Value))

'populate box on form
FormTrimValue.Value = Nz(Kitchen.Fields(0).Value) + Nz(WC.Fields(0).Value) + Nz(Bath.Fields(0).Value) + Nz(ENSuiteA.Fields(0).Value) + Nz(ENSuiteB.Fields(0).Value) + Nz(Other.Fields(0).Value)



'No Current Record'

请始终附上错误消息,这有助于更好地理解问题出在哪里。除此之外,尝试将第二个参数传递给 Nz() - 这里你必须定义当没有选择任何内容时要返回的记录。

strSQLKitchen = "SELECT EOValue FROM Trims WHERE Trim = '" & Nz(KitchenTrimType.Value,"") & "'"

P.S.: 不要使用 Trim 作为列名,因为这也是一个函数名,稍后会让您感到困惑。


Dim Records         As DAO.Recordset

Dim Trims(0 to 5)   As String
Dim Sql             As String
Dim Value           As Currency

' Collect trims to look up.
Trims(0) = Nz(KitchenTrimType.Value)
Trims(1) = Nz(WCTrimType.Value)
Trims(2) = Nz(BathTrimType.Value)
Trims(3) = Nz(ENSuiteATrimType.Value)
Trims(4) = Nz(ENSuiteBTrimType.Value)
Trims(5) = Nz(OtherTrimType.Value)

' Retrieve only the trims needed.
Sql = "SELECT EOValue FROM Trims WHERE Trim IN (""" & Join(Trims, """,""") & """)"
Set Records = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(Sql, dbOpenDynaset, dbReadOnly)
If Records.RecordCount > 0 Then   
    ' Add those trims found.
    While Not Records.EOF
        Value = Value = Nz(Records(0).Value, 0)
End If

' Populate box on form
FormTrimValue.Value = Value