How to create a menu system for a console, terminal application
我寻找“如何为控制台、终端应用程序创建菜单系统”。 None 提出的类似问题完全回答了我的目标。
- 向控制台应用程序添加菜单以管理活动。
- 运行 一个选定的函数。
- 清除输出
- 如果选择完成,则再次显示菜单或退出
因此,我将其作为一种问答形式来处理。 It’s OK to Ask and Answer Your Own Questions
1. Add a menu to a console application to manage activities.
2. Run a selected function.
3. Clear the output
4. Display the menu again or exit if done is selected
import sys
from os import system
def display_menu(menu):
Display a menu where the key identifies the name of a function.
:param menu: dictionary, key identifies a value which is a function name
for k, function in menu.items():
print(k, function.__name__)
def one():
print("you have selected menu option one") # Simulate function output.
input("Press Enter to Continue\n")
system('cls') # clears stdout
def two():
print("you have selected menu option two") # Simulate function output.
input("Press Enter to Continue\n")
system('cls') # clears stdout
def three():
print("you have selected menu option three") # Simulate function output.
input("Press Enter to Continue\n")
system('cls') # clears stdout
def done():
system('cls') # clears stdout
def main():
# Create a menu dictionary where the key is an integer number and the
# value is a function name.
functions_names = [one, two, three, done]
menu_items = dict(enumerate(functions_names, start=1))
while True:
selection = int(
input("Please enter your selection number: ")) # Get function key
selected_value = menu_items[selection] # Gets the function name
selected_value() # add parentheses to call the function
if __name__ == "__main__":
我寻找“如何为控制台、终端应用程序创建菜单系统”。 None 提出的类似问题完全回答了我的目标。
- 向控制台应用程序添加菜单以管理活动。
- 运行 一个选定的函数。
- 清除输出
- 如果选择完成,则再次显示菜单或退出
因此,我将其作为一种问答形式来处理。 It’s OK to Ask and Answer Your Own Questions
1. Add a menu to a console application to manage activities.
2. Run a selected function.
3. Clear the output
4. Display the menu again or exit if done is selected
import sys
from os import system
def display_menu(menu):
Display a menu where the key identifies the name of a function.
:param menu: dictionary, key identifies a value which is a function name
for k, function in menu.items():
print(k, function.__name__)
def one():
print("you have selected menu option one") # Simulate function output.
input("Press Enter to Continue\n")
system('cls') # clears stdout
def two():
print("you have selected menu option two") # Simulate function output.
input("Press Enter to Continue\n")
system('cls') # clears stdout
def three():
print("you have selected menu option three") # Simulate function output.
input("Press Enter to Continue\n")
system('cls') # clears stdout
def done():
system('cls') # clears stdout
def main():
# Create a menu dictionary where the key is an integer number and the
# value is a function name.
functions_names = [one, two, three, done]
menu_items = dict(enumerate(functions_names, start=1))
while True:
selection = int(
input("Please enter your selection number: ")) # Get function key
selected_value = menu_items[selection] # Gets the function name
selected_value() # add parentheses to call the function
if __name__ == "__main__":