至少应该包含使用 Robotframework

Should contain atleast using Robotframework

@{test} XTEAMK01, KKTEAM01, XTEAMO01, KKTEAM02, XJSTEAMD00, KKTEAM03 中创建了一个列表,然后我想获得以下以“KK”开头的值 KKTEAM01, KKTEAM02,KKTEAM03

您可能正在寻找 startwith. Here it is used with a list comprehension

In [1]: l = ["XTEAMK01", "KKTEAM01", "XTEAMO01", "KKTEAM02", "XJSTEAMD00", "KKTEAM03"]

In [2]: [x for x in l if x.startswith("KK")]
Out[2]: ['KKTEAM01', 'KKTEAM02', 'KKTEAM03']

您可以使用list compreenhension and startswith

kk_list = [item for item in full_list if item.startswith("KK")]


inp = ["XTEAMK01", "KKTEAM01", "XTEAMO01", "KKTEAM02", "XJSTEAMD00", "KKTEAM03"]
output = [x for x in inp if x[:2] == 'KK']
print(output)  # ['KKTEAM01', 'KKTEAM02', 'KKTEAM03']


inp = ["XTEAMK01", "KKTEAM01", "XTEAMO01", "KKTEAM02", "XJSTEAMD00", "KKTEAM03"]
output = [x for x in inp if re.search(r'^KK', x)]
print(output)  # ['KKTEAM01', 'KKTEAM02', 'KKTEAM03']


@{test}     XTEAMK01    KKTEAM01    XTEAMO01    KKTEAM02    XJSTEAMD00    KKTEAM03  
*** Test Cases ***   
    ${x}=    Evaluate    [item for item in ${test} if item.startswith("KK")]
    Log    ${x}


您可以使用机器人的 inline python evaluation 进行列表理解:

log  matches: ${{[x for x in $test if x.startswith('KK')]}}

或者,您可以使用 Evaluate 以更易读的格式执行相同的列表理解:

@{matches}=   Evaluate  [x for x in $test if x.startswith('KK')]