
Speed of swapping elements in a doubly linked list Vs a singly list


swapsingle(): swaps elements in a singly linked list
swapdouble(): swaps elements in a doubly linked list

但是我正在阅读的书(Python 中的数据结构和算法 - Michael H. Goldwasser、Michael T. Goodrich 和 Roberto Tamassia)说双向链表中的交换应该比单链表中的那个。但是当我计时两个函数 swapdouble() 时速度较慢


    class SingleLL:
        """ Singly Linked List Class """ 
        # Nested _Node class
        class _Node:
            __slots__ = '_element', '_next'
            def __init__(self, element, next):
                self._element = element
                self._next = next
        def __init__(self):
            """ Create an empty Stack"""
            self._head = None # Reference to the Head node
            self._size = 0
        def __len__(self):
            """ Returns the number of elements in the stack"""
            return self._size
        def push(self, e):
            """ Add element e to the top of the stack"""
            self._head = self._Node(e, self._head)
            self._size += 1
        def __str__(self):
            """ Printing a Linked List"""
            # defining a blank result variable
            result = ""
            # initialising the printer to head
            printer = self._head
            # traversing and adding it to result
            while printer:
                result += str(printer._element) + ", "
                printer = printer._next
            # removing the trailing comma
            result = result.strip(', ')
            # before printing we check if the list is empty or not
            if len(result):
                return "[" + result + "]"
                return "[]"
    class DoubleLL:
        """A base class providing a doubly linked list representation"""
        class _Node:
            """Lighweight, non-public class for storing a doubly linked node."""
            __slots__ = '_element', '_prev', '_next'
            def __init__(self, element, prev, next):
                self._element = element
                self._prev = prev
                self._next = next
        def __init__(self):
            """ Create an empty list"""
            self._header = self._Node(None,None,None)
            self._trailer = self._Node(None, None, None)
            self._header._next = self._trailer
            self._trailer._prev = self._header
            self._size = 0
        def __len__(self):
            return self._size
        def _insert_between(self,e, predecessor, successor):
            """ Add element e between two existing nodes and return new node."""
            newest = self._Node(e,predecessor,successor)
            predecessor._next = newest
            successor._prev = newest
            self._size += 1
            #return newest
        def push(self, e):
            """ Add element e to the front of the list"""
            self._insert_between(e,self._header, self._header._next)
        def __str__(self):
            """ Printing a Linked List"""
            # defining a blank result variable
            result = ""
            # initialising the printer to head
            printer = self._header
            # traversing and adding it to result
            while printer:
                result += str(printer._element) + ", "
                printer = printer._next
            # removing the trailing comma
            result = result.strip(', ')
            # before printing we check if the list is empty or not
            if len(result):
                return "[" + result + "]"
                return "[]"


    def swapsingle(L,a,b):
        if a == b:
            # let's look for the node with 'a' as an element
            preva = None
            loca = L._head
            while loca._next != None and loca._element != a:
                preva = loca
                loca = loca._next
            # let's look for the node with 'b' as an element
            prevb = None
            locb = L._head
            while locb._next != None and locb._element != b:
                prevb = locb
                locb = locb._next
            # if either 'a' or 'b' is not on the linked list, do nothing
            if loca == None or locb == None:
            # if 'a' is not the head of the list
            if preva != None:
                preva._next = locb
                L._head = locb
            # if 'b' is not the head of the list
            if prevb != None:
                prevb._next = loca
                L._head = loca
            # swap next pointers
            temp = loca._next
            loca._next = locb._next
            locb._next = temp
    def swapdouble(L,a,b):
        if a == b:
            # let's look for 'a'
            loca = L._header
            while loca._next != None and loca._element != a:
                loca = loca._next
            # let's look for 'b'
            locb = L._header
            while locb._next != None and locb._element != b:
                locb = locb._next
            # if either 'a' or 'b' are not on the list, do nothing
            if loca == None or locb == None:
            # change prev
            temp = loca._prev
            loca._prev = locb._prev
            locb._prev._next = loca
            locb._prev = temp
            temp._next = locb
            # change next
            temp = loca._next
            loca._next = locb._next
            locb._next._prev = loca
            locb._next = temp
            temp._prev = loca
    L = SingleLL()
    for i in range(1,5):
    %timeit swapsingle(L,1,3)
    D = DoubleLL()
    for i in range(1,5):
    %timeit swapdouble(D,1,3)


[4, 3, 2, 1]
844 ns ± 10.4 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
[4, 1, 2, 3]
[None, 4, 3, 2, 1, None]
1.12 µs ± 2.83 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000000 loops each)
[None, 4, 1, 2, 3, None]


我认为该声明是关于交换两个节点,仅给出对节点的引用,而不是它们的值(甚至可能不是唯一的)。然后很明显:在 doubly-linked 列表的情况下,您有指向交换节点的前身和后继节点的指针,因此您可以只交换它们。在 singly-linked 列表的情况下,您首先必须遍历列表以找到前任。