为生产构建时的 vaadin 23 报告调试模式

vaadin 23 reporting debug mode when built for production

我通过以下方式在生产模式下构建了我的 vaadin 23 应用程序:

mvn clean package -Pproduction -DskipTests -U

我的 pom.xml 包含必要的配置文件:

<!-- vaadin profiles -->
    <!-- https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/flow/production/production-build -->

            <!-- configuration depending on environment -->

            <!-- .. more configuration .. -->


我正在使用 java 17.

为 tomcat 9 构建一个 war 文件


  "productionMode": true,
  "useDeprecatedV14Bootstrapping": false,
  "eagerServerLoad": false,
  "chunks": {
    "fallback": {
      "jsModules": [
      "cssImports": [
          "value": "./styles/grid-layout.css"
  "enableDevServer": false

WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/VAADIN/config/stats.json 包含:

 "assetsByChunkName": {
  "bundle": "VAADIN/build/vaadin-bundle-7f98e7fa04576858b6f8.cache.js"


当我部署 war 时,tomcat 报告:

(AtmosphereFramework.java:1087) - Atmosphere Framework 2.7.3.slf4jvaadin4 started.
(AtmosphereFramework.java:2626) - Installed AtmosphereInterceptor  Track Message Size Interceptor using | with priority BEFORE_DEFAULT 
(DefaultDeploymentConfiguration.java:155) - Following issues were discovered with deployment configuration:
WARNING: Vaadin is running in DEBUG MODE with debug features enabled, but with a prebuild frontend bundle (production ready).
When deploying application for production, disable debug features by enabling production mode!
See more from https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/flow/production/overview
[main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Deployment of web application archive [/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war] has finished in [14,764] ms
org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol.start Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-nio-8080"]
[main] org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start Server startup in [14985] milliseconds


我已按照此故障排除指南进行操作,一切似乎都是正确的: https://vaadin.com/docs/latest/flow/production/troubleshooting

感谢@Frettman 的好主意,我最终解决了这个问题。

核心问题实际上是我们通过注释配置的 vaadin servlet。

@WebServlet(urlPatterns =
{ "/*" }, name = "OnePub", asyncSupported = true, loadOnStartup = 1, initParams =
        @WebInitParam(name = "org.atmosphere.cpr.AtmosphereInterceptor", value = "dev.onepub.servlets.AtmosphereFilter"),
        @WebInitParam(name = "closeIdleSessions", value = "true"),

        /// changed this when we release.
        @WebInitParam(name = "productionMode", value = "false")



@WebInitParam(name = "productionMode", value = "false")

将值更改为 'true' 解决了问题。

@WebInitParam(name = "productionMode", value = "true")


我的 pom 文件生产配置文件部分包含一个依赖项:


我不确定这是如何进入 pom 但我将配置文件部分更改为:

            <!-- Production mode is activated using -Pproduction -->