Elasticsearch 索引 Json 带有转义引号 - "Limit of total fields [1000] has been exceeded"

Elasticsearch indexes Json with escaped quotation marks - "Limit of total fields [1000] has been exceeded"

将 vom Elasticsearch 5.6.10 升级到 7.15.1 后,Json 字符串使用转义引号编制索引。这当然会导致无意义的数据。我意识到的那一刻是当我收到以下异常时:

mapping update rejected by primary java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Limit of total fields [1000] has been exceeded


for (...){
  def idx_record = buildEsRecord(r)     // getting a valid map without escape characters
  if (idx_record != null) {
    IndexRequest singleRequest = new IndexRequest(myIndex)
    singleRequest.source(idx_record as JSON, XContentType.JSON)
BulkResponse bulkResponse = esClient.bulk(bulkRequest, RequestOptions.DEFAULT)

调试 idx_record as JSON 显示完全正常的 Json 字符串,没有引号被转义,例如:

    "uuid": "63fa7627-7d03-465b-93a3-a498feeb6689",
    "contentType": null,
    "description": null,
    "descriptionURL": null,

Elasticsearch 7 的配置中是否有我遗漏的内容?我们可以在 Elasticsearch 客户端上设置任何参数吗?还有其他想法吗?

找到问题了。可以猜到,这里使用的编程语言是 Groovy (on Grails) 。 idx_record as JSON 需要在被索引之前显式转换为字符串。所以解决方案只是改变:

singleRequest.source(idx_record as JSON, XContentType.JSON)

singleRequest.source((idx_record as JSON).toString(), XContentType.JSON)