将 RGBD 保存为单个图像

Saving RGBD as single image

我使用此代码 https://www.programmersought.com/article/8773686326/ 通过整合 RGB 和深度图像来创建 RGBD 现在我想知道那个 RGBD 文件是否可以保存为 单个 图像 (jpeg,png...) 我试过了,但是没有成功,通过使用 imageio.imwrite(), plt.imsave(), cv2.imwrite()... 可能是维度 [4,64,1216],所以有没有如何实现它?

scale = (64, 1216)
resize_img = transforms.Resize(scale, Image.BILINEAR)
resize_depth = transforms.Resize(scale, Image.NEAREST)
to_tensor = transforms.ToTensor()
img_id = 0
# load image and resize
img = Image.open('RGB_image.jpg')
img = resize_img(img)
img = np.array(img)
# load depth and resize
depth = Image.open('depth_image.png')
depth = resize_depth(depth)
depth = np.array(depth)
depth = depth[:, :, np.newaxis]
# tensor shape and value, normalization
img = Image.fromarray(img).convert('RGB')
img = to_tensor(img).float()
depth = depth / 65535
depth = to_tensor(depth).float()

rgbd = torch.cat((img, depth), 0)
print("\n\nRGBD shape")

我们可以将深度保存为 RGBA 像素格式的图像的 alpha 通道。


为了与 OpenEXR 格式兼容,我们可以将范围 [0, 1].

中的所有通道转换为 float32


  • 我意识到Open3D支持RGBD图像,但它似乎不支持将RGB和深度读取和写入单个文件。

以下代码示例使用 OpenCV 而不是 Pillow。
我以为 OpenCV 支持 EXR 文件格式,但我的 OpenCV Python 版本不支持 EXR。我改用 ImageIO 包。

将 RGB 和深度转换并写入 EXR 文件的阶段:

  • 加载 RGB 图像,调整其大小并转换为浮点数:

     img = cv2.imread('RGB_image.jpg')  # The channels order is BGR due to OpenCV conventions.
     img = cv2.resize(img, scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
     img = img.astype(np.float32) / 255  # Convert to float in range [0, 1]
  • 加载深度图像,调整大小并转换为浮点数:

     depth = cv2.imread('depth_image.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)  # Assume depth_image.png is 16 bits grayscale.
     depth = cv2.resize(depth, scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
     depth = depth.astype(np.float32) / 65535  # Convert to float in range [0, 1]
  • img(3通道)和depth(1通道)合并为4通道:
    形状将是 (1216, 64, 4)(应用 OpenCV BGRA 颜色约定)。

     bgrd = np.dstack((img, depth))
  • 正在将 bgrd 写入 EXR 文件:
    如果 OpenCV 是用 OpenEXR 构建的,我们可以使用:cv2.imwrite('rgbd.exr', bgrd).
    如果我们使用 ImageIO,我们最好在保存之前从 BGRA 转换为 RGBA:

     rgbd = cv2.cvtColor(bgrd, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2RGBA)
     imageio.imwrite('rgbd.exr', rgbd)

代码示例(将 RGB 和范围转换为 RGBA EXR 文件,然后读取并转换回):

import numpy as np
import cv2
import imageio

scale = (64, 1216)
# load image and resize
img = cv2.imread('RGB_image.jpg')  # The channels order is BGR due to OpenCV conventions.
img = cv2.resize(img, scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
img = img.astype(np.float32) / 255  # Convert to float in range [0, 1]
# load depth and resize
depth = cv2.imread('depth_image.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)  # Assume depth_image.png is 16 bits grayscale.
depth = cv2.resize(depth, scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)

if depth.ndim == 3:
    depth = depth[:, :, 0]  # Keep one channel if depth has 3 channels?  depth = depth[:, :, np.newaxis]
depth = depth.astype(np.float32) / 65535  # Convert to float in range [0, 1]

# Use the depth channel as alpha channel (the channel order is BGRA - applies OpenCV conventions).
bgrd = np.dstack((img, depth))

print("\n\nRGBD shape")

# Save the data to exr file (the color format of the exr file is RGBA).
# Error: cv::initOpenEXR imgcodecs: OpenEXR codec is disabled.
#cv2.imwrite('rgbd.exr', bgrd)

rgbd = cv2.cvtColor(bgrd, cv2.COLOR_BGRA2RGBA)
imageio.imwrite('rgbd.exr', rgbd)

# Reading the data:  

#bgrd = cv2.imread('rgbd.exr')  # Error: cv::initOpenEXR imgcodecs: OpenEXR codec is disabled.
rgbd = imageio.imread('rgbd.exr')

img = bgrd[:, :, 0:3]  # First 3 channels are the image.
depth = bgrd[:, :, 3]  # Last channel is the depth

img = (img*255).astype(np.uint8)  # Convert back to uint8
#depth = (depth*65535).astype(np.uint16)  # Convert back to uint16 (if required).

# Show images for testing:
cv2.imshow('img', cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2RGB))
cv2.imshow('depth', depth)


  • 您可能需要做一些修改 - 我不确定尺寸(64x12161216x64),也不确定代码 depth = depth[:, :, np.newaxis]
    我可能对 depth_image.png.
  • 的格式有误


将 16 位 RGBA 保存到 PNG 文件:

而不是使用 EXR 文件和 float32 像素格式...
我们可能会使用 PNG 文件和 uint16 像素格式。

PNG 文件的像素格式将为 RGBA(RGB 和 Alpha - 透明通道)。
每个颜色通道将是 16 位(2 字节)。
Alpha 通道存储深度图(采用 uint16 格式)。

  • img转换为uint16(我们可以选择不缩放256):

     img = img.astype(np.uint16)*256
  • img(3通道)和depth(1通道)合并为4通道:

     bgrd = np.dstack((img, depth))
  • 将合并后的图像保存为 PNG 文件:

     cv2.imwrite('rgbd.png', bgrd)


import numpy as np
import cv2

scale = (64, 1216)

# load image and resize
img = cv2.imread('RGB_image.jpg')  # The channels order is BGR due to OpenCV conventions.
img = cv2.resize(img, scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)

# Convert the image to from 8 bits per color channel to 16 bits per color channel
# Notes:
# 1. We may choose not to scale by 256, the scaling is used only for viewers that expects [0, 65535] range.
# 2. Consider that most image viewers refers the alpha (transparency) channel, so image is going to look strange.
img = img.astype(np.uint16)*256

# load depth and resize
depth = cv2.imread('depth_image.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)  # Assume depth_image.png is 16 bits grayscale.
depth = cv2.resize(depth, scale, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)

if depth.ndim == 3:
    depth = depth[:, :, 0]  # Keep one channel if depth has 3 channels?  depth = depth[:, :, np.newaxis]

if depth.dtype != np.uint16:
    depth = depth.astype(np.uint16)  # The depth supposed to be uint16, so code should not reach here.

# Use the depth channel as alpha channel (the channel order is BGRA - applies OpenCV conventions).
bgrd = np.dstack((img, depth))

print("\n\nRGBD shape")
print(bgrd.shape)  # (1216, 64, 4)

# Save the data to PNG file (the pixel format of the PNG file is 16 bits RGBA).
cv2.imwrite('rgbd.png', bgrd)

# Testing:
# Reading the data:
bgrd = cv2.imread('rgbd.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

img = bgrd[:, :, 0:3]  # First 3 channels are the image.
depth = bgrd[:, :, 3]  # Last channel is the depth

#img = (img // 256).astype(np.uint8)  # Convert back to uint8

# Show images for testing:
cv2.imshow('img', img)
cv2.imshow('depth', depth)